イースト駅前クリニック新橋院 ED AGA治療

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact イースト駅前クリニック新橋院 ED AGA治療

住所 :

Shinbashi, Minato City, 〒105-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.eastcl.com/shinbashi/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Tokyo

Shinbashi, Minato City, 〒105-0004 Tokyo,Japan
ラッキースターx on Google

薬に頼りになりたいときに行ってます。 今日行きたいと思ったら予約なしで行けるので便利!
I go when I want to rely on medicine. If you want to go today, you can go without a reservation, which is convenient!
takefm toyam on Google

I thought about going online, but I decided to come to the hospital because it was not possible on that day. It took about 30 minutes, but I'm glad I went with a polite explanation, a sense of security and the price that the teacher himself was taking. I hope there is an effect of AGA treatment.
カナタマツモト on Google

自分がEDであるのかよくわかっていませんでした。 というか受け入れたくなかったのが本音です。 しかし、結婚して子供を…と考えたときにまさかの事態で…。 恥ずかしいと思ってたけど踏み出してよかったと思います。 駅近なので仕事終わりか前などに直ぐに行けるので 周囲の目や時間を気にしなくてよかったです。
I wasn't sure if I was ED. I mean, I didn't want to accept it. However, when I got married and thought about my child ... I thought it was embarrassing, but I'm glad I took the step. Because it is near the station, you can go immediately after work or before I didn't have to worry about the eyes and time around me.
かわさき on Google

他のクリニックでAGA治療をしていましたが、料金が高く転院してきました。 ここは薬代だけでリーズナブルなので助かります。
I was receiving AGA treatment at another clinic, but the fee was high and I was transferred to another clinic. It's helpful because the cost of medicine is reasonable here.
正平 on Google

妊活中にAGA治療でプロペシアを飲みはじめて大丈夫なのかなと結構心配だったのですが、とりあえず相談&診察しに行きました。服用しても特に問題ないとのことだったので妻と話し合いの末、治療スタートすることを決めました。 まだ30代半ばだし、はやく効果を実感したいです
I was quite worried that it would be okay to start taking Propecia for AGA treatment during my pregnancy, but I went to consult and see a doctor for the time being. It was said that there was no particular problem with taking it, so after discussing with my wife, I decided to start treatment. I'm still in my mid-30s and want to see the effect quickly.
桐生瑠樹 on Google

AGA治療で行ってみたが院内は清潔で受付スタッフに感じも良かった。 医師も親切で治療について詳しく教えてくれたので信頼できる、好印象。 プロペシア代のみで安いし駅チカだから通ってみます。
I tried AGA treatment, but the hospital was clean and the reception staff felt good. The doctor was kind and taught me in detail about the treatment, so I can trust it and have a good impression. It's cheap only for Propecia, and it's a station Chika, so I'll go there.
T K on Google

The reception was refused just because the visit was delayed by one minute. It's certainly bad that I was late, but I think it's within the permissible range. In any case, the impression was so bad that I would never go there again.
植山田 on Google

プロペシアをネットで購入しようとしましたがよく調べてみると なかには偽造薬も紛れてるとのこと。 コワイのでAGAの診察してから薬もらいました。 値段は気になるとこですが、ネットで買った薬で健康被害にあってしまうよりは全然いいですね!
I tried to buy Propecia online, but when I looked it up Some of them are counterfeit medicines. I was so scared that I had a medical examination for AGA before getting medicine. I'm worried about the price, but it's better than the medicine I bought online that would hurt my health!

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