Drug Papas - Chuo City

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Drug Papas

住所 :

第29興和ビル 2 Chome-11-24 Tsukiji, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 104-0045
Webサイト : https://www.matsukiyo.co.jp/map%3Fkid%3D20306429
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–10PM
Sunday 8AM–10PM
Monday 8AM–10PM
Tuesday 8AM–10PM
Wednesday 8AM–10PM
Thursday 8AM–10PM
Friday 8AM–10PM

第29興和ビル 2 Chome-11-24 Tsukiji, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan
Tatsuya Hasegawa on Google

商品の品数も多く、値段もこの地域では手頃な価格帯なので利用させて頂いてます。 営業時間も遅くまでやっているので、仕事帰り寄って買い物できるのは助かっています。 従業員の方の接客は人によりますが、他の方も書き込みしている通り1人の女性の方が非常に不快に感じたため、投稿いたします。 買い物袋を持参しているので、自分はいつも店員さんに商品を詰める作業をお願いしているのですが、その女性の方には毎回無視をされてしまいます。 先日は1回の会計で2回無視され、3回目でやっと入れてくれました(少々雑気味に…) もう5〜10回くらいは当たっていますが、その方がレジにいないことを願うばかりです。
There are many products and the price is reasonable in this area, so I will use it. Business hours are also late, so it's helpful to be able to go shopping after work. The customer service of employees depends on the person, but as the other people wrote, one woman felt very uncomfortable, so I will post it. Since I bring a shopping bag, I always ask the clerk to pack the products, but the woman always ignores me. The other day, it was ignored twice in one accounting, and finally put it in the third time (a little messy ...) I've hit it about 5 to 10 times already, but I just hope that he isn't at the cash register.
しゃけちゃん on Google

小野寺っていう名前のメガネの男の人、接客態度も悪ければレジも遅いわ、コンタクトは投げるわ、こっちが声かけても、スタッフ同士で声かけても無視。 大丈夫ですか??最近もこの方にレジしてもらいましたが、声がけ一切ゼロ、むしろなんでレジ来たの?という眼差し。お仕事やめたほうがいいんじゃないですか?? レジだけで30分ぐらいかかってほんと最悪。 上の方に報告した方がいいとおもいます。
A man with glasses named Onodera, if the customer service attitude is bad, the cashier is slow, I will throw contacts, I will ignore it even if I call out to each other. is it OK? ?? Recently, I asked this person to check in, but there was no voice, and I was wondering why he came to the checkout. Shouldn't you quit your job ?? It took about 30 minutes just at the cash register and it was really the worst. I think it's better to report to the top.
Gear Fab on Google

築地寄のドラッグストアでなかなか広く、陳列も分かりやすいし、酒類、弁当、食料品等も勿論扱っております。 昼時などにはレジ待ち発生しやすい店舗ではありますが、周辺にはオフィスだけでなく、ホテル も多いのでそれも当然と言えば当然。 尚 二階には同じくなかなか広いダイソーがございますが、レジは別々それぞれの階になっています。
The drugstore near Tsukiji is quite large, the display is easy to understand, and of course we also handle alcoholic beverages, bento boxes, groceries, etc. It's easy to wait for a cash register at noon, but it's natural that there are many hotels as well as offices in the area. There is also a fairly large Daiso on the second floor, but the cash register is on each floor separately.
3 on Google

レジの接客がひどすぎて驚いた。 いらっしゃいませ、ありがとうございましたも言えないなんて。終始無言の対応。 ぽっちゃりした男の人でした。 隣に居た手の空いているぽっちゃりしたおばさん店員、この接客注意しろよと思った…けどクチコミみたらこのお店はみなさんそういう接客なんですね。笑 もう二度と利用しません。
I was surprised that the customer service at the cash register was too terrible. Welcome, thank you but I can't say. Silent response from beginning to end. He was a chubby man. The chubby aunt clerk who was next to me was vacant, and I thought I should be careful about this customer service ... But when I look at the reviews, everyone at this store is that kind of customer service. Lol I will never use it again.
Yasuyuki Yamaguchi on Google

引っ越しを含め20年築地界隈に住んでいる身としては、大きなドラッグストアが近所にあることはとても助かっています。20年前はスーパーも小さいところしか無く、薬局はあっても大きなドラッグストアもありませんでした。さらに三井住友銀行築地支店が近所に移転して、そこに1階がぱぱす、2階がダイソーと本当に便利になって大大感謝です。 中央区築地という面積が取れない場所でのドラッグストアとして、品揃えは十分だと思います。それに100円ショップのダイソーがあるのでそこと合わせれば必要十分、足りないものはアマゾン、ヨドバシを使えば良いでしょう。少し歩けば銀座有楽町ですから特に問題ありません。 値段は激安ということもなく中央区としては普通です。飲み物、お菓子とかそこそこはありますが、(生鮮)食品等は期待しない方が良いですね。とはいえ築地駅周辺に住んでもここがあるので安心だと思います。 コロナの真っ最中も営業してくれました。いろいろとありがとうございます。
As a person who has lived in the Tsukiji area for 20 years including moving, it is very helpful to have a large drug store in the neighborhood. Twenty years ago, there were only small supermarkets, and even though there were pharmacies, there were no large drug stores. Furthermore, I am very grateful that the Tsukiji branch of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation has moved to the neighborhood, and the first floor is papas and the second floor is really convenient with Daiso. I think that the product lineup is sufficient as a drugstore in Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, where the area cannot be taken. In addition, there is a 100-yen shop Daiso, so if you combine it with it, you should use Amazon and Yodobashi if you don't have enough. If you walk a little, you will be in Ginza Yurakucho, so there is no problem. The price is not so cheap and it is normal for Chuo Ward. There are drinks, sweets and so on, but you shouldn't expect (fresh) foods. However, even if you live near Tsukiji Station, you can rest assured that there is one here. It was open even in the middle of the corona. Thank you for everything.
Liz Maryon on Google

Cosmetics staff very helpful with English :-)
Bry Kube on Google

Papas, my favourite grocery store, nearby Ginza..
po on Google

Price is cheap and can get all most daily usefully teams .

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