楽天モバイル エディオン ららぽーとEXPOCITY店

2.7/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact 楽天モバイル エディオン ららぽーとEXPOCITY店

住所 :

Senribanpakukoen, Suita, 〒565-0826 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://mobile.rakuten.co.jp/shop/edion_lalaportexpocityten/
街 : Osaka

Yukihiro on Google

浦辻英一 on Google

おいらたくふみ on Google

橋本明子 on Google

coffee cafe on Google

The person in charge was the worst
小泉貴大 on Google

I didn't make a reservation, but I'm glad that he responded immediately!
ai ai on Google

店員にテストsimでチェックしてもらったら、手持ちのキャリアが楽天モバイルで使えるということだったのに、いざ使い始めたら通信が不安定で、自宅ではデータ通信が使えず電話もできない。使えないなら実質1円のスマホを購入したのにと、数日後に店舗に言いに行ったが、当日でないと実質1円にはならないと言われた。 そりゃ当然かもしれないが、最初から手持ちのキャリアが「使えない」と言ってくれれば、実質1円のを買っておいたのに。店舗側の対応も誠実さを欠く。 初日に対応した店員のミスじゃないか!最悪です。
When I asked the clerk to check it with a test sim, it was said that my carrier could be used with Rakuten Mobile, but when I started using it, the communication was unstable, and I could not use data communication at home and I could not make a phone call. I went to the store a few days later to say that I bought a smartphone for 1 yen if I couldn't use it, but I was told that it wouldn't be 1 yen unless it was the same day. That may be natural, but if the carrier I had had said "I can't use it" from the beginning, I would have bought a real one yen. The store's response also lacks integrity. Isn't it a mistake of the clerk who responded to the first day! It's the worst.

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