EDION - Motosu

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact EDION

住所 :

1607 Masada, Motosu, Gifu 501-0471, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 501-0471
Webサイト : https://search.edion.co.jp/e_store/spot/detail%3Fcode%3D0000004307%26utm_source%3DGMB%26utm_medium%3DGMB_tenpo%26utm_campaign%3DGMB_tenpo

1607 Masada, Motosu, Gifu 501-0471, Japan
ちな on Google

洗濯機が壊れ、急遽閉店30分前くらいに来店。にもかかわらず、丁寧に接客していただき、気持ちよく買い物ができました。設置の際、突然時間変更の電話があったり予約時間前にきて、バタバタしたのでこの評価です。お店対応はよかったです 。
The washing machine broke down and I came to the store about 30 minutes before the store closed. Nevertheless, I was able to have a nice customer service, and I was able to shop comfortably. At the time of installation, I received a phone call to change the time suddenly or came before the reserved time, and I was fluttering, so this is the evaluation. The store support was good.
t on Google

フロアの店員さんの接客は普通に良かったです。 ですが最後の会計の若い女が酷かった。 防犯タグを外すためにハサミを使ったが、ハサミも使えないのかな?バ〇とハサミは使いよう、とはよく言ったもの。 ゴリゴリにコジったりするからパッケージにすごい傷。 それでも何も言わない。 その姿にイラッとして、傷凄いからもうその商品は要りません。と伝えました。傷を指さしながら。 普通、「すみません」くらい言いません? 謝りもしない、「あっそうですか」みたいな態度。 こちらの商品いらないと言ったのが気に入らなかったのか、ムスっとした表情と態度で続きの精算。 気持ちよく買い物しても、最後の最後でくそ気分悪くなりました。 バイトかなんか知らんけど、女だからなんでも許されると思ってるのかな? 今時、店舗に直接言うよりネットで情報共有する方が他のお客さんのためになると思い、初の書き込みしました。
The customer service of the clerk on the floor was usually good. But the young woman in the last treasurer was terrible. I used scissors to remove the security tag, but can't I use scissors? I used to say that I should use scissors and scissors. It's a terrible scratch on the package because it gets squeaky. Still say nothing. I'm irritated by its appearance, and I don't need the product anymore because it's so scary. I told you. While pointing at the wound. Do you usually say "I'm sorry"? I don't apologize, I have an attitude like "Is that so?" Maybe I didn't like the fact that I didn't need this product, so I made a continuous payment with a mushy expression and attitude. Even though I was shopping comfortably, I felt sick at the very end. I don't know if it's a part-time job, but do you think that anything is allowed because you're a woman? At this time, I wrote it for the first time because I thought it would be better for other customers to share information online rather than directly to the store.
のり子さん on Google

今回も素晴らしい接客対応で安心してお買い物が出来ました?的確な商品説明が良かった。 担当の杉山さんはパーフェクトでした?
I was able to shop with peace of mind with excellent customer service this time as well ? The accurate product explanation was good. Mr. Sugiyama in charge was perfect ?
奥村幸雄 on Google

わからないこと、すごく親切に教えてくれます。電話で問い合わせた時も、他に接客もあるのに、購入でもないのに、時間かけて申し訳ないですが、教えてくださり、ホントに助かっております。 これからも、商品の購入はこちらでと思っております。
They will kindly tell you what you don't understand. When I inquired by phone, I am sorry that it took a long time even though there was other customer service and it was not a purchase, but I am really grateful for your help. I will continue to purchase products here.
gamiko on Google

岐阜のエディオンの中では、一番ここが好きです。 大型店舗に比べると品数は少なく、ホビー用品はありませんが、対応は悪くないですし、ちゃんと商品説明もしてくれます。 女性の店員さんも他店より多い感じですが、むしろ女性だからか、男性店員さんよりテキパキきちんとされてる方が多いです。 ミスをされても、今の所はミスを挽回する対応されたのでプラマイゼロです。 結局は、ミスや不快な事があった時もその後きちんと誠意ある姿や行動がとれるかが、その店の評価に繋がると思います。 客にちょっと文句言われたとしても不貞腐れた態度をとるかどうか。客はそこを見ていますよ。
Of all the EDIONs in Gifu, I like this one the most. Compared to large stores, the number of items is small and there are no hobby supplies, but the correspondence is not bad and they will explain the items properly. It seems that there are more female clerk than other stores, but probably because they are female, there are more people who are more decent than male clerk. Even if I make a mistake, for now I am able to recover from the mistake, so it is Pramai Zero. In the end, I think that even if you make a mistake or make something unpleasant, you will be able to take proper and sincere appearance and actions after that, which will lead to the evaluation of the store. Whether or not to take an unfaithful attitude even if the customer complains a little. Customers are looking there.
せつこふじい on Google

ドコモのカード払いでお願いをしましたが、担当者がわからなく、時間がかかり現金払いになりました 時々カード払いで購入しますが、問題なくすみましたが 今回は出来ず 少々不満に思います 今回は評価は出来ません
I asked for docomo card payment, but I did not know the person in charge, so it took time and I had to pay in cash. I sometimes buy by card, but I'm happy with the problem, but I'm a little dissatisfied with this time. I can't evaluate this time.
斉小椋 on Google

When I bought an air conditioner in the summer, I met the staff who took care of me for the first time in a while. You will be taken care of when you buy home appliances when you move next time! ️
MHAT on Google

Shop people are always kind and patient.They are highly professional. Very helpful. They save my time, if possible my money also.

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