Dourakumusuko - Okayama

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Dourakumusuko

住所 :

1 Chome-5-12 Yanagimachi, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0904, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 700-0904
Webサイト :

1 Chome-5-12 Yanagimachi, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0904, Japan
Nishimura Tetsuya on Google

岡山市内、西川沿いにある和風飲食店。 居酒屋と言うには、少しだけ高級感がある。 4階建のビル1棟が、丸ごとこの店。 1階はカウンターと板場がメイン、2階は個室、3階はトイレと喫煙所と、土地そのものの狭さを逆手に取った「工夫された構造」になっている。 小さいながらエレベーターも備えており、高齢化対策も万全。 魚貝類を中心に、良い素材を使った和食メニューが揃う。 酒の種類も豊富で、日本酒、ワイン、等の銘柄も多く揃えている。 スタッフは若い方が多く、明るく愛想も良い。 総じて満足度は高いが、キャパシティの問題もあり、予約して訪問する方が良い。 予約無しで来店し、入店出来ない人も居たようだったので。
A Japanese-style restaurant located along Nishikawa in Okayama city. Izakaya has a little sense of luxury. The entire 4-story building is this store. The counter and Itaba are the main areas on the 1st floor, the private rooms are on the 2nd floor, and the toilets and smoking areas are on the 3rd floor. Although it is small, it is equipped with an elevator and is fully equipped with measures against aging. We have a Japanese menu that uses good ingredients, mainly fish and shellfish. There is a wide variety of sake, and there are many brands such as sake and wine. Many of the staff are young and cheerful and friendly. Satisfaction is generally high, but due to capacity issues, it is better to make a reservation and visit. It seems that some people came to the store without a reservation and couldn't enter.
Atsuko M on Google

5千円のコースをいただきました。 最初の胡麻豆腐から最後の鯛茶漬け、チーズアイスまで大変美味しかったです。 季節を感じられる手の込んだ料理を楽しめました。 居酒屋と表記していますが、割烹寄りだと思います。 大人向けの落ち着いた店内も気に入りました。 知り合いにも紹介出来る良いお店です。
I received a course of 5,000 yen. From the first sesame tofu to the last chazuke and cheese ice cream, it was very delicious. I enjoyed the elaborate dishes that make me feel the seasons. Although it is described as an izakaya, I think it is closer to cooking. I also like the calm interior for adults. It is a good shop that you can introduce to your acquaintances.
Hikari on Google

美味しいし、スタッフさんも気配りが行き届いた方ばかりです^ ^
It's delicious and all the staff are attentive ^ ^
Masako Tsutano on Google

①何をいただいても外れないお店。 胡麻豆腐は毎回注文してしまう逸品。 今回はお店のお引越しをされて初めての訪問だったので、とても楽しみにして伺いました。 店内新しく、檜のいい香り〜 おしぼりからも香ってなんだか良い気分。 スタッフの教育もよく出来ているし、また来たいなぁと思えます。 居酒屋以上高級割烹未満な感じかな? 今度はコースもいただいてみたいです(^ ^) ②うなぎのランチが始まったとInstagramで発見して早速伺ってきました。色々注文色々美味しくいただきたのつました。ふっくら肉厚な身で美味しかったです。白焼、美味しかったなーちなみにうな重には(というよりご飯ものには)特製胡麻豆腐がサービスしてもらえます(^^)めっちゃお得ですよね!
① A shop that will not come off no matter what you receive. Sesame tofu is a gem that you order every time. This was my first visit since I moved to the store, so I was looking forward to it. The inside of the store is new and has a nice scent of cypress. The scent from the hand towel feels good. The staff is well educated and I want to come back again. Is it more than an izakaya and less than a high-class Japanese restaurant? I would like to have a course this time (^ ^) (2) I found on Instagram that the eel lunch had started and immediately visited. Various orders were delicious. It was plump and thick and delicious. Shiroyaki was delicious. By the way, Unaju (or rather rice) is served with special sesame tofu (^^) It's a great deal!
キミ on Google

First of all, the name of the store is good. The inside of the restaurant is very clean, and the menu is rich, with a focus on seafood, and I am very satisfied.
Shuichi Kozako on Google

久しぶりに、伺いました。カウンターの席に二人で座りました。宣言明けという事でとっても活気があり また清潔感に溢れ、綺麗な透明な仕切り板もありコロナ対策バッチリという感じです。 味も秀逸。価格も雰囲気の割には手頃で、最高でした。また伺いたいと思います。
I visited after a long time. Two people sat at the counter seat. It ’s very lively because the declaration is over. In addition, it is full of cleanliness, and there is also a beautiful transparent partition plate, which makes it feel like a perfect corona countermeasure. The taste is also excellent. The price was reasonable for the atmosphere and it was the best. I would like to ask you again.
おしんです on Google

昨日は久しぶりに楽しい時間を過ごさせていただき感謝しています☺️こちらは2回目の会食だったのですが改めて宣言します❗接客応対、美味、店内設備、価格、コロナ対策と五拍子そろってパーフェクトです~☺️このコロナ禍において社会的に自粛傾向にある中、こちらの道楽息子さんはまた近いうちに行ってみたいお店です✌️ 当面Withコロナだと思いますが、頑張って欲しいです? 個人的にコロナ感染症を特定の業界ばかりクローズアップする事に異論を唱えたいです。どの業界の方々もWithコロナで頑張ってますから?
Thank you for having a good time yesterday for the first time in a long time ☺️ This was the second dinner, but I will declare it again ❗ Customer service, deliciousness, in-store equipment, price, corona measures and everything is perfect ☺️ While there is a tendency to refrain from socializing in this corona, this Dourakumusuko is a shop I would like to visit again in the near future ✌️ I think it's With Corona for the time being, but I want you to do your best ? Personally, I would like to argue that corona infections should be highlighted only in specific industries. People in every industry are doing their best with With Corona ?
Masa Love on Google

とても美味しくて落ち着いた雰囲気が良かったです。お料理から伝わる丁寧さと拘りのお陰で食事中ずっと笑顔になれました。凄く美味しかったです。このお店のごま豆腐は地上最高です。!是非食べて見て下さい〜 又伺います〜
The atmosphere was very delicious and calm. Thanks to the politeness and insistence that comes from the food, I was able to smile all the time during the meal. It was really delicious. The sesame tofu in this shop is the best on earth. !! Please try it ~ I will visit you again ~

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