質屋CLOAK名古屋大須店 - Nagoya

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 質屋CLOAK名古屋大須店

住所 :

Osu, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0011 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 460-0011
Webサイト : https://inoue78.com/
街 : Aichi

Osu, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0011 Aichi,Japan
Ikuko Kobayashi on Google

他店の査定額に納得いかず、こちらのお店に伺いました。 アクセサリー6点 査定時間も早く、査定結果も10万以上の差。 びっくりしすぎて鳥肌立ちました。他店のいい加減さに驚きと、 こちらの対応の良さにうれしく思いました。 とても良心的なお店だと思います。
I was not convinced by the other store's assessment and I visited this store. Accessories 6 points The assessment time is quick, and the assessment result is over 100,000 differences. I was overwhelmed and I got tired. Surprised by the casualty of other stores, I was glad to see the goodness of this correspondence. I think it is a very conscientious store.
yuko yamamoto on Google

An introduction was given to an acquaintance of jewelry experienced person. It seems that I checked in various ways before. It was said that it used for the treatment cost of the cat. It is recommended. In the middle, I have never used it. I was lost without knowing where to go, but it was good. It was easy to talk to the store's response well, and I got an extra talk. I still want to use it.
和子 on Google

長い間だお預けしていました 最近お預けした品を出しに行きましたが、電話で来店するむねをお伝えしたにも関わらず、五回以上お呼びしてやっと出てみえて、お支払いしましたが、最後は預けてあった商品を投げ捨てで返されました。 長い間だお預けして商品を出すとなったら投げ捨て、それがお客様にたいする態度なのでいいのでしょうか? 今までいいお店と思っていましたが、お預けの長期の人が出しに行くと投げ捨てとは、態度の変わりように、信用をして頂けに残念です。買い取りの人には親切高値ですが、お預けの人は金を預けても、金の価格があがっても、いつも同じ金額しかお貸しして頂けませんでした。
I've been with you for a long time I went to pick up the goods I recently checked in, but I told them to come to the store over the phone, but I tried to call more than five times and finally paid for it, but in the end I got the goods I had checked in I was thrown back and returned. Is it okay to throw away a product that has been deposited for a long time and throw it away, and that is the attitude towards the customer? I thought it was a good store so far, but throwing away when a long-term depositor goes out is disappointing to trust as the attitude changes. Although it is kindly expensive for the buyer, the depositor was always able to lend the same amount regardless of whether he deposited the money or the price of the gold increased.
林太郎 on Google

When I talked to my acquaintance about money, I was told that if I go to a pawnshop, I could borrow money for things, and I checked it and found that a pawnshop cloak was good in Osu, Nagoya. It was a diamond precious metal, but it was much more than I wanted to borrow and it was very helpful. The pawn shop was scared of me, but I was very kind. Thank you very much.
岩田篤宗 on Google

I had you buy gold platinum before and I bought it very high, so I asked you to buy diamonds this time. It was a diamond that had lost its appraisal report, but it was a reasonable amount of money to appraise properly. I have never used another pawnshop in Nagoya, but I think it is a conscientious pawnshop.
zoo ginza on Google

名古屋で金を売るなら大須のCLOAKが絶対にオススメです‼ここに来る前に何軒か大手の店にも査定をしいてもらったんですが、30万円も違いびっくりしました‼ 噂どおり高い金額で金を買取してくれます‼ 目の前で仕分けて、宝石にも値段を付けてくれるので安心ですよ。 名古屋ではぶっちぎりいで高いと思います‼ ここなら安心して貴金属を売れますよ‼
If you want to sell money in Nagoya, Osu's CLOAK is definitely recommended! Before I came here, I had a few major stores assess it, but I was surprised at the difference of 300,000 yen! As is rumored, he buys gold at a high price! You can sort them right in front of you, and it will give you a price on the gems, so you can rest assured. I think it's very expensive in Nagoya! Here you can sell precious metals with confidence!
小川幹人 on Google

質屋を初めて利用したモノです。 質屋は敷居が高い感じがありましたが、 意外と思ったのと違いました。 他の質屋を利用した事が無いのでわかりませんが、CLOAKさんは店主も気さくで話しすいですよ。 名古屋でなら個人的にはオススメの質屋です。 また何かあったとき利用したいと思えるお店です。
This is the first time I used a pawn shop. The pawn shop seemed to have a high threshold, It wasn't what I expected. I don't know because I haven't used other pawn shops, but CLOAK is kind enough to talk to the owner. I personally recommend this pawn shop in Nagoya. It is a shop that you will want to use when something happens again.
m-ono 2002 on Google

買い取り高かった。説明分かりやすく、仕事早かった。駐車場までついてて驚いた。駐禁とかコインパーキングの料金気にせずお店に行ける。 系列店は買い取り額がちょっとだけ安いので金額大きかったらこちらの本店に来るべき。
The purchase was high. The explanation was easy to understand and the work was quick. I was surprised to find the parking lot. You can go to the store without worrying about parking or coin parking fees. Affiliated stores are a little cheaper to buy, so if the amount is large, you should come to this main store.

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