Edogawabashiichokomon Clinic - Bunkyo City

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Edogawabashiichokomon Clinic

住所 :

弥助ビル 5F 1 Chome-19-6 Sekiguchi, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 112-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 112-0014
Webサイト : https://www.edb-ichou.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–12PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–12PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–12PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9:30AM–12PM

弥助ビル 5F 1 Chome-19-6 Sekiguchi, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 112-0014, Japan
azu azu on Google

若く可愛らしい女医さんがテキパキ、サバサバと診てくれます。予約はホームページからネットで。40分以上待ちましたが、綺麗な待合室です。受付の方もマスク越しでも分かるくらい笑顔が良く、丁寧。駅の出口からすぐそば。自転車置き場はありません。薬局は同じ建物だけど、水曜は定休日だそうです。受診をお迷いの女性や若い方、サクッと予約して行ってみてください。 ※初めて行ったので、★は4個で。
A young and pretty female doctor will see you as squishy and savory. Reservations can be made online from the website. I waited for more than 40 minutes, but it's a beautiful waiting room. The receptionist also smiles so well that you can see it through the mask and is polite. Right next to the exit of the station. There is no bicycle storage. The pharmacy is in the same building, but Wednesday is a regular holiday. For women and young people who are uncertain about the consultation, please make a quick reservation and go. * Since I went there for the first time, there are 4 ★.
ゆたろ on Google

I came to the hospital for excision of hemorrhoids. It was good that the clinic and the nurses were very beautiful and the teachers were kind. The second time I came with the intention of following up, but the excision was completed during the day, and such a quick response was also helpful.
tokyojp2012 on Google

男性医師はやたら大腸カメラをやりたがる。 断って、もらった薬も効かず、結局他院へ行き解決。 他院の診察ではカメラのカの字も出なかった
Male doctors want to do a colonoscope. I refused, and the medicine I received didn't work, so I went to another hospital and solved it. At the medical examination of another hospital, the character of the camera did not appear.
K on Google

デリケートな部分ということもあり、女医の方に診察頂きました。 初診から、あまり相手の話を聞く態度が見られず、自分が知りたいことを矢継ぎ早に聞いてくる感じがしたので良い印象ではありませんでした。 検査結果を聞きに行ったところ、皮膚科に行って欲しいとのこと。それならば診察項目に書かないで頂きたいです。時間とお金の無駄でした。 常に上から目線で、鼻で小馬鹿にした態度を取られたところもかなり不満で、久々にハズレの先生に当たったなと思いました。
Because it is a delicate part, I had a female doctor see me. From the first visit, I didn't seem to listen to the other person so much, and I felt like I was asking what I wanted to know in quick succession, so it wasn't a good impression. When I went to hear the test results, he asked me to go to a dermatologist. If so, please do not write it in the examination items. It was a waste of time and money. I was quite dissatisfied with the fact that I was always looking from the top and making a fool of myself with my nose, so I thought I was the teacher of the loss after a long time.
s s on Google

痔の治療でお世話になりました。 受付の女性が2人ほどいらっしゃるのですが お一人の方はマスクの下でも口角が 上がっているのが わかるくらい微笑みかけてくれますが 会計業務をやられている方は冷たく、怖い印象を受けます。 医師も中での業務の、看護師さんも迅速で優しい印象を受けるのでただただ残念です。
Thank you for your help in treating hemorrhoids. There are about two women at the reception. One person has a corner of the mouth even under the mask Is up It smiles as much as you can see Those who are doing accounting work get a cold and scary impression. It's just a shame because doctors and nurses get the impression that they are quick and kind.
da wy on Google

Both stomach and intestines can be endoscopically performed in one day. There is nothing painful because you can stay drowsy with a sedative without any pain or discomfort. The teacher is also a very kind and low-profile teacher. I am always grateful for your help!
K Yutaka on Google

友人からすすめられてこちらのクリニックにお世話になり 人生で初めて検査をしました。 知人から、検査に関していろいろな話を聞いていたので 不安で仕方ありませんでしたが、スタッフの方々、特に女性の先生が とても親切にして下さったので、受診してからは不安もなく過ごせました。 院内もきれいで清潔感があり、いいと思いました。 検査も時間がもっとかかるものだと思っていましたが 思ったより早く終わったので、助かりました。 また、検査も異常がなかったので安心しました。 本当にありがとうございました。
Recommended by a friend and taken care of by this clinic I did the first test in my life. I heard a lot of stories about inspections from acquaintances I was worried, but the staff, especially the female teacher, He was very kind to me, so I was able to spend my time without anxiety after seeing the doctor. The hospital was clean and clean, and I thought it was good. I thought the inspection would take more time, It ended earlier than I expected, so I was saved. Also, I was relieved that there were no abnormalities in the inspection. I'm really thankful to you.
D wakako on Google

以前別の病院で検査をした際に不快な思いをしたことがあり、今回は女医さんにみてもらいたいと思って職場から行きやすいという理由で行ってみました。 クリニックは大変新しく清潔感があり、また対応してくれたスタッフや看護師さん達のチームワークもよい印象でした。 以前の病院での不信感から、つい色々しつこく質問をしてしまったのですが、診てくださった女性の先生は、テキパキした口調ながらも大変わかりやすくひとつひとつ丁寧に説明をして下さり、とても安心し納得することが出来ました。 職場の女性で、実はおしりを診てもらいたいけどなかなか勇気が出なくて行きづらいと言っている方がいたのでお勧めしました。駅からもすぐで便利ですので、通いやすい方にもお勧めします。
I had an unpleasant feeling when I had an examination at another hospital before, and this time I wanted to see a female doctor and went because it was easy to go from the workplace. The clinic was very new and clean, and the teamwork of the staff and nurses who responded was also a good impression. Due to the distrust of the previous hospital, I asked a lot of persistent questions, but the female teacher who consulted me gave me a very easy-to-understand explanation, even though it had a crisp tone. I was relieved and convinced. I recommended it because there was a woman at work who actually wanted to see her buttocks but said that she didn't have the courage to go. It is also convenient for those who are easy to get to because it is very convenient from the station.

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