Eterunafujiten - Fuji

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Eterunafujiten

住所 :

エテルナ富士店 12 Hinodecho, Fuji, Shizuoka 417-0056, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 417-0056

エテルナ富士店 12 Hinodecho, Fuji, Shizuoka 417-0056, Japan
長谷川和代 on Google

My son-in-law bought me a coach's wallet and shoes as a New Year's gift ?⤴️⤴️
まさし on Google

REGALのショートブーツが欲しくて訪問。 欲しいブーツのサイズがなかったので他店から取り寄せて、入荷したら電話連絡しますということなので、携帯番号を教えて引換券をもらいました。(入荷は2~3日後位) 1ヶ月近く経っても連絡ありません。 その間に、他店で同じブーツを購入。
I visited because I wanted REGAL short boots. I didn't have the size of the boots I wanted, so I ordered them from another store, and when they arrived, I would call them, so I told them my mobile number and got a voucher. (Arrival is about 2-3 days later) I haven't heard from you even after almost a month. Meanwhile, I bought the same boots at another store.
sango kani on Google

The clerk's response is good and I always buy birthday gifts here.
ひろまち on Google

I always buy shoes here. I think this is a good place for a little good ?
堀尾幸子 on Google

富士市では欠かせない靴屋さんですね 私はエテルナブランドの靴が好きでしたた。上質でしっかりと作られていて履き心地が良くお手頃な値段なのですが最近は見掛けません。コーナーが無くなったのでしょうか?
It's an indispensable shoe store in Fuji City I liked Eterna brand shoes. It's made of high quality and well made, comfortable to wear and reasonably priced, but I haven't seen it recently. Did the corner disappear?
佐藤泰輔 on Google

It's a beautiful store. I went during the leaflet period.
パンプキン on Google

素敵なお財布が沢山ありました。 残念ながら予算が足りなく購入できませんでした。次回行くときは購入したいと思います。バックもありましたよ。
I had a lot of nice wallets. Unfortunately, I couldn't buy it because I didn't have enough budget. I would like to buy it the next time I go. There was also a back.
是村優美子 on Google

Buy two. It was said that it will be on sale from tomorrow, but the short boots were sold at the selling price. I got a ticket that I can collect points and buy 2.000 yen.

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