Echigoya - Katsushika City

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Echigoya

住所 :

3 Chome-29-1 Kameari, Katsushika City, Tokyo 125-0061, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 125-0061
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM

3 Chome-29-1 Kameari, Katsushika City, Tokyo 125-0061, Japan
土田綾子 on Google

The side dishes and tarako are amazingly delicious. A little expensive.
一哉 on Google

Old-fashioned delicatessen
ビューティー on Google

店内で、手作り惣菜を 販売してます。 1人分でも快く 販売 ご近所さんの強い味方です。
We sell handmade prepared foods in the store. It's easy to sell even for one person. It's a strong ally of your neighborhood.
白須奏枝 on Google

I bought a bowl of minced meat cutlet and meat potato and flower beans from a lot of lineup. Each is a satisfying taste, but among them the flower beans were a very favorite taste! Aftertaste of salmon will be a habit ☆
michi s on Google

昔からあるお店、このビルに入る前からある。 煮物やぬか漬け、豆類など色々 亀有に行った時は、必ず寄ります。
An old shop, even before entering this building. Boiled food, pickled bran, beans, etc. Whenever I go to Kameari, I always stop by.
KuriAsu on Google

This is the only place that seems so fun to buy Okaz for dinner. It is a long-established side dish restaurant that has everything from the main side dish of dinner to side dishes such as dried daikon and hijiki, and various incense. I am very satisfied with the taste of history over half a century in Kameari! Please continue to do your best! !!
石井ゆみ on Google

亀有駅近くのお惣菜屋さん 白金台にもあったらいいのになぁ〜 お母さんの味。かぼちゃも、マカロニサラダも、もやしサラダも美味しかった。 大学芋も美味しかったです。叔母の家に行く時に購入します。 ぬか漬けも美味しそうだったので、また買いに行きます!
Side dish shop near Kameari station I wish it was also in Shirokanedai ~ Mom's taste. The pumpkin, macaroni salad and bean sprouts salad were delicious. Daigakuimo was also delicious. I will buy it when I go to my aunt's house. Nukazuke looked delicious, so I'll go buy it again!
axisgreen on Google

JR亀有駅南口に位置するリリオ商店会はリリオ館・壱番館・弐番館・参番館の4つの建物で構成されている。全4棟は商業施設と居住区とで成り立っており、リリオ館にはイトーヨーカ堂・ニトリ・ノジマ・ダイソーが入っている。ちなみにリリオとはスペイン語であやめの意味。 駅からから徒歩2分ほどのリリオ弐番館1Fにある"越後屋"は総菜・漬物・干物・乾物を販売する店。国産肉厚しいたけや利尻・日高などの上級昆布、丹波黒豆・北海道産大納言など取り揃えている。また、旬の食材を使った惣菜も人気だという。 19時前だと思うが、昔懐かしい雰囲気に思わず立ち止まる。緑のストライプの店舗テントの下には食材が所狭しと置かれ、手作り惣菜はバットに入っている。炒り豆腐・竹の子・揚げ物などは常温。たらこ昆布・黒豆・鶏ももソテー・ほうれん草胡麻和え・もやしサラダ・高菜油炒め・大学芋などは冷蔵ケース。 *ナポリタン325円 ナポはアルデンテとは無縁のフワフワな麺にケチャップ味。これぞ昭和のナポリタン。 駅近にこんなレトロなお店があるのが亀有の良いところ。これからも元気に続けて欲しい。
Located at the south exit of JR Kameari Station, the Lirio Shotenkai consists of four buildings: the Lirio Building, the Ichibankan, the Second Building, and the Sanbankan. All four buildings consist of commercial facilities and residential areas, and the Lirio Pavilion contains Ito-Yokado, Nitori, Nojima, and Daiso. By the way, Lirio is a Spanish word meaning iris. "Echigoya" on the 1st floor of Lirio 2nd Building, about a 2-minute walk from the station, is a store that sells delicatessen, pickles, dried fish, and dried fish. We have domestic thick shiitake mushrooms, high-grade kelp such as Rishiri and Hidaka, Tanba black soybeans and Dainagon from Hokkaido. In addition, side dishes made with seasonal ingredients are also popular. I think it was before 19:00, but I stopped in spite of the nostalgic atmosphere. Ingredients are crammed under the green striped store tent, and handmade side dishes are in the bat. Roasted tofu, bamboo shoots, fried foods, etc. are at room temperature. Cod roe kelp, black beans, chicken thigh saute, spinach with sesame sauce, spicy salad, stir-fried takana oil, university potatoes, etc. are refrigerated cases. * Napolitan 325 yen Napo is a fluffy noodle that has nothing to do with al dente and has a ketchup flavor. This is Showa Napolitan. The good thing about Kameari is that there is such a retro shop near the station. I want you to continue to be healthy.

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