4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact EARTH 横浜店

住所 :

Tsuruyacho, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒221-0835 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Tsuruyacho, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒221-0835 Kanagawa,Japan
新田健悟 on Google

いつもお世話になっております!! 私は毎回、田口さんに行っていただいております! 毎回、ヘアスタイルに対して一つ一つ丁寧に相談に乗っていただき、素敵に仕上げていただいております!! また、働いている方々の皆様が丁寧に対応してくださり感謝しております!!
Always I am indebted! !! I go to Mr. Taguchi every time! Every time, we ask you to carefully consult with us about your hairstyle and finish it nicely! !! We are also grateful to all the working people for their polite response! !!
3424川村怜 on Google

上京してから紹介で通い始めました。 いつも理想的なカラーリングやヘアスタイルにしてくれるのでおすすめです。担当のスタイリストさんにも絶大な信頼を置いています。来年もよろしくです。
After coming to Tokyo, I started going by introduction. It is recommended because it always gives you the ideal coloring and hairstyle. I also have great trust in the stylist in charge. I look forward to working with you next year.
後藤涼介 on Google

いつも利用してます。 色々な美容室にこれまで行きましたがスタッフさんの対応や雰囲気も良く、技術面、価格面などトータルで考えて1番良いです。 正直横浜で探しているならここ一択だと思ってます。 また、横浜駅からすぐの好立地で、周りに飲食店(寿司、焼肉、ラーメン屋さん居酒屋などほぼある)、大型ショッピング施設、映画館などもあり、デートなどの予定前でも利用しやすいと思います。 また、美容室としても大手でスタッフさんの人数も他の美容室と比べると多く、多種多様なスタッフさんがいるので、美容室が初めての男性や、地方から進学や就職などで出てきてまだ行きつけの美容室が決まっていない方などにもオススメです。 コスパ、接客、スキル、立地などトータルで考えて冗談抜きで1番良かったので今後も利用したいと思います。
I always use it. I've been to various beauty salons so far, but the staff's response and atmosphere are good, and it's the best in terms of technology and price. To be honest, if you are looking for it in Yokohama, I think this is your choice. In addition, it is in a good location right from Yokohama Station, and there are restaurants (sushi, yakiniku, ramen shops, izakaya, etc.), large shopping facilities, movie theaters, etc., so it is easy to use even before a date. increase. In addition, it is a major beauty salon and the number of staff is larger than other beauty salons, and there are a wide variety of staff, so the beauty salon is still for men who are new to it, or for going on to school or getting a job from a rural area. It is also recommended for those who have not decided on a beauty salon to go to. Considering the total cost, customer service, skill, location, etc., it was the best without a joke, so I would like to continue using it in the future.
住友陽太 on Google

いつも来店していますが、初めてオーナーの上園さんを指名しました。 完全お任せでお願いした結果、自分の想像を超える仕上がりで大変満足しています。 カラーもパーマも人生初でしたがリピート確定です。 横浜駅で美容室を探している方はおすすめなので是非行ってください。
I always come to the store, but for the first time I nominated Mr. Uesono, the owner. As a result of asking you to leave it to me completely, I am very satisfied with the finish beyond my imagination. Both the color and the perm were the first in my life, but the repeat is confirmed. If you are looking for a beauty salon at Yokohama Station, we recommend you to go there.
野口喬平 on Google

いつも素敵な時間を過ごしてます! 本日はさっぱりしたかったのでツーブロで前髪を上げれるくらいのショートにしていただきました!眉毛もかなり素敵にしていただきました! 話もいつも盛り上がって、お店の雰囲気もとてもいいです!シャンプーもとても丁寧で気持ちいいです^ ^
I'm always having a great time! I wanted to be refreshed today, so I made it short enough to raise my bangs with Undercut! The eyebrows are also pretty nice! The story is always lively and the atmosphere of the shop is very nice! The shampoo is also very polite and comfortable ^ ^
naoki mori on Google

I have been touring Earth nationwide as an Earth user for more than 10 years. No matter where you go, there are only wonderful stores that combine the uniqueness and individuality of Earth. I started using the Yokohama store because of the transfer of Mr. Morita, who has been indebted for many years. When I actually went to the store, the bright atmosphere created by the staff and the clean interior space, as well as the good location of a 5-minute walk from Yokohama Station and the fact that it was open until late at night were evaluated by word of mouth. I quickly realized that it was the reason for the high price. Of course, the stylist's hair-making technique and customer service attitude are also very important, so it's my favorite store right now. I don't want to recommend the Yokohama store because it will become more popular than it is now and it will be difficult to make reservations. Recently, Mr. Morita's attendance has not been timed, and Mr. Taguchi is in charge of it. I am very satisfied with Mr. Taguchi's polite and delicate cutting technique and shampoo technique with feelings and strength. Today's cut will be finished in a nice way, and it seems that the new year will be greeted with a refreshing and radiant mood. I'm really thankful to you. We hope that Mr. Morita, Mr. Taguchi, and everyone will have a good New Year.
on Google

5、6年程通わせていただいております。 就活の暗いカラーも、好きな韓国風カラーも 挙式に向けてのカラーも全てこの美容院でお願いしました。 いつも好みを汲み取って下さり、納得の仕上がりにして下さいます。 私が初めてハイトーンカラーをお願いした際もスーパーロングヘアなので思うようにカラー染まらない時も親身になって相談に乗って下さりこんなに寄り添ってくれる美容院は他に無いのでは?と思います!! 担当の美容師さんも、優しくてあったかい店長さんもいつもありがとうございます!
I have been attending for about 5 or 6 years. Both dark colors for job hunting and Korean-style colors you like I asked this beauty salon for all the colors for the wedding. Please always take your taste and make it a satisfactory finish. Even when I asked for a high tone color for the first time, it's super long hair, so even if I don't dye the color as I expected, I think there is no other beauty salon that will be kind to me and give me advice. I think! !! Thank you to the beautician in charge and the kind and warm store manager!
Donald McCulloch on Google

I come here every month for a haircut by the lovely Mari-san. She is a wonderful hair stylist!!

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