台湾料理 味源 丸亀土器店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 台湾料理 味源 丸亀土器店

住所 :

Dokichohigashi, Marugame, 〒763-0082 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887778
街 : Kagawa

Dokichohigashi, Marugame, 〒763-0082 Kagawa,Japan
Yoko Yoko on Google

タイムランチでこの量(笑)メイン&メイン。 女性はライスを断った方がいいと思います。ランチはドリンク1杯無料でした。
This amount at the time lunch (laughs) Main & Main. I think women should refuse rice. Lunch was a free drink.
サンタマリアイエス on Google

Is ramen noodles normal with chijire noodles? It tastes better than Chinese noodles. The amount of side dishes for the set meal is good, but I want the amount of rice.
はーさんLove on Google

Volume is wonderful. It set meal can also change from soup to noodles yen +150, 1 cup of free soft drinks in the self. It was profitable.
すまっ子 on Google

This amount is impossible for women. Please tell me exactly because the clerk also listens. I think the taste is good and I think cospa is also good. I didn't want to leave it, so I didn't do anything wrong.
2006vfca on Google

他の方も「量が多い」とご指摘ですが、食べてる途中で、日替わりランチ¥780(税込)の値段がおかしいんじゃないかと思えてくる量の多さ! 平日12:00を少し回った頃に訪問。店内は仕切りのあるテーブル席で、半分ぐらい埋まった状態。料理が出てくる頃にはほぼ満席に。 3種類から選べる日替わりから、鶏の唐揚げを注文。ラーメンも選べるので台湾ラーメンを。 10分ほどで料理が出てきて、「ラーメンはもう少しお待ちください」とのこと。 鶏の唐揚げ、これ完全に単品サイズやで。めっちゃ大きいのが5こ。キャベツの千切りとカットレモンがいっしょに盛りつけ、さらに大根サラダが別の小鉢に。 ご飯も普通盛り。少し大盛りかな。魚フライ1/2とごぼうの天ぷら2本、漬物。 大きな唐揚げの1個目と格闘中に台湾ラーメン登場。こちらも普通サイズ。 日本人の私、これらめっちゃ美味い唐揚げもラーメンも普段より少し時間かかりながら完食しますけど、台湾マナーで食べ残してもええんよね? ソフトドリンク、ランチはセルフで無料サービスとのことだったけど、そこまでお腹にゆとりがなかったわ…健診の絶食明けでお腹空いてたのに。 味も量も価格も大満足でした。
Others have pointed out that the amount is large, but while eating, the amount of daily lunch ¥ 780 (tax included) seems to be strange! Visited around 12:00 on weekdays. The inside of the store is a table seat with a partition, and it is about half full. By the time the food comes out, it will be almost full. Order fried chicken from 3 types of daily specials. You can also choose ramen, so choose Taiwan ramen. The food came out in about 10 minutes and said, "Please wait a little longer for ramen." Fried chicken, this is completely a single item size. Five are really big. Serve shredded cabbage and cut lemon together, and radish salad in another small bowl. Rice is also served normally. Is it a little big? 1/2 fried fish, 2 burdock tempura, pickles. Taiwan ramen appeared while fighting with the first big fried chicken. This is also a normal size. As a Japanese, I finish these delicious fried chicken and ramen in a little longer than usual, but it's okay to leave them uneaten in Taiwanese manners, right? It was said that soft drinks and lunch were free services on their own, but I wasn't so hungry ... I was hungry after the fasting of the medical examination. I was very satisfied with the taste, quantity and price.
Hot MILK on Google

どれもボリューム大だけど、食べきれないと持ち帰り出来るので、毎回気兼ねなく注文しています。 豚肉&キャベツの唐辛子煮込 辛くて美味しかった! 器に残った煮込んだスープを持ち帰りたくなるくらいでした。 翌日アレンジ料理したくなるくらいしっかり味でクセになりそうです。 四川ラーメンは期待通り辛旨でした。 春巻はパリパリ、野菜スープはかなり大きめ、今回もボリューム満点でコスパも合わせて満足です☆
All of them are large in volume, but if you can't eat them, you can take them home, so I order without hesitation every time. Stewed pork and cabbage with chili pepper was spicy and delicious! I even wanted to take home the stewed soup left in the bowl. The taste is so strong that you will want to arrange it the next day. Sichuan ramen was as spicy as expected. The spring rolls are crispy, the vegetable soup is quite large, and this time too, the volume is perfect and I am satisfied with the cospa ☆
香川うどん on Google

量が多く私に持ってこいのお店でランチにはワンドリンクが付きます。 ラーメンも美味しくエビチリ等どれも味がしっかりしています。 昼も夜も同じ値段なのが嬉しいです。 同じ味源なのに観音寺店も詫間店も店舗により値段が違うのは不思議です。
It's a large quantity and you can bring it to me, and one drink is included for lunch. The ramen is delicious and the taste is solid, such as shrimp chili. I am happy that the price is the same day and night. It is strange that the prices of Kanonji and Takuma stores are different depending on the store, even though they have the same taste source.
N P O on Google

Highly recommend Taiwanese Restaurant.

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