Famina Tomizawa - Sendai

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Famina Tomizawa

住所 :

Kyonokita-46-2 Tomita, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87978
Postal code : 982-0033
Webサイト : https://www.famina-tmg.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7:30PM
Sunday 10AM–7:30PM
Monday 10AM–7:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–7:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–7:30PM
Thursday 10AM–7:30PM
Friday 10AM–7:30PM

Kyonokita-46-2 Tomita, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0033, Japan
bo hiro on Google

The food and miscellaneous goods posted on the leaflets are attractive, but it is a pity that the card payment is over 1980 yen.
キャスターミッキー on Google

とにかく安い。文房具はキャラクターものが沢山あります。何か掘り出し物ないか、行ってます。 衣類、タオル系、ホームセンター系なども、毎回違うものが売ってて、買おうか迷ってしまうと、次行くともう売れてないって事が多い。(笑)一期一会的なお店。
Anyway, it's cheap. There are many character stationery items. I'm going to see if there is any bargain. Clothes, towels, home improvement stores, etc. are sold differently every time, and if you are wondering whether to buy them, it is often the case that they are no longer sold the next time you go. (Laughs) A once-in-a-lifetime shop.
カトウトモアキ on Google

I get the impression that there are many relatively cheap clothing items. There were also products related to masks and bedding. I'm not offended, but to be honest, I thought the quality was reasonable.
紫沙希 on Google

不快な気持ちになりました。昨日、人形焼きのようなお菓子を買いました。帰ってくると賞味期限が1か月も過ぎていました。電話したけどレシートの電話番号の市外局番は間違っているし電話音声のみで店には繋がりません。次の日、母親がレシートをもって返品しに言ったら店員は笑いながら「そうですかー」の軽い一言で謝罪はありませんでした。まだ同じ品物が並んでいるのにそれを指摘しても軽い対応「わかりましたー」だけ。対応が悪く母親の話を聞いてとても不快になりました。せめて「もうしわけありませんでした」の一言があればいいのに、それもなし。経営理念にある「消費者利益の実現に貢献する」とあるけど、消費者としてマイナス。行動指針の「悪しき風習は作らない」ありますが、既に悪しき風習が出来上がっていると思いました。この店はできる前から気になってて好きだったど、私も家族も2度と行きません。 この店は雑貨の安さを売りにしていますが、今後、他の皆さんも商品に不備があって返品したいと思っても店側が変わらない限り私と同じ不快な気持ちになると思います。
I felt uncomfortable. I bought sweets like ningyo-yaki yesterday. When I came back, the expiration date had passed for a month. I called, but the area code of the phone number on the receipt is incorrect, and I can't connect to the store with only the phone voice. The next day, when my mother told me to return it with a receipt, the clerk laughed and said "Is that so?" With a light word and did not apologize. Even though the same items are still lined up, even if I point out that, it's just a light response "I understand". I was very uncomfortable listening to my mother's story because of poor response. I wish I had at least one word, "I'm sorry", but none. The management philosophy says, "Contribute to the realization of consumer profits," but it is a minus as a consumer. There is an action guideline "Do not create bad customs", but I thought that bad customs had already been created. I've always been interested in this shop and liked it, but neither I nor my family will go there again. This store sells cheap miscellaneous goods, but in the future, even if other people want to return the product due to a defect, I think it will be as unpleasant as I am unless the store changes.
すもも on Google

Since the products sold at other stores are expensive, I buy similar products cheaply here. It's fun to see because there are various things.
ゆりあんれとると on Google

チラシの入る日には、目玉商品を目当てにお客さんが集中するようだ 並びはじめてから精算が終わるまで30分もかかった? ハッキリ言って買い物している人より、列に並んでいる人のほうが多かった 長蛇の列の皆さんは、皆、諦めて辛抱強く並んでいたが、 一人だけ大声を上げていたおじさんがいた、でも最後尾に並んだようだった レジは2つだけで、どちらもスタッフ一人のみの対応 人員を増やせないのか?
On the day when the leaflet comes in, it seems that customers are concentrated on the featured products. It took 30 minutes from the start of lining up to the end of payment ? There were more people in line than people who were shopping clearly. Everyone in the long line gave up and lined up patiently, There was only one uncle who was yelling, but it seemed to line up at the end There are only two cash registers, both of which are supported by only one staff member. Is it possible to increase the number of staff?
高橋勉 on Google

It's unpleasant, the customers are rural things, but the clerk also monitors and doesn't greet them. Also, the phone is an announcement and you can't talk to the clerk directly, so be careful of your customers! It seems that they will not respond unless you go directly to the store
pepe on Google

広告が入った日は駐車場に車がたくさん止まっていて客入りは良さそうですが、それ以外の日は数台しか止まっておらず空いてそうです。 広告が入った日は、お菓子や日曜雑貨は安くて良いですね。早めに行かないと目当ての商品はすぐなくなります。
A lot of cars are parked in the parking lot on the day when the advertisement is entered, and it seems that it is good for customers to enter, but on other days, only a few cars are parked and it seems to be vacant. On the day when the advertisement is included, sweets and Sunday miscellaneous goods are cheap and good. If you don't go early, the products you are looking for will disappear soon.

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