
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact EW.Pharmacy

住所 :

Tomigaya, Shibuya City, 〒151-0063 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://edenworks.stores.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Tomigaya, Shibuya City, 〒151-0063 Tokyo,Japan
chiharu takahashi on Google

ドライフラワーの花束や瓶ずめなど販売されてます。 店内の雰囲気がlabのようでお花屋さんの感じがしないです。 自分で選んだドライフラワーを袋に摘めてくれます。 選ぶ際にstaffの方が選んだお花の特徴など説明してくれます。 さわったり、香りをかいだりと5感で選んだ花について話しをしてくれたので面白かったです。 お値段は少し高めですがプレゼントされたら私はうれしいです!
They sell bouquets of dried flowers and bottles. The atmosphere in the shop is like a lab and I do not feel like a flower shop. He / she picks the dried flower of his choice in the bag. The staff will explain the characteristics of the flower selected when choosing. It was interesting because he talked about the flowers he picked with his five senses, touching and smelling. The price is a little high, but I'm glad if given a gift!
k wataru on Google

EW.Pharmaceyのコンセプトは名前の通り調剤薬局(ファーマシー)のようにドライフラワーを調合して、お客様に提供するということだそうです。花の種類も奇数月ごとに変わるそうで、選べる花の種類も値段によって様々に調整できます。 またボトル(小さいものから大きなものまで選べて)のなかにアレンジすることも可能です。ボトルのなかにはオイル漬け!?もあって、今までに聞いたこともない新しいアートなフラワーアレンジメントですね。また袋のなかにアレンジしたドライフラワーの商品もありました。 場所はいわゆる奥渋、渋谷から代々木八幡に向かう道沿いにあります。周辺にはカフェも多いので、散歩がてらショッピングはいかがでしょうか?
The concept of EW.Pharmacey is, as the name suggests, to prepare dried flowers like a dispensing pharmacy (pharmacy) and provide it to customers. The type of flower also changes every odd month, so the type of flower you can choose can be adjusted depending on the price. You can also arrange them in bottles (small to big). Oil pickled in the bottle! ? It is also a new art flower arrangement that I have never heard of before. There was also a product of dried flowers arranged in the bag. The place is located along the road from Yotsugi Hachiman to Shibuya. There are many cafes in the area, so why not take a walk and go shopping?
立海薫 on Google

来店したのは数年前のことでしたが今更クチコミをいたします。 裏渋谷の一帯に居を構えるドライフラワー屋さんです。 ほかにハーバリウムも販売されています(寧ろこちらがメインかも) 内装を見る限りでは「花の薬局」といって何ら差し支えない様子。 店員さんの制服もどことなく白衣を模したもののようでした。 他の方がおっしゃられた通り大体3ヶ月ごとに花を差し替えており四季折々の花を商品として販売されています。 ボトルも小型の瓶状のものから中サイズの円柱型のもの数種類が確認でき、器の刻印も4文字までならオプションで付けられました。 評価が低かった原因はなんといっても値段が高かったことと、その出来の残念具合でした。 注文時に依頼側のイメージになるべく則するために色の希望を2色まで要望できたのですが、スタッフさんのほうから「銀を入れると見映えいいですけどいかがですか」とおすすめしたにも関わらず、完成した品を見たところ肝心の葉の中心に穴が開いてしまっており心底ガッカリしました。 また個人的にハーバリウムはこちらのような器に所狭しぎゅうぎゅうに詰め込むより、さりげなく一輪だけ余裕をみせるようにディスプレイするスタイルのほうが好みだったことも残念でした。 高評価のクチコミが目立つものの総じて色々と自分には趣味の不一致だった、というほかありません。 ただこちらの周辺は気になる店舗や雰囲気等ありましたので、機会があればそのうち探索に訪れたいとおもう次第でした。
I came to the store a few years ago, but I will review it now. It is a dried flower shop that lives in the area of ​​Urashibuya. Herbarium is also on sale (rather, this may be the main one). As far as the interior is concerned, it seems that it can be called a "flower pharmacy". The clerk's uniform seemed to imitate a white coat. As other people have said, the flowers are replaced about every three months, and seasonal flowers are sold as products. You can see several types of bottles, from small bottles to medium-sized cylinders, and the engraving on the vessel is optional if it has up to 4 letters. The reason why the evaluation was low was that the price was high and the disappointment of the result. At the time of ordering, I was able to request up to two colors in order to match the image of the requester as much as possible, but the staff also recommended that "It looks good if you add silver, but how about it?" Nevertheless, when I saw the finished product, I was disappointed that there was a hole in the center of the essential leaf. It was also a pity that I personally preferred the style of displaying herbarium so that only one wheel could be casually displayed, rather than stuffing it in a container like this one. Although the highly rated reviews are conspicuous, there are many things that I have no choice but to disagree with my hobbies. However, there were shops and atmospheres around here that I was curious about, so if I had the opportunity, I decided to visit there soon.
KJY F on Google

The new concept of flower shop!
Alexandra Van den bossche on Google

Very beautiful small shop, excellent and kind service! Shop owner speaks English as well.
SJ Yang on Google

didn't actually buy anything but exceptionally designed store that lures you in.
Christian Dao on Google

Friendly staff and a beautiful shop. They are trying their best to communicate with you, for instance the person who helped me was an experienced user of Google translate. Highly recommend this store if you want to bring something wholesome to someone special at home.
Chadwick Lee on Google

It was impressive that the staff really wanted to help my event goes successfully. Overall color, atmosphere, composition, even the way to give it, etc... I felt she doesn't just sell product only, but studiously consult for customer's special day.

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