FamilyMart - Nakano City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact FamilyMart

住所 :

2 Chome-11-2 Kamisaginomiya, Nakano City, Tokyo 165-0031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 165-0031
Webサイト :

2 Chome-11-2 Kamisaginomiya, Nakano City, Tokyo 165-0031, Japan
梅の実 on Google

The customer service is getting worse and worse. After the former store manager disappeared ...
カズヤ on Google

It is quite crowded at noon and the eat-ins are full and flourishing. The parking lot is also large and a little more!

There is eat-in. It tends to be crowded with construction workers during the lunch break and high school students in the evening. The store manager has a good personality and a homely atmosphere.
フトリギミ on Google

お店の環境はみなさん投稿しているのでお分かりいただけると思うのですが、個人的に感じたのは「商品の陳列が物凄く綺麗」です。 だから?って言われてしまったらそれまでなのですが、いたる商品がきれいに並んでいて、お菓子など袋の商品もピシッと立っていてパッケージも見やすいんです。 個人的にすごく気持ちが良いです。 あとタバコの種類も豊富で、ガラムなどの海外タバコも並んでいます。
I'm sure you'll be able to find out about the store's environment because you've posted it, but I personally felt that the display of the products was really beautiful. So? That's it until then, but all the products are lined up neatly, and the products in bags, such as sweets, are standing up and the packages are easy to see. I feel very good personally. There are also many types of tobacco, and there are also international tobacco such as garam.
田中アル on Google

ここのファミマは接客が凄くいい 挨拶は聞いてて元気出るし、レジの対応も丁寧でいつも安心する。
FamilyMart here has very good customer service Listening to the greetings makes me feel good, and the cashier's response is polite and always reassuring.
inaba sylph on Google

今住んでいる部屋に越して少なくとも週一で利用させて貰ってます。店長さんやスタッフさんが変わったりはありましたが、新しいスタッフさんも対応や接客が良くいつも気持ちよく利用してます。 先日、帰宅してからレジ袋の中に購入した商品が入ってなかったのに気が付き直ぐにお店に連絡したら…『直ぐにお持ちします』との事でわざわざ自宅まで持ってきて頂きました。 別のコンビニでも同じ様な事があったのですが、対応は酷いものでした。 新人さんとかでどうしても入れ忘れはあるとは思いますが、仕方のない事。でも…その事のフォロー次第でお店に対する信用とか全く違って来ます。 このお店はこれからも利用したいと思います。
I move to the room where I live now and use it at least once a week. The store manager and staff have changed, but the new staff are always comfortable with the support and customer service. The other day, when I got home and noticed that the item I bought wasn't in the shopping bag, I immediately contacted the store ... "I'll bring it right away," so I took the trouble to bring it home. The same thing happened at another convenience store, but the response was terrible. I'm sure there are newcomers who forget to put it in, but it can't be helped. But ... Depending on the follow-up, the credit to the store will be completely different. I would like to continue using this shop.
Kazuyoshi Ogawa on Google

2021年10月4日現在、イートイン5席あり。 広めの駐車場あり、各席AC電源が2口あり、Charge SPOTもあってトイレも借りられます。 セルフレジもあるし、たまたま寄ったときは店内店外とも店員さんが掃除してて、とてもきれいになってました。 イートインの壁には季節の写真が飾ってあったり、すごく気を使っているであろうことが感じられます。 清潔感があって過ごしやすく、とても好印象なコンビニです。 緊急事態宣言は解除されたもののイートインが使えないままのコンビニがちらほらあるので、こういう店舗はほんとありがたいです。
As of October 4, 2021, there are 5 eat-in seats. There is a large parking lot, there are 2 AC power supplies for each seat, there is a Charge SPOT, and you can rent a toilet. There is also a self-checkout, and when I happened to stop by, the clerk cleaned the inside and outside of the store, and it was very clean. The walls of the eat-in are decorated with seasonal photographs, and you can feel that you are very careful. It is a very clean convenience store that is easy to spend and has a very good impression. There are some convenience stores where the state of emergency has been lifted but eat-in is not available, so I'm really grateful for these stores.
たか on Google

遅い時間帯によく おばさんの店員さんに商品の事で聞きたい事があり すみませんと声をかけましたが あぁ〜と言いながら奥の倉庫に入って行ってしまいました。忙しかったのかもしれませんが他に一言あってもよかったし あんな無視するような態度はないと思います。コンビニで こんな不愉快な思いをしたのは初めてです。
In the late hours, I often asked my aunt's clerk about the product, and I'm sorry, but I went into the warehouse in the back while saying ah. Maybe I was busy, but I'm glad I had another word, and I don't think I have such an attitude of ignoring it. This is the first time I have had such an unpleasant feeling at a convenience store.

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