ミニミニFC 上田原店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ミニミニFC 上田原店

住所 :

Uedahara, Ueda, 〒386-1102 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : http://uedahara-minimini.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6:30PM
Sunday 10AM–6:30PM
Monday 10AM–6:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10AM–6:30PM
Thursday 10AM–6:30PM
Friday 10AM–6:30PM
街 : Nagano

Uedahara, Ueda, 〒386-1102 Nagano,Japan
池田ゆり子 on Google

I was a female, but I did a lot of research. I'm glad to be kind. Men are not good enough.
chan kuma on Google

店員のみなさんの対応が良く、すぐに希望の物件が見つかりました。 物件を探してる人はおすすめです。
The clerk's response was good, and I found the desired property immediately. Recommended for those who are looking for a property.
中山実優 on Google

I moved in in a hurry, but it was helpful to have a good response.
件名なし on Google

ここまでやる気のない誠意を感じない接客は初めてで衝撃的でした。 営業をしてる者としてよくあの接客と営業態度で許されているなというレベルです。 接客指導が全くされてないのだなと感じました。 二度と行きませんが本当に心から不快で残念な気持ちになりました。
It was the first time for me to serve customers without feeling unmotivated and sincere, and it was shocking. As a business person, I am often allowed to serve customers and have a business attitude. I felt that there was no customer service guidance at all. I will never go there, but I was really uncomfortable and disappointed.
風太 on Google

2021 I went from spring to summer, but ... the man at the counter. The lack of motivation and attitude at the time of preview ... It's terrible. It seems that a friend of mine had a different look besides myself, and I was indignant with the same impression. Not recommended as a hospitality business.
まあ“まあ”まあ on Google

北島さんという男性の方、とても若いですが、きちんと話を聞いて親身になってくださいます。とてもおすすめです。若い方は話しやすいと思います。 他のスタッフの方に親族も世話になりましたが、とても雰囲気が良く、次引っ越すとしたらまた上田原店に行きたいと言っていました。
A man named Mr. Kitajima is very young, but he listens to me properly and becomes kind to me. I highly recommend it. I think young people are easy to talk to. The other staff members also took care of my relatives, but the atmosphere was very good and he said he would like to go to the Uedahara store again if he moved next time.
堀川宥真 on Google

様々な希望や質問一つ一つに親身に寄り添ってくださり、本当に有り難う御座いました。 親切かつ丁寧なご対応をいただき、最良のお部屋探しが出来ました。 今後とも宜しくお願い致します。
Thank you very much for your kindness and support for each of the various hopes and questions. Thanks to your kind and polite response, we were able to find the best room. Sincerely.
じーたー on Google

ご担当の方含め非常に丁寧な接客をいただきました。大学も近いことから学生さんの一人暮らしにも安心して任せられると感じました。 ぜひ!ご利用ください!
We received very polite customer service, including the person in charge. Since the university is near, I felt that I could safely leave it to the students to live alone. please! Please use!

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