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Contact FaMgym

住所 :

Senju, Adachi City, 〒120-0034 Tokyo,Japan

Webサイト : https://famgym.tokyo/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–10:30PM
Sunday 10AM–10:30PM
Monday 10AM–10:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–10:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–10:30PM
Thursday 10AM–10:30PM
Friday 10AM–10:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Senju, Adachi City, 〒120-0034 Tokyo,Japan
鈴木杏里 on Google

トレーニングや食事制限が自分に合ったもので 無理のない範囲で続けられます。 それでも身体が変わっているのが実感できます!
Because the training and dietary restrictions suit me You can continue within a reasonable range. You can still feel that your body has changed!
kiyo h on Google

年齢や体力に合わせて細かく丁寧に指導してくれます。 スポーツジムではなかなか継続して通えず、 筋トレ初心者でしたが、適切な指導のお陰で楽しくトレーニングが出来ています。 何よりも体力と筋力がアップしていくのが トレーニングをする度に実感が出来てとても嬉しいです!
They will guide you in detail and carefully according to your age and physical strength. I couldn't keep going at the gym I was a beginner in muscle training, but thanks to proper guidance, I am able to enjoy training. Above all, physical strength and muscular strength improve I am very happy to be able to feel it every time I train!
aki a on Google

筋トレ初心者で、不安なことがいっぱいだった私に、分かりやすく丁寧に根気よく説明して下さいました。 無理なく体重も落とせました。 一人では頑張れないことも、池田トレーナーとだから頑張れました。 身体にも心にも寄り添ってくれて、色んなことをフォローしてくれて、安心できるし、何より楽しくトレーニングができました! これからもずっと続けていきたいと思えるそんなジムです!
He was a beginner in muscle training and was full of anxiety, so he explained it in an easy-to-understand, polite and patient manner. I was able to lose weight without difficulty. I couldn't do my best alone, but I did my best because I was with Ikeda trainer. He was close to my body and mind, followed me on various things, and I was relieved, and above all, I enjoyed training! It is such a gym that I want to continue forever!
ふう on Google

I didn't like to exercise and I thought I couldn't continue training at the gym, but thanks to Mr. Ikeda, I enjoyed talking and training. It adjusts the training according to the physical condition and condition of the day. I want to keep going so that I don't run out of exercise.
Sayaka Nakamura on Google

年齢と共にたるんできた体を引き締めたかったのと、運動不足を解消したかったので、池田さんにトレーニングをお願いするようになりました。 いつも体調を気にかけてくださって、その日のコンディションに合わせてメニューを組んでくれます。 トレーニングを始めてからは、周りから「痩せた?」と言われるぐらい体が変わりました。 体力もついたのか、仕事が忙しくても以前ほどの疲労感が出ません。正直ここまで変わると思っていなかったのでとても嬉しく、池田さんには本当に感謝しています!これからも定期的に続けていきますので、よろしくお願いします。
I wanted to tighten my body that had become slack with age, and I wanted to eliminate lack of exercise, so I started asking Mr. Ikeda for training. They always care about their physical condition and organize the menu according to the conditions of the day. Since I started training, my body has changed so much that people around me ask me, "Did you lose weight?" Perhaps I'm physically fit, I don't feel as tired as I used to, even if I'm busy with work. To be honest, I was very happy because I didn't expect it to change so much, and I am really grateful to Mr. Ikeda! We will continue to do so on a regular basis, so thank you.
。 nao on Google

息子の卒業と入学式出席の為にダイエット‼️ 3年前は15号のサイズだったのが今は 9号のワンピースがゆとりを持って着ることができました。とても嬉しかったぁ〜? 息子も卒業式では、3年前は一緒に写真撮るのも嫌がってましたが、今は嫌がらず撮ってくれました。それも、すべて池田くんのサポートあってのコトです。感謝‼️感謝‼️ これからも、頑張りまぁす。
Diet for my son's graduation and attending the entrance ceremony! ️ Three years ago it was the size of No. 15, but now it is I was able to wear the No. 9 dress with plenty of space. I was very happy ~ ? At the graduation ceremony, my son didn't like taking pictures with me three years ago, but now he doesn't like taking pictures. That is all thanks to Ikeda-kun's support. Thanks! ️Thank you! ️ I will continue to do my best.

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