ENEOS Dr.Drive セルフ羽島店 - (株)ENEOSフロンティア中国カンパニー

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ENEOS Dr.Drive セルフ羽島店 / (株)ENEOSフロンティア中国カンパニー

住所 :

Hashima, Kurashiki, 〒710-0043 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://eneos-ss.com/search/ss/pc/detail.php%3FSCODE%3D800302
街 : Okayama

Hashima, Kurashiki, 〒710-0043 Okayama,Japan
Chiemi Tagami on Google

イベントがたくさんあって、ガソリン入れるだけじゃないから、お得感ある☺️ 店員の態度も、気持ちいい✨ 洗車は、他より水圧があるから、キレイになる。
There are a lot of events, and it's not just about putting in gasoline, so it's a great deal ☺️ The attitude of the clerk is also pleasant ✨ Car wash is cleaner because it has more water pressure than others.
やまだたろう on Google

毎回給油、洗車でお世話になってます(_ _) 小さなサービスが心地よいです。 また来まーす?
I am indebted to refueling and car washing every time (_ _) Small service is comfortable. I will come again ?
そのうちあさって on Google

Since there are few people, there is a lot of waiting time in terms of service
mu ga on Google

ここのお店のLINEのか登録すると洗車機クーポンが毎週木曜日に配信されます。(水洗い¥100、ガラス系コーティング¥500) スタッフさんの対応も近隣店舗よりも良いです。 ガソリン自体は周辺より2円ほど高い気がします。
If you register for LINE at this shop, a car wash coupon will be delivered every Thursday. (Washing with water ¥ 100, glass coating ¥ 500) The correspondence of the staff is also better than the neighboring stores. I feel that gasoline itself is about 2 yen more expensive than the surrounding area.
mer bee on Google

When you become a friend of the line, you will receive a great deal of information ☆ Especially the coupon for the self-washing machine is very profitable ☆ The performance of the self-washing machine is very high and the coupon price is very cheap so it's the best Cospa ☆ Personally I think it's the best car wash machine around! It is also a nice point that you can use the towel for cleaning up for free!
Sano Ichiro on Google

いつも、お世話になっています。スタッフは親切ですよ。 いろいろ、相談できます。 スタッフがやる気があって、積極的なので、話をしててもこっちが元気になってきます。 今後とも、息の長いお付き合いをさせていただきたいと、思えるガソリンスタンドです。
I am always indebted. The staff is kind. You can consult with us in various ways. The staff are motivated and active, so even if you talk, this one will be fine. It is a gas station that I would like to have a long-term relationship with.
IDENT Hero on Google

セルフのガソリンスタンドです。それだけで終えているなら問題ないと思いますが、車に関しての色々な事に手を出した事でユーザにとって危険な問題を抱えていると思います。 (一例として、 車検後、ブレーキパットがキリキリだったと他の所で指摘された) 残念な事は、最後まで責任を持って仕事をして頂けなかったと言う点です。
It is a self-service gas station. I don't think it's a problem if it's done by itself, but I think that there are dangerous problems for the user by doing various things related to the car. (As an example, After the vehicle inspection, it was pointed out elsewhere that the brake pads were sharp) Unfortunately, I wasn't able to work responsibly until the end.
三上つとむ on Google

Although it is a self-stand, the staff are very friendly, and if you wash the car with a self-washing machine, a wipe towel will be provided as a service, which is helpful.

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