Endo Child Clinic - Kodaira

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Contact Endo Child Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-21-8 Onumacho, Kodaira, Tokyo 187-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 187-0001
Webサイト : https://endo-kodomo-clinic.com/

1 Chome-21-8 Onumacho, Kodaira, Tokyo 187-0001, Japan
S T on Google

評価が割れていますが我が家はいつもお世話になっています。 確かに厳しい先生なので、新生児をかかえて初めての育児で、毎日不安で潰れそうなときにすがる思いで初診で行ったときは、子供の症状の不安に加えて先生の厳しさに自分が耐えきれず(苦笑)かなり辛かったです。 ただ、最近は先生少し優しく(気を使ってくれる?)ようになったような気がします。私が慣れたのかもしれませんが。 他にも何件か小児科にはお世話になりましたが、 ここの先生は素早く的確に診察してくださってとてもありがたいです。余計な育児論とか押し付けてくる病院もある中、とても安心できます。笑 隔離外来も整っておりその点も安心です。 必要なときは大きい病院に紹介もしてくださいます。 最近WEB問診をはじめられたみたいですが、HPから初見でたどり着くのがちょっと大変です。
Although the evaluation is broken, my home is always indebted. It's true that he is a strict teacher, so when he was raising a newborn baby for the first time and went to the first visit with the feeling that he would be crushed by anxiety every day, he could endure the harshness of the teacher in addition to the anxiety of the child's symptoms. Zu (bitter smile) It was pretty painful. However, recently, I feel that the teacher has become a little kinder (do you care?). Maybe I'm used to it. I've been indebted to some other pediatrics, I am very grateful that the teacher here gave me a quick and accurate examination. You can rest assured that there are some hospitals that impose extra childcare theory. Lol The isolation outpatient department is also in place, which is also safe. If necessary, please refer to a large hospital. It seems that you have recently started a web interview, but it is a little difficult to get to it from the HP at first sight.
ティキャラ on Google

It's the worst. It was a long time ago, but I felt uncomfortable with a high-pressure attitude. I don't always say that I should smile, but it's not the attitude I take in front of young children. After that, I changed to Hanakoganei's pediatrics department. She is a female doctor and is very kind and does not dislike children.
MIKI on Google

予約制で待ち時間が少なくとても便利です。 (最近、Web問診も導入?されてよりスムーズになった感じがします) 予防接種の時だけは人が多くて待ち時間が長いときがありますが(特にインフルエンザ、去年だと部屋に20人くらい待ってるときとかあったけど今年はコロナ対策とかで枠減らしたりするのかな?) 予防接種しに来てる具合悪くない人だと思えば全然気になりません! 先生は確かに厳しめで、通い始めた最初の頃にはよく怒られてました。(いつ頃から症状がでてどのくらいの状態なのかなどがはっきり答えられず…) 正直、最初は怖いなって思うことが多かったけどはっきりこれはダメ、こうなったら薬は止めていい。これはこういうことだからこうなんだ!などはっきり言って下さるところが良くて 実際、子どもの症状も良くなるしいつも診察で心音を聞くときに『悪くないよ!もっとひどくなるとゼロゼロなったりするからね。』など咳の症状が心配で通ってた時は何度それで私が安心できたことか…。 余計な発言や質問?みたいのをして嫌な態度をとられたこともありますが(笑) 私はこれからもずっと子どもたちを先生に診てもらいたいです! それと先生のおかげでどの病院に言っても聞かれたことをはっきり答えられるようになりました! 受付の方もどの方も感じが良くてお話ししやすいです。 個人的におすすめの小児科です!
It is very convenient because it requires a reservation and there is little waiting time. (Recently, Web interviews have been introduced, and I feel that it has become smoother.) There are times when there are many people and the waiting time is long only at the time of vaccination (especially influenza, last year there were about 20 people waiting in the room, but this year I wonder if I will reduce the frame by corona measures? ) If you think that you are not sick when you come to vaccination, you don't mind at all! The teacher was certainly strict and was often angry when he first started attending. (I can't clearly answer when the symptoms started and how long I was in ...) To be honest, I was often scared at first, but obviously this is no good, and if this happens, I can stop taking the medicine. This is because this is what it is! It ’s nice to say clearly In fact, my child's symptoms get better, and when I always hear my heartbeat at the doctor, I say, "It's not bad! If it gets worse, it will be zero. How many times did I feel relieved when I was worried about coughing symptoms? Extra remarks or questions? I've had an unpleasant attitude because of something like that (laughs) I want my children to see my teacher forever! And thanks to my teacher, I can answer clearly what I was asked at any hospital! All the receptionists feel good and easy to talk to. I personally recommend this pediatrics department!
ミスからあげ on Google

過去ワーストナンバー1。 家が近かったので3、4度行きました。 まず受付では症状を細かく聞かれ、先生に直接話せばいい事なので二度手間です。 先生はチャラチャラした感じで口コミにあるように圧力的で毒舌で偉そうです。 私はかなり低姿勢で通っていました。 診察では子供が泣いてて先生の声が聞こえなくて、 え?はい?と聞き返しても同じことは二度と繰り返さずそのまま声の音量も変えず話し続けます。 なので肝心なところは全く耳に入ってきませんでした。 風邪でかかり、いきなり1週間の細かい排便や便の状態を聞かれます。(子供は当時1歳ほどなので回数も多い) 今日は?昨日は?何時?何分?一昨日は?何時?何分?何回?この日は?何回?何分? 圧が半端ない 風邪でそんなこと聞かれるだなんて思ってもいませんでした。 しかも分単位。 隣の薬局で一緒になったママさんと話しをしたら先生の悪態について言っていました。 その方も近いから仕方なく来ているそうで。 4度目(最後に行った日)はあまりにも理不尽な事を言われたので「はあ?」とキレ気味に言ったら 逆に低姿勢で話してきました。 その日から二度と行くことはありませんでした。
Worst number 1 in the past. I went there three or four times because my house was close. First of all, at the reception desk, you will be asked about your symptoms in detail, and you only have to talk to the teacher directly, so it is troublesome twice. The teacher seems to be pressureful and poisonous as in the word of mouth with a fluttering feeling. I went in a fairly low position. At the examination, my child was crying and I couldn't hear the teacher's voice. picture? Yes? Even if I hear back, the same thing will not be repeated again and I will continue talking without changing the volume of the voice. So I didn't hear the important part at all. I have a cold and suddenly I am asked about the condition of defecation and stool for a week. (Since the child was about 1 year old at that time, there are many times) Today is? Yesterday? What time? How many minutes? The day before yesterday? What time? How many minutes? How many times? this day is? How many times? How many minutes? There is no pressure I never thought I would be asked that because of a cold. Moreover, in minutes. When I talked to my mom at the pharmacy next door, she said about the teacher's curse. It seems that he is coming because he is close. The 4th time (the last day I went) was said to be too unreasonable, so if I said "Huh?" On the contrary, I talked in a low position. I never went there again from that day.
塞翁が馬 on Google

医学知識が昭和のままで古いため、誤診リスクがある医院。 以前、6歳の子供の鼻水が酷くて連れて行き、花粉症ではと聞いたところ、院長から「花粉症は8歳にならないと発症しない。これは風邪だ」と言われたが、風邪薬では治らず、大きな病院で検査したらやはり花粉症だった。 当時、院長の机の上にあった医学書は昭和のものばかりで、知識を更新していないのがよく分かった。
Clinic where there is a risk of misdiagnosis because medical knowledge is old as it is in Showa. Previously, when I heard that a 6-year-old child had severe nasal discharge and had pollinosis, the director said, "Pollenosis does not develop until 8 years old. This is a cold." It didn't heal, and when I examined it at a large hospital, it was still pollinosis. At that time, all the medical books on the director's desk were from the Showa era, and it was clear that he had not updated his knowledge.
Y. M. on Google

2年ほど前から通っていて、上の子が幼稚園に入園してからは頻繁に診ていただいています。先生には何度か注意され、こんなに注意されるのは私だけかと思ってましたが、口コミで見る限りみなさん同じようで…笑 最初は厳しいなぁ、なんか怖いなぁって思ってました。 でも、本当に子供が好きなんだなと感じます。 現在7ヶ月の下の子の診察の際には、いつも、君可愛いなぁ〜と可愛がってくださいます。 親に厳しいのも、子供のことを1番に考えてくださってるからなんだと最近思いました。 症状が良くなったら一緒に喜んでくださり、こちらの質問にも的確に無駄のない返答をくださいます。 診察も予防接種もスムーズで、待ち時間もほぼありません。 あと受付の方がすごく親切で、子供の顔と名前も覚えてくださっていて、大きくなったね〜などと声をかけてくださいます。 先生の対応に関しては、合わない方もいらっしゃると思いますが、理不尽に怒ったりするわけではないし、先生がおっしゃることは正しい事ばかりなので、私は先生を信頼できると思っています。 転勤族なのでいつか引っ越すことになるのがとても残念です。
I've been attending for about two years, and since my older child entered kindergarten, I've been seeing him frequently. The teacher warned me several times, and I thought I was the only one who was so careful, but as far as I can see from the reviews, everyone is the same ... lol At first I thought it was tough, something scary. But I feel that I really like children. Whenever I see a child under 7 months old, he always loves me. I recently thought that the reason why parents are strict is that they think about their children first. If your symptoms improve, please be happy with us and give us an accurate and lean answer to this question. Examinations and vaccinations are smooth, and there is almost no waiting time. Also, the receptionist is very kind, remembers the child's face and name, and tells me that he has grown up. I'm sure there are some people who don't agree with the teacher's response, but I don't get angry unreasonably, and the teacher is just right, so I think I can trust him. I am very sorry that I will move someday because I am a transfer family.
midori on Google

クチコミが厳しいようでしたが、市の助産師さんからの勧めで行ってみました。待ち時間もなくスムーズでした。 先生はハッキリ答えてくれるタイプで、こちらの顔を見て話をしてくれます。他院のどっちつかずの返答をされる先生よりは好感が持てました。また、娘の寝顔や笑顔を可愛いと言ってくれて子供のことをちゃんと見てくれる先生だと安心しました。病院に慣れてなくモタモタしてしまいましたが嫌な顔せず対応してくれて助かりました。 受付・看護師さんも優しかったので、かかりつけにさせてもらおうと思います。
The word of mouth seemed to be strict, but I went there at the recommendation of a midwife in the city. It was smooth without waiting. The teacher is the type who answers clearly and talks by looking at this face. I liked it more than the teacher who gave me a reply from another hospital. Also, I was relieved that he was a teacher who said that his daughter's sleeping face and smile were cute and that he could see the child properly. I wasn't used to the hospital and I was sick, but I was saved because he responded without a disgusting face. The receptionist and the nurse were also kind, so I'd like to take care of them.
asm on Google

個人的には可もなく不可もなく。 予約は取りやすいです。 先生は聞いたことにははっきりと答えてくれるのでそこが厳しく感じる方もいるとは思います。 細かく聞いてくれるので言いそびれたとかそういうのもないし、時系列で症状の経過がわからない場合はその場での処方は見送りになったりはします。 それも症状をきちんと把握した上で診断をしてくれるが故なんだなと思います。 ギャン泣きで話が聞こえないくらいでしたが少し落ち着くまで待ってくれたりもしてくれました。 病状に対して答えをうやむやにして結局なんだったのかいつもモヤッとしたまま診察を終える感じよりは良いと思います。今まで通っていたところがそうでした。 受付の人はとても丁寧で優しい方たちで安心します。 待合室も広いし、キッズスペースも充分な広さがあるので今のご時世的にも合った環境スペースだと思います。 予約もネットでできるし、ウェブ問診もあるので面倒だと思わなければ家でゆっくり問診回答しながら予約時間まで待てるのでそこも良い点だと思いました。 初診で健康診断に行ったのですが、子供がおむつだけの状態のまま診察が終わり、待合室に出されたので着替えスペースを他の患者さんから見えないところに設けて欲しいと思い☆-1です。
Personally, it's neither good nor bad. It's easy to make a reservation. The teacher will answer clearly what you hear, so I think some people may find it harsh. Since they ask me in detail, I don't have to say anything about it, and if I don't know the course of symptoms in chronological order, I may postpone the prescription on the spot. I think that is also because they make a diagnosis after grasping the symptoms properly. I couldn't hear the story because I was crying, but he waited until I calmed down a little. I think it's better than the feeling of finishing the examination with a moody feeling as to what happened after reluctantly answering the medical condition. That was the place I used to go. The receptionists are very polite and kind, so you can rest assured. The waiting room is large and the kids' space is large enough, so I think it's an environmental space that suits the times. You can make reservations online, and if you don't think it's a hassle, you can wait until the appointment time while answering the questions at home, which is also a good point. I went to the medical examination at the first medical examination, but the medical examination was completed with the child in a diaper only state, and I was taken out to the waiting room, so I would like to have a space for changing clothes in a place that is not visible to other patients ☆ -1 ..

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