コスモ石油 倉敷北 SS (内海興産)

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コスモ石油 倉敷北 SS (内海興産)

住所 :

Miyamae, Kurashiki, 〒710-0065 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Webサイト : https://www.utsumi.jp/
街 : Okayama

Miyamae, Kurashiki, 〒710-0065 Okayama,Japan
よもとと on Google

A lively gas station. Very popular.
ピノキノ on Google

The gas is cheap and the employees are kind
norakuro 5656. on Google

セルフ並の安さ。 車内のゴミは各自で捨てに行って下さいね〜
As low as self. Please throw away the garbage in your car by yourself ~
石村純佳 on Google

If you register your e-mail address, you will receive emails on days when gasoline will be a little cheaper or events near the weekend.
大津奈美 on Google

I did not see the order in which the clerk was lined up, so the two who came later were guided first. I went there because it's cheap, but I don't think I'll go anymore because there are a lot of unpleasant things.
y e on Google

スピーディーで良し! サービス良し! 車両購入 車検 オイル交換して会員に成れば油の値段下がるし文句なし!
Speedy and good! Good service! Vehicle purchase, vehicle inspection, oil change and becoming a member will reduce the price of oil and there is no complaint!
鉄人29号 on Google

12/29午後から年末の給油と洗車に来ました。既に三台が洗車待ちですが、まだ少ない方ですね。 洗車中は何もする事がないので、動画を撮ってみました^^;
I came to refuel and wash the car at the end of the year from the afternoon of December 29th. Three cars are already waiting for car wash, but there are still few. I have nothing to do while washing the car, so I took a video ^^;
A. M. on Google

I used it when returning the rental car, but I wanted to use it again because of the kindness.

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