Eclore - Okayama

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Eclore

住所 :

3-7 Daikuomotemachi, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0912, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 700-0912
Webサイト :

3-7 Daikuomotemachi, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0912, Japan
松本亮 on Google

友人のお祝いで家族を招いてお祝いの席として利用させていただきました。 コースもお酒も良いものを頼んだつもりでしたが正直言って価格に見合った満足感を全く得られなかったので
I invited my family to celebrate my friend's celebration and used it as a celebration seat. I intended to order a good course and sake, but to be honest, I couldn't get any satisfaction for the price.
やまちゃん on Google

ランチで利用。 ひとつひとつの料理に手間がかかってます。 座席数は多くありませんが、落ち着いていい雰囲気です。 また訪れたいです。
Used for lunch. It takes time and effort to cook each dish. There aren't many seats, but it's a calm and nice atmosphere. I want to visit again.
d k on Google

訪れるたびに驚きと素晴らしい体験をさせていただいてます。 料理とはこんなにも食べるひとを幸せにできるんだなって感心するくらい、エクロールで前菜から最後のデザートまで食べるまでに何度も幸せを噛み締めています。 サーブをしてくれるスタッフの説明もとても丁寧で、シェフの思いやこだわりをしっかりと届けてくれます。 再訪するのがとても楽しみなお店です。
Every time I visit, I am surprised and have a wonderful experience. I'm so impressed that cooking can make people who eat so much happy, and I've been chewing on happiness many times from the appetizer to the final dessert with Ekroll. The explanations of the staff who serve are also very polite, and they firmly convey the chef's thoughts and commitment. I'm really looking forward to visiting it again.
Li Li on Google

高評価なレビューを見て気になっていたお店。念願の来店をわたしの誕生日のディナーに果たしました。一見お店どこ?という見過ごしてしまいそうなマンションの一階ですが、ちゃんと駐車場もあります。 今回家族で伺いました。シェフお一人、給士の方お一人のこじんまりとしたお店です。シェフお一人なのでゆっくりじっくり時間をかけて、丁寧にこだわって作られたお料理をいただきました。器もこだわってらして、見た目もおしゃれ、お料理のお味はどれも私の好みの味で美味しかったです。93歳の祖母も完食しました。 ただ、今回6人で伺ったのですが、メインディッシュが全員同じでないといけないのは、お魚派とお肉派と別れていたので、どちらかに合わせなきゃいけないという点が残念でした。今回は豚肉か鯛かで、お肉派が多かったので、結局豚肉にしました。お肉が食べれない弟はしょうがなく備え付けのお野菜だけいただきました。家族でよくフレンチに行きますが、メインディッシュを統一しなければならないのは初めてでした。 更に今回、耳の遠い祖母もお祝いに来てくれたのですが、耳が本当に遠いのでどうしても会話の声が大きくなります。そして会話が盛り上がっているとき、シェフがいらして、周りのお客様がいらっしゃるので、静かにしてください。という旨のお叱りを受けました。声が大きくて申し訳ありませんでした。シェフが私たちのテーブルにいらしたのは、その注意の一言のときが最初で最後です。それからは私達は努めて静かにしていましたが、他の方の会話は店内に響いていました。 人数とメンバーを考えるとお店選びを間違えたかもしれません。家族で行くお店というよりは、デートでしっとりといただくという雰囲気のお店だったみたいです。シェフのご機嫌損ねて、ご迷惑お掛けして申し訳ありませんでした。私が選んだお店なので、家族にも申し訳ない気持ちになり、せっかくのお誕生日だったのになんだか落ち込んでます。 お料理は美味しかったです。あと、グラスのシャンパーニュもいただけたのは嬉しかったです。
The store I was curious about after seeing the highly rated reviews. I made a long-awaited visit to my birthday dinner. Where is the store at first glance? It's on the first floor of the condominium, which is likely to be overlooked, but there is also a parking lot. I visited with my family this time. It is a small shop with one chef and one salary. Since I was a chef alone, I spent a lot of time slowly and carefully prepared the dishes. I was particular about the vessels, the appearance was fashionable, and the tastes of the dishes were all my favorite. My 93-year-old grandmother also ate up. However, I asked six people this time, but it was a pity that the main dishes had to be the same because they were separated from the fish group and the meat group, so we had to match either one. This time it was pork or sea bream, and there were many meat groups, so I ended up using pork. My younger brother, who can't eat meat, had no choice but to get only the vegetables provided. I often go to French with my family, but this was the first time I had to unify the main dishes. In addition, this time my dear grandmother came to the celebration, but since my ears are so far away, the voice of the conversation inevitably becomes louder. And when the conversation is lively, the chef will come and the customers around you will come, so please be quiet. I received a scolding saying that. Sorry for the loud voice. The chef came to our table for the first and last word of caution. From then on, we made every effort to keep it quiet, but the conversations of the others echoed inside the store. You may have made a mistake in choosing a store considering the number of people and members. Rather than going with a family, it seems that the restaurant has a moist atmosphere on a date. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the chef's mood. Since it was the shop I chose, I felt sorry for my family, and I was depressed because it was my birthday. The food was delicious. Also, I was happy to receive a glass of champagne.
ソラメイヤマト on Google

母の誕生日で利用しました。 ランチ3コースの中から真ん中の3500円を選びました。 どのお皿のお料理も華やかで、食べるのがもったいないくらい。 味も本当に美味しい。 温かいものはホントに温かく出してくれる、些細なことだけど嬉しいサービスです。 母のデザートプレート、素敵に描いてくれました。 丁寧で料理説明もきちんとしてくれる羽生くん似のギャルソンと、てきぱきと極上の料理を出してくれるシェフのお二人でされていました。 ランチタイムはせわしないと思ってたけど、ゆったりと時間が流れる空間で、素敵な時間を過ごせました。 また来たいです。
I used it on my mother's birthday. I chose the middle 3500 yen from three lunch courses. The dishes on each dish are gorgeous, and it is wasteful to eat. The taste is also really good. A warm thing is a trivial but nice service that will really give you a warmth. She drew my mother's dessert plate wonderfully. There were two people: a Garson who resembled Hanyu-kun, who was polite and gave a proper explanation of the dishes, and a chef who served the best dishes. I thought I wouldn't be busy at lunchtime, but I was able to spend a wonderful time in a space where time flows slowly. I want to come again.
朝焼け on Google

The entrance was unobtrusive, so it was in a place I had passed by without even realizing it. There is a space for cars to stop in front of the store. I went to have lunch. All items were colorful and warm and cold, warm and cold to the appropriate temperature so that the freshness of the dishes was maintained. I think this is very important. In addition, the bowls complemented the food well with nice colors and textures. It was a lunch of 3500 yen + tax and service charge, but many dishes came out and I got both fish and meat. The usage of herbs was wonderful and I felt that the food was beautiful. When I eat a bite, I can feel that various tastes are intricately intertwined, but the harmony was good and it was exquisite. All were great, but the corn soup and the last dessert were the ones I would like to mention. How delicious it is, the corn is exquisitely cooked to the point where you can take a little grilled texture and feel the texture. The dessert is a bold cheesecake with the taste of Calpis. Anyway, I felt the detailed work such as arranging and adjusting the heat on each plate. It was a little bit higher than the other French restaurants I've been to since I had less water to drink. I changed the number of stars to 4, but I also understand that the shop will not be profitable without a drink. Anyway, it's so delicious that I want to go again. What's the last tea candy? I was surprised.
Aya Yoshida on Google

ランチで予約をして伺いました。 メインのお肉料理は、+1,500円で 豚から鴨に変えられるということでお願いしました。 が、メイン料理が出てくる直前に 本日は鴨品切れです、と言われました。 お客さんは私たちともう1組しかおらず もう1組の方々も鴨を頼んでいたわけではなく もともと鴨入荷していなかったのでは…? 鴨だいすきで、頼めると分かった時に大変 嬉しかったので、期待したぶんショックでした。 確認してから案内してほしかったです。 また、電話で予約した際に インゲン(アレルギーあり)をなしにしてほしい旨 お伝えしており、来店時にも店員さんから再度 インゲン以外に食べられないもの・苦手なものは あるか確認を受けましたが、結局メインのお肉料理に インゲンが添えられていました。これは最悪。 気になっていたお店でやっとスケジュールが合い お邪魔したのに、残念でした。再訪はありません。
I made a reservation for lunch. The main meat dish is +1,500 yen I asked you to change from pig to duck. But just before the main dish comes out I was told that the duck is out of stock today. There is only one other customer with us The other group wasn't asking for a duck either Originally the duck wasn't in stock ...? I like duck and it's hard when I find out that I can ask I was happy, so I was shocked as I expected. I wanted you to guide me after confirming. Also, when making a reservation over the phone I want you to get rid of green beans (allergic) I'm telling you, and when you come to the store, the clerk will tell you again Other than green beans, the ones you can't eat or don't like I was asked if there was one, but in the end it was the main meat dish It was accompanied by green beans. This is the worst. The schedule finally fits at the shop I was interested in I was sorry to bother you. There will be no revisit.
doctorK1949 on Google


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