Morino Clinic - Minato City

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Morino Clinic

住所 :

キムラヤ大塚ビル 7F 1 Chome-18-19 Shinbashi, Minato City, Tokyo 105-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 105-0004
Webサイト :

キムラヤ大塚ビル 7F 1 Chome-18-19 Shinbashi, Minato City, Tokyo 105-0004, Japan
Hiroshi Kishimoto on Google

It's the best access right above the station. It was also nice that the teacher was kind enough to have a medical examination.
Imo Oh on Google

The staff was polite and cozy. I had a thorough inspection.
y y on Google

口コミの削除依頼を受けたので再投稿します。 クリニックの院内は清潔でしたし 受付の方の対応は良かったです。
I received a request to delete a review, so I will post it again. The clinic was clean The correspondence of the receptionist was good.
a a on Google

親身になってくれます。 ずっと持病(てんかん)が精神的に辛く、社会からも冷たい目で見られていました。しかし適切な診断のおかげでほぼ発作消失!精神的にかなり楽になっただけでなく、楽しく日々過ごせてます。
It will be kind to you. I have been suffering from epilepsy mentally for a long time, and I have been seen by society with cold eyes. However, thanks to a proper diagnosis, the seizures almost disappeared! Not only is it much easier mentally, but I am having a good time every day.
健二 on Google

片頭痛がひどく知人の紹介で来院しました。 院長先生は、元東京都神経病院の部長を勤められた先生で、知識豊富で私の病状を詳しく聞いて下さり、片頭痛の原因、生活上の注意事項等わかりやすく丁寧に診察いただきました。 立地も駅に近く便利で、清潔なクリニックです。 頭痛、脳疾患でお悩みの方に大学病院レベルの診療を提供してくださるお勧めのクリニックです。
I had a severe migraine headache and came to the hospital with an acquaintance's introduction. The director was a former director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Neurological Hospital, and he was knowledgeable and listened to my medical condition in detail. He gave me a detailed and easy-to-understand examination of the causes of migraine headaches and precautions for daily life. .. The location is convenient near the station and it is a clean clinic. It is a recommended clinic that provides university hospital level medical care for people suffering from headaches and brain diseases.
SS SS on Google

多摩総合医療センターに通院していた頃からお世話になっています 以前は総合病院で患者様が多くて1人1人の話を聞くのが大変だなと感じました 森野クリニックに通院しはじめてからは病気の状況や薬品を変えていただいたり脳波の状態を分かりやすく教えていただいて、ありがたく思っております これからも診察よろしくお願いします
I have been indebted since I was attending the Tama Medical Center. I used to find it difficult to listen to each and every one of the patients at a general hospital. Since I started going to Morino Clinic, I am grateful for the fact that I have been able to change the condition of my illness and medicines and to teach me the condition of brain waves in an easy-to-understand manner. Thank you for your continued medical examination.
Keitaro Kodama on Google

妻の偏頭痛の診察をして頂きましたが、優しくご丁寧に診察頂き良かったです。 (受付の方も優しい方でした)
I was diagnosed with my wife's eccentric headache, and I am glad that she was kindly and politely examined. (The receptionist was also kind)
薬師寺みちよ on Google

新しい片頭痛治療薬「エムガルティ」の投与をうけるため、通院致しております。 おかげで、コントロールが難しかった片頭痛が軽快し、日常生活も楽になりました。 先生も受付の皆様も私の症状に親身になって対応頂けるので、いつ受診しても安心出来ます。 予約も取りやすく、忙しい私も助かっております。
I am going to the hospital to receive the new migraine treatment "Mgarti". Thanks to this, migraine headaches, which were difficult to control, have been alleviated, and my daily life has become easier. Both the teacher and the receptionist can take care of my symptoms, so I can rest assured that I will have a medical examination at any time. It's easy to make reservations, and I'm busy, too.

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