Duozo - Hiroshima

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Duozo

住所 :

センテニアル幟町 1F 6-14 Hashimotocho, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 730-0015
Webサイト : https://smappon.jp/iipwd09q

センテニアル幟町 1F 6-14 Hashimotocho, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0015, Japan
Ap Hazakura on Google

マンションの建ち並ぶ中、ひっそりと佇む隠れ家的なお店。 お店も落ち着く雰囲気だし、何より料理も美味しく盛り付けも綺麗で素敵! 店主さんも細かく気を配ってくださり、最後まで美味しく料理を頂けました。 オススメして頂いたA5ランクの黒毛和牛ステーキもとても柔らかく、グリーンペッパーソースとともに散りばめられた生の黒胡椒と一緒に食べるとフルーティーな香りが口一杯に広がり肉との相性も良くとても満足のいく一品でした。 是非また利用したいと思います。
A hideaway shop that stands quietly in a row of condominiums. The restaurant has a calm atmosphere, and above all, the food is delicious and the presentation is beautiful and wonderful! The owner also paid close attention to the food and enjoyed the food until the end. The recommended A5 rank Japanese black beef steak is also very soft, and when eaten with raw black pepper sprinkled with green pepper sauce, the fruity scent spreads in your mouth and it goes well with meat and is a very satisfying dish. was. I definitely want to use it again.
ayu 10 on Google

ランチで利用。 柑橘系のカルボナーラ、カララランチ(青唐辛子のソース味の豚肉がトッピングされている丼もの)を注文。どちらもクオリティが高く、満足のいく内容であった。料理提供は遅め。
Used for lunch. I ordered a citrus carbonara, Carrara Ranch (a bowl topped with pork with a sauce of green pepper). Both were of high quality and were satisfactory. The food is served late.
777 TANAR (‪TANAR‬) on Google

ランチタイムに来店。 アグーボロネーゼのミートソースをいただきました。コクがあって大変美味しかったです。 ただ、麺の量が少しお上品すぎると感じました。食べ終わった後に麺大盛り(1.5倍)200円を見つけて、残念至極…。 男性でしたら、大盛りがオススメです。 大食漢を自認するあなたであれば、パスタ2つも十分いけると思います。
Visit at lunchtime. I got the meat sauce of Agu Bolognese. It was rich and very delicious. However, I felt that the amount of noodles was a little too refined. After I finished eating, I found 200 yen of large noodles (1.5 times), which is a pity. If you are a man, I recommend the large plate. If you recognize yourself as a glutton, then two pasta will be enough.
G chiku on Google

Pasta with plenty of sea urchin is delicious.
Hippi on Google

サラダプレートからメインまで、すべてとても美味しかったです! ひとつひとつに手の混んだ味わいがあって、ひとつひとつ楽しめました! サーブも早くて満足です! またぜひ行きたくなるお店です✨
Everything from the salad plate to the main was very delicious! Each one had a crowded taste, and I enjoyed each one! Serve is fast and satisfied! It's a shop you'll definitely want to visit again ✨
J J on Google

플레이팅도 너무 예쁘고 음식 하나하나 정성이 가득합니다. 다른 가게에서 흔히 먹던 그런 흔한 맛이 아닙니다. 같은 재료라도 색다른 요리법이나 색다른 소스로 너무나 훌륭했습니다! 하나의 음식을 시켜도 일행과 편하게 먹을수 있도록 처음부터 나눠서 주십니다. 사장님의 배려가 돋보였습니다! 다음엔 코스요리를 먹어보고 싶네요!
The plating is so pretty and each dish is full of sincerity. It's not the usual taste you'd get at other stores. Even with the same ingredients, a different recipe or a different sauce was so good! Even if you order one meal, they share it from the beginning so that you can eat comfortably with your group. The attention of the owner was outstanding! I want to try the course meal next time!
yeonji RYU on Google

The food is delicious, and each menu is divided into individual dishes, so it has a good taste.
人財育成家・沖本るり子 on Google

こだわったお料理ですね! プレートのメニューが、毎回楽しみです。 おいしくて!苦手なものをはずしてもらってますが、予約していくと、かわりのものをご用意してくださってました。 メインも、いろいろ日替わりです。 なお、 ウニのパスタが、とてもおいしくて好きです! さらに、自家製パンもおいしく、予約して、買いました。 頻繁に行ってしまいます。
It's a dish that is particular about it! I'm always looking forward to the plate menu. delicious and! I was asked to remove the ones I was not good at, but when I made a reservation, they prepared a replacement. The main also changes daily. note that, I like sea urchin pasta because it's so delicious! In addition, the homemade bread was delicious, so I made a reservation and bought it. I go there often.

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