串カツ もつ鍋 かすうどん しゃかりき432゛ 梅田堂山店

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

串カツともつ鍋とかすうどん居酒屋 しゃかりき432゛梅田堂山店(東通り・堂山/もつ鍋) - ぐるなび - R.gnavi.co.jp

【ネット予約で楽天ポイントが貯まる】串カツともつ鍋とかすうどん居酒屋 しゃかりき432゛梅田堂山店(東通り・堂山/もつ鍋)の店舗情報をご紹介。お店のウリキーワード:かすうどん 梅田など。ぐるなびなら店舗の詳細なメニューの情報やクーポン情報など、「串カツともつ鍋とかすうどん居酒屋 しゃかりき432゛梅田堂山店」の情報が満載です。【大阪の美味いもん食べてって!】 串カツ・かすうどん!をはじめ、油かすの入ったかすもつ鍋も! 喫煙可!地下鉄谷町線 中崎町駅 徒歩4分、貸し切りも出来ます☆

Contact 串カツ もつ鍋 かすうどん しゃかりき432゛ 梅田堂山店

Doyamacho, 〒530-0027 Osaka,Japan
小笠原和広 on Google

串カツ以外におでんやお刺身など色々メニューがあり美味しく、従業員の方々も真面目にふざけて楽しかったです。 3150~
In addition to kushikatsu, there were various menus such as oden and sashimi, which were delicious, and the employees enjoyed it seriously. 3150~
真柄綾香 on Google

The atmosphere was really fun! Both the sake and the kushikatsu were delicious. I wanted to go again!
S R on Google

The clerk's impression was good! The taste was delicious, the price was cheap and the lipi was confirmed ★ The songs played were also the best personally !!
清水愛 on Google

串カツ屋さんなのに逸品メニュー多く、 どれもこれもとっても美味しかったです(^^) 店員さんの対応も良く、楽しくお食事をする事が出来ました!
Even though it's a kushikatsu shop, there are many excellent dishes, All of these were delicious (^^) The clerk's response was good, and I was able to enjoy my meal!
大阪サイコー on Google

Both the pot and the skewers were delicious. Especially recommended sake was awesome. And the smile of the clerk who chose me when I said it was delicious was also wonderful.
SATO on Google

Delicious / friendly / cheap
ハイサイくん on Google

観光で大阪を訪れた時にホテルから近かったので予約なしの飛び込みでしたがすぐに案内してくださりお料理もおいしくいただきました。 牛のホルモンを使ったカス鍋、串揚げなど大阪らしいメニューも豊富で大満足‼️ 店員さんも親切で大阪旅行の良い思い出になりました。 スタンプカードと帰りにガチャガチャでサービス券をいただいたのでまた大阪に行ったら再訪します。
When I visited Osaka for sightseeing, it was close to the hotel, so I jumped in without a reservation, but he immediately guided me and the food was delicious. We are very satisfied with the abundant menus that are typical of Osaka, such as dregs pots using beef hormones and deep-fried skewers! ️ The clerk was also kind and made a good memory of my trip to Osaka. I got a stamp card and a service ticket on my way home, so I will visit again when I go to Osaka again.
赤善 on Google

I asked for delivery, but would you bring it in such packaging? ?? It was full of levels, never ask again.

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