くつろぎカイロプラクティック整体院 - Omiyacho

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact くつろぎカイロプラクティック整体院

住所 :

Omiyacho, 〒630-8115 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 630-8115
Webサイト : http://kutsurogi2010.com/
街 : Nara

Omiyacho, 〒630-8115 Nara,Japan
みんごりん on Google

Two years ago, I was struck by a terrible noise in my neck. After that, my right hand gradually became numb, and as a result of MRI, I was told, "Have you had an accident? It seems that you have a trauma to your neck and it hits your nerves. There is no way to fix it just by cheating with medicine." Of course, I have no experience of accidents, so I doubt the causal relationship with the treatment. I regret that I should have had the knowledge that I didn't want my neck to touch at that time.
Oki “OkiOki” Oki on Google

肩こりと腰痛が酷く、定期的に利用させてもらっています。 先生は優しく、今の自分の状態に合わせて的確に見ていただけるので、全体的に重い身体も施術後は肩と腰の痛みもとれ、身体が軽くなるのが実感できます。 お店は清潔感と暖かみがある雰囲気で、初めての方でも入りやすく、本当にオススメです。 これからも利用させていただきます。 ありがとうございました。
I have severe stiff shoulders and back pain, so I use it regularly. The teacher is kind and you can see exactly according to your current condition, so you can feel that the pain in the shoulders and lower back is relieved and the body becomes lighter after the treatment even if the body is heavy as a whole. The shop has a clean and warm atmosphere, and even beginners can easily enter it, so I really recommend it. We will continue to use it. Thank you very much.
riri A on Google

ぬるいリハビリで右四十肩が悪化した為、ネットで口コミのよかったこちらに決めました。 毎回ガチガチな体を解してもらい、こむら返りとぎっくり腰がなくなりました!! 施術は、痛いですが(バリ硬のため)2、3回目で、右側のとても辛かったむくみがとれてとても楽になりました。ありがとうございます。 家でできるストレッチなど、親身にアドバイスしてくださり、とてもありがたいです。 最近は、腕もあがるようになり、本当に嬉しいです。 終わった後、肩とか体がとても軽くなります。お友達にも教えたい位オススメです。 くつろぎさんに決めてよかったと思います。 またよろしくお願いします。
Since my right shoulder deteriorated due to lukewarm rehabilitation, I decided to go here with good reviews on the net. Every time I had my body unraveled, I had cramps and my back was completely gone! !! The procedure was painful (because of the hard burr), but after the second and third treatments, the very painful swelling on the right side was removed and it became very easy. thanks you. I am very grateful for your kind advice on stretching at home. Recently, I'm really happy that my arms have improved. After finishing, your shoulders and body will be very light. I recommend it as much as you want to tell your friends. I'm glad I decided to relax. Also thank you.
ケン坊 on Google

Every time I get a low back, I make a reservation here and come. I transferred to various places all over the country and went to various Cairo stores, but this is the best. It's hard to make a reservation, but the evaluation is the highest.
chiharu nakamoto on Google

人生初めてのカイロプラクティック。 緊張して伺いましたが、東田先生の人柄と親しみやすさで、終始リラックスして施術を受けれました。 終わった時には身体の軽さが全然違いました。 アメとムチですが、本当に気持ちが良いです。 その他にストレッチの仕方なども教えていただきました。 店内も清潔感があって綺麗で、個室なのでリラックスして施術をうけれます。
The first chiropractic in my life. I was nervous, but thanks to Mr. Higashida's personality and friendliness, I was able to relax and receive the treatment from beginning to end. When it was over, the lightness of my body was completely different. It's a candy and a whip, but it feels really good. He also taught me how to stretch. The inside of the store is also clean and tidy, and since it is a private room, you can relax and receive treatment.
港陽子 on Google

一度きたらやみつきになりました。 肩こりとわからないほどのものすごく酷い肩こりで何年も悩んでいましたが、まず一度試しに行ってみただけで、効果を実感しました。タイの古式マッサージでも効果がでなかった私が、自信をもってオススメします。すごく丁寧かつ、気持ちの良いマッサージです。また、施術者の東田さんは、とても面白いので、リラックスできます。お店もめちゃ綺麗でした!
Once I became addicted. I was worried for years because of the terrible stiffness that I couldn't understand, but I tried it once and realized the effect. I was confident and recommended that Thai traditional massage was not effective. It is a very polite and comfortable massage. In addition, practitioner Higashida is very interesting and can relax. The shop was also very beautiful!
あけあけ on Google

自分に合う所がなくて、職場の人に紹介して貰いました。体が本当に楽なり、気持ち体が軽くなり動きやすくなりました。これからもお世話になろうと思います。 施術中の会話も楽しいですが 寝かかると気付いてくれて 静かに施術してくれ、お客さんの様子をよく見てるなぁと思いました。
There was no place that suits me, so I was introduced to a person at work. My body became really comfortable, my feelings became lighter, and it became easier to move. I will continue to take care of you. Conversation during the procedure is also fun Notice me when I fall asleep I thought that the treatment was done quietly and I was watching the customers closely.
R M on Google

I have a severe headache from stiff neck and shoulders, and I am indebted to this Cairo about once every 1-2 months. After each treatment, it became easier from the neck to the shoulders, and the frequency of taking headache medicine decreased. I get advice on my posture and I am very satisfied every time I go home!

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