Edion Kameoka - Kameoka

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Edion Kameoka

住所 :

Maewaki-30 Oicho Namikawa, Kameoka, Kyoto 621-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 621-0013
Webサイト : https://search.edion.co.jp/e_store/spot/detail%3Fcode%3D0000011926%26utm_source%3DGMB%26utm_medium%3DGMB_tenpo%26utm_campaign%3DGMB_tenpo

Maewaki-30 Oicho Namikawa, Kameoka, Kyoto 621-0013, Japan
山本粧資 on Google

The clerk is nice ❗ Tell them what you want to buy and they will explain it in an easy-to-understand manner. It's a nice shop where you can shop comfortably ?
tko nki on Google

The product I was trying to buy from the product display shelf is a product before the release date, so it cannot be sold! A store with staff who can take it away.
mmk trd on Google

I saw wireless earphones, but you can divide them according to their characteristics. I hope you can try the cheap price range.
yanase abe on Google

Items sold out at a nearby mass retailer come in handy because of the abundant inventory here.
a u on Google

The item I bought was expensive, but I was given a cart to carry it to the car. It was unfriendly.
亀頭2:50 on Google

店舗移転後、初めて行きましたが、駐車場はとても広くて停めやすかったのですが、日中は日影が全く無く、雨の日は店舗近くに停めるか、傘を持参しないと確実に濡れます。 店舗内は広くて品数もたくさんあるのですが、値引き商品が少なく、店員さんと値引き交渉しても、全く交渉に応じてくれませんでした。 その他、店員さんの商品知識は非常にレベルが低く、何を聞いても即答は無く、不安に感じる応対でした。
I went there for the first time after moving the store, but the parking lot was very large and easy to park, but there was no shade during the day, and on rainy days I had to park near the store or bring an umbrella to get wet. I will. The store is large and there are many items, but there are few discounted products, and even if I negotiated a discount with the clerk, he did not accept the negotiation at all. In addition, the clerk's product knowledge was very low, and no matter what I asked, there was no immediate answer, and I felt uneasy.
辺昭(PasPasMan) on Google

以前はよかったのに移転してからパッとしない。 売り場もバラバラで何が何処にあるのか分かりにくいし品揃えも貧弱。 特にPC関連はゲーミング謳ったコーナーがあるのに置いてる製品は...近所のケー○にすらsataケーブルとかファン置いてるのに
It was good before, but I haven't been surprised since I moved. The sales floors are scattered, it is difficult to understand what is where, and the product lineup is poor. Especially for PC-related products, there is a corner that sings about gaming, but the products I have are ... Even though I have sata cables and fans in my neighborhood.
NAME NO (No name) on Google

接客が不親切です。 一度目はusbを買うために行きましたが、閉店2分前だった為、「もうすぐ閉店なんで、入店はもー無理ですねぇー」と入店を断られました。 二度目はレジの若い男性がダラダラしたタメ語のような口調でお会計してくれました。 会計中、やる気のない口調でキャッシャーの画面を見たまま「エディオンカードはおもちですかー」「お作り頂けるとポイントが貯まりますよー」と勧誘してき、イラッとします。 親切でなくとも「機械的」でいいんですが、やる気のない表情で語尾がダラダラ伸びた口調で、イラッとさせられます。 商品を買うために棚からとっただけでセキュリティが毎度ピーピーなるし、もうちょっと真面目に仕事してほしい。 入店は断られ、棚から商品とればピーピーなり、レジにいけばやる気のない店員が会計し、スタッフの教育が酷い店でした。
The customer service is unfriendly. The first time I went to buy a usb, but because it was two minutes before the store closed, I was refused entry, saying, "It's about to close, so it's impossible to enter." The second time, a young man at the cash register made a payment in a sloppy, tame-like tone. During the checkout, while looking at the cashier's screen in an unmotivated tone, he solicited "Do you have an EDION card?" And "If you can make it, you will earn points." It doesn't have to be kind, but it can be "mechanical", but it makes me irritated by the unmotivated expression and the sloppy tone of the ending. Just taking it from the shelf to buy a product will make security peepy every time, and I want you to work a little more seriously. The store was refused entry, and if the product was picked up from the shelf, it would be peepy, and if you went to the cashier, the unmotivated clerk would make the payment, and the staff education was terrible.

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