Fashion Center Shimamura

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fashion Center Shimamura

住所 :

Shimoedo, Kani, 〒509-0203 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト :
街 : Gifu

Shimoedo, Kani, 〒509-0203 Gifu,Japan
ビビ子 on Google

店員さんは丁寧に対応してくれるお店です。 そんなに大きな店舗ではないので、品揃えはそれなりです。
The clerk is a shop that responds politely. It's not such a big store, so the product lineup is reasonable.
Marcia Sugiura on Google

Uma boa loja para roupas do dia dia, gosto tbem pq oferece números maiores, ja que estou fora do padrão japonês, alta e forte
A good store for everyday clothes, I like it too because it offers bigger numbers, as I'm outside the Japanese standard, tall and strong
千賀五十鈴 on Google

あれだけ商品があるのに wwwwww. 値段もお手頃なのに いまいちしっくりこないのは 私だけ?
Even though there are so many products wwwwww. Even though the price is reasonable What doesn't look right Just me?
M栄 on Google

I want you to have a little more large size ?
則幸野口 on Google

女性の衣料ファッションが多い店 付き添いで行っただけなので 何が良くて何が悪いかわかりませんが 人は出入りが多く地元に愛されるお店かと思います。
Shops with a lot of women's clothing fashion I just went with him I don't know what's good and what's bad I think it's a shop that is loved by the locals because people come and go a lot.
小川雅子 on Google

服と小物と布団と靴と色んな物があるから少しだけ目移りをしてしまいます。 値段が安い物あるし高い物あるから少しだけ迷う時もあります。
There are clothes, accessories, futons, shoes, and various other things, so I'm a little distracted. There are cheap and expensive items, so sometimes I get lost a little.
ガジガジ on Google

The inside of the store was beautiful, and above all, the female staff at the cash register was very friendly and I was able to shop comfortably.

low price

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