Drug Store Mori Akaishiminami Shop - Sendai

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Drug Store Mori Akaishiminami Shop

住所 :

3 Chome-7-1 Akaishiminami, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3101, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 981-3101
Webサイト : http://www.doramori.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12AM
Sunday 9AM–12AM
Monday 9AM–12AM
Tuesday 9AM–12AM
Wednesday 9AM–12AM
Thursday 9AM–12AM
Friday 9AM–12AM

3 Chome-7-1 Akaishiminami, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3101, Japan
こみれじ on Google

店内のおびただしい数の防犯カメラが不快。客=盗むという思考なのかと思うと行く気にならない。 実際ここに行かなくても周辺のお店で事足りるので全く困らない。
The numerous security cameras in the store are unpleasant. I don't feel like going when I think that the customer is the idea of ​​stealing. In fact, even if you don't go here, you can go to the shops around you, so you don't have to worry at all.
こんろぼ on Google

月末抽選会があったりクーポン発券できたりと 楽しみがあって 精肉などもあり 夜遅くまでやってるため 便利です。よく行きます。
It's convenient because there is a lottery at the end of the month and coupons can be issued, and there is also meat and so on until late at night. I often go.
もな on Google

At the beginning of the store, the store clerk had a good impression, and when I was looking for something, I was asked "What happened?", But now, even if I pass near the store clerk, "Welcome. I think I just wanted to make a lot of customers first without a word.
papa papapapa on Google

ウジエスーパー跡地に入りました ウジエスーパーの時の第2駐車場は無くなってました 店内明るくて綺麗でした
I entered the site of Ujie Super The second parking lot at the time of Ujie Super is gone The inside of the store was bright and beautiful
ひろ on Google

宮城初出店のドラッグストアです。 店内はカラフル過ぎかな。 精肉扱ってるのが魅力です。 残念なのがバーコード決済するとモリのポイントがつかないことです。 薬王堂だとd払い、ナナコで支払いしてもdポイント、ナナコポイント+薬王堂のポイントどちらも貯まります。
This is the first drug store in Miyagi. The inside of the store is too colorful. It is attractive to handle meat. It's a pity that you can't get the points of Mori when you make a barcode payment. If you pay at Yakudo, you will get d points, and even if you pay at Nanako, you will earn both d points and Nanaco points + Yakudo points.
熊谷孝一(こうちゃん) on Google

8月29日に宮城県初出店のお店で、九州、沖縄、山口、四国に店舗があり、こちらで298店舗目だそうです。 以前ウジェスーパーがあったあとにあります。真正面にツルハドラッグがあるのですが、ライバル店の前に出店とは、ビックリですね。 酒、野菜、精肉も扱いがありました。 ドラモリ現金ポイントカード会員になると、買い上げのポイントだけでなく、入口にあるマシンで、超特価チケットが当たるかもしれないので、ならんでいました。
It is the first store to open in Miyagi prefecture on August 29, and there are stores in Kyushu, Okinawa, Yamaguchi, and Shikoku, and it is said that this is the 298th store. It is after there was Uje Super before. There is Tsuruha Drug right in front of you, but it's surprising to open a store in front of a rival store. Alcohol, vegetables and meat were also handled. If you became a Dramori cash point card member, you might win a super special price ticket not only at the point of purchase but also at the machine at the entrance, so I was lined up.
M M on Google

It is a shop that narrows down the products and offers them at a lower price. At other drug stores, there are various products that are not so cheap. Point cards are inconvenient because you can only get points by paying cash. A lottery is held at the end of every month. You will be given a lottery sub-ticket for every 500 yen, and if you collect 10 sub-tickets, you can participate in the lottery once.
みゆき on Google

ドラッグストアでもお肉や野菜、冷凍食品、乳製品など色々揃ってます。 あれ最近売ってないと思ってたお気に入りの洗剤や消臭剤あり、私的にはおすすめの薬屋さん
Meat, vegetables, frozen foods, dairy products, etc. are also available at drug stores. I have a favorite detergent and deodorant that I thought I hadn't sold recently, so I personally recommend this drugstore.

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