アカチャンホンポ 広島アルパーク店・閉店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アカチャンホンポ 広島アルパーク店・閉店

住所 :

East Wing, 2 Chome−26−1, Kusatsushinmachi, Nishi Ward, 〒733-0834 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://stores.akachan.jp/56
街 : Hiroshima

East Wing, 2 Chome−26−1, Kusatsushinmachi, Nishi Ward, 〒733-0834 Hiroshima,Japan
てっちゃん on Google

赤ちゃん用品や、マタニティ用品がありますが、価格は高いです。 クーポンも特になく、ポイントが10倍になるクーポンがカードを作った後、数ヶ月送られてくる程度です。 検討するために見に行き、ポイントがたくさん付く店舗か、安い店舗で購入しています。
There are baby products and maternity products, but the prices are high. There are no special coupons, and coupons that increase points by 10 times are sent only a few months after making a card. I go to see it for consideration and buy it at a store with a lot of points or at a cheap store.
chill mock on Google

ここだけですべて揃う。 すぐ隣にユニクロがあるので、子供服を見比べながら買ます。 子供用品を買った後は、ユニクロで大人の服も買えるし便利。 高いという口コミがありますが、私は高いと思ったことはありません。 むしろ服なんかは安く感じます。
It ’s all here. There is UNIQLO right next door, so you can buy it while comparing children's clothing. After buying children's goods, you can buy clothes for adults at UNIQLO. There is a high word of mouth, but I never thought it was expensive. Rather, clothes feel cheaper.
あーちゃん on Google

品揃えいいのでよく行ってます! 他の方も書かれてますが、高いとは思いません。普通かなー、です。うちの近くに西松屋がありますが、確かにそっちの方がセールとかしてて安い事があるのでそこは臨機応変に。でも哺乳瓶とか、消毒とか値段は変わらないきがします。アカチャンホンポはポイントがつくので、沢山買うものがある時に利用してます。店員さんも親切です。
I often go there because the product lineup is good! Others have written it, but I don't think it's expensive. Is it normal? There is Nishimatsuya near my house, but it's certainly cheaper because it's on sale, so it's flexible. However, the price of baby bottles, disinfection, etc. does not change. Akachan Honpo gives you points, so I use it when I have a lot of things to buy. The clerk is also kind.
櫛田宏治 on Google

Assortment is substantial, and price is reliable price. The capacity can be kind and polite. Member's point is also advantageous.
渋谷 on Google

店員さんも人によっては分かりやすい説明して頂けます。 ただ、こっちの要望や聞きたいことを汲み取って貰えないタイプの店員さんに当たると、とにかく説明がながくて妊娠後期に行ったのずっと立ってるのが辛くてイライラしました。 妊娠中に来店されるお客様も多いと思うのでそこは気を使って欲しい…… レジもクーポンを使ったレジの対応が分からなかったのか、めちゃくちゃ待たされてずっと待ってるのがただただ辛かったです。 わかる人にすぐ変わって欲しかった。 品揃えは多いと思いますが、他のお店と比べて商品の値段は若干高い気がします。
The clerk can also explain in an easy-to-understand manner depending on the person. However, when I hit a clerk who couldn't understand what I wanted to ask and what I wanted to ask, it was painful and frustrating to stand up all the time since I went to the latter half of pregnancy because of the long explanation. I think there are many customers who come to the store during pregnancy, so please be careful there ... Perhaps the cashier didn't know how to use the coupon to handle the cashier, so it was just painful to wait for a long time. I wanted someone who understands to change immediately. I think there is a large selection of products, but I feel that the prices of the products are slightly higher than at other stores.
きみいろ on Google

赤ちゃん用品を揃える際に訪問&購入しました。 チャイルドシートのコンビの店員さんがとても親身にお話を聞いてくださり、また自社のメリットだけではなく、デメリットもお話してくださるのは好感が持てました。 他にも色々紹介や引き継ぎもできていて気持ちよく買い物ができました。 ただ、アップリカのチャイルドシート担当店員さんはすごくしつこく、「またあとで」と言ってもガツガツ話してきてしつこかったです。
I visited and purchased it when arranging baby products. I was impressed that the child seat combination clerk listened to me very kindly and talked about not only the advantages of the company but also the disadvantages. In addition, I was able to introduce and take over various things, and I was able to shop comfortably. However, the clerk in charge of the child seat in Aprica was very persistent, and even if I said "later", he talked steadily and was persistent.
高田知世 on Google

In Hiroshima, there are only here, Asaminami Ward and Minami Ward. This is recommended for those who live in Nishi-Hiroshima. It's large, but the maternity & baby clothes and kids clothes are far apart.
マルベリ on Google

It's a large store with a good selection of items, and I get the impression that there are many advisors. It was very helpful for me to carefully teach me how to choose a stroller and a child seat and the features of the model while actually operating it.

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