Edion Obu - Obu

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Edion Obu

住所 :

5 Chome-110 Moriokacho, Obu, Aichi 474-0038, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 474-0038
Webサイト : https://search.edion.co.jp/e_store/spot/detail%3Fcode%3D0000004375

5 Chome-110 Moriokacho, Obu, Aichi 474-0038, Japan
WaKai 09 on Google

パソコンなどを揃えました、説明は専門的な数値とかの説明が解りにくかった(仕方ない)が接客もまずまず、各家電の担当者がいるので案内は速かった。 欠点は値段だ高すぎず安くもない、ネットなどで探せばもっと安く帰るものが保証やサービスの安心を求めるならありだと思った。
I had a personal computer, and it was difficult to understand the explanations such as professional numbers (it can not be helped), but the customer service was also reasonable and there was a person in charge of each home appliance, so the guide was quick. The downside is the price, which is neither too expensive nor cheap, and I thought there would be something cheaper to return on the Internet if you want security of the guarantee and service.
清水裕子 on Google

かなり、力、入れて、居ますよ。 接客態度100点以上です。
I'm putting a lot of effort into it. Customer service attitude is 100 points or more.
田中朱里 on Google

自宅近くのエディオンより親切。値引き交渉もできます。 説明は丁寧で、高いものを勧められることもありませんでした。 見積もりの時点で値引してくれていて好印象でした。
Kinder than Edion near home. You can also negotiate a discount. The explanation was polite and I wasn't even offered a high price. I was impressed with the discount at the time of estimation.
丸山由則 on Google

It seems that a very good town has been created.
シエナ様 on Google

感動すらした。 すごい店長が居る。 圧倒的な知識量とテンポが良い関西弁での商品説明。 非常にシンプルが故に一回も疑わなかった。 昭和の時代の思考『値段が高い方が性能が良い』という願望に似た常識。良い意味で覆された。迷ったら高い方、値引き額が多い方、などどうしても値段を基準に考えてしまっていた。 でも店長さん。我々は生まれ変わりました。 『ライフスタイルに合う方』コレですよね!結局思っていたより低価格の商品を購入。 やはり大きいチェーンの店長さんは違うね。 年老いた母と2人で凄い凄いとベタ褒めしながら帰路についた。 すっかりハート鷲掴み。清々しいほど天晴れ!
I was even impressed. There is a great store manager. Product explanation in Kansai dialect with overwhelming amount of knowledge and good tempo. I never doubted it because it was so simple. Common sense similar to the idea of ​​the Showa era, "the higher the price, the better the performance". It was overturned in a good way. If I was at a loss, I had to think about the price as a standard, such as those who were expensive and those who had a lot of discounts. But the store manager. We have been reborn. "People who fit your lifestyle" This is it! After all, I bought a product with a lower price than I expected. After all the manager of a big chain is different. I went home with my old mother and two people, praising them for being amazing. Grab a heart eagle completely. The refreshingly sunny weather!
プー介1122 on Google

It was my first visit to the store, but the clerk who responded was a pleasant person and I was relieved. There was no handling of toys or games. As for access, there is a median strip, so you should be careful when you go.
_ Nagano on Google

Main store for home appliances. I visited for a Waikman charging cable, but I searched for it because the sales floor was difficult to understand due to the number of items.
たかはしみえこ on Google

PCが不調で、購入を前提に詳しく説明してくれる方を呼んでもらいました。windows11になってから、アップデートが多くなり、動作が異常に遅くなり、起動に3時間!こりゃダメだ~って感じ。 こちらが知りたいことをきちんと説明してくれました。半導体不足もあり、待っていても当分安くなりそうもないので、windows11搭載のものに決めました。
I had a person who had a problem with my PC and explained in detail on the premise of purchasing. Since it became windows11, there are many updates, the operation becomes abnormally slow, and it takes 3 hours to start! I feel like this is no good. He explained exactly what he wanted to know. Due to the shortage of semiconductors, it is unlikely that it will be cheaper for the time being even if I wait, so I decided to install it on windows 11.

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