Docomo Shop Rakusei Shop - Kyoto

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Docomo Shop Rakusei Shop

住所 :

2-422 Oenakayamacho, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto, 610-1104, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 610-1104
Webサイト :

2-422 Oenakayamacho, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto, 610-1104, Japan
ちょこ on Google

予約して伺いました。 大変丁寧に対応していただけました。
I made a reservation and asked. Thank you very much for your polite response.
藤村信隆 on Google

When I went to the docomo Shop today, the response from the person in charge was very good. ?
村ちゃん on Google

いつもお世話になってます。 私は市内でなく府下に住んでますがそのdocomoショップはいつ来店しても、予約じゃー無かったらとか、空いていても、後のお客様がおられるからと緊急の対応でも『お断り』です。 そんな折りに、ここのショップに来店すると、お困りですね! 解りました!と、いつもすぐに敏速な対応して頂き、トラブルを解決して貰えます。 同じdocomoショップなのに、何故この様に対応の違いが発生するのか解りませんが!・・ 携帯は、冷蔵庫とか電化製品と同じく今や無くては無いモノの1つです。1日でも故障すると連絡や仕事も凄く困ります。 それを直ぐに解決してくれるこの様なお店も有りーので、ここのスタッフさんの機転や機敏な対応はショップの鏡だと思ってますし、顧客は本当に助かります。 有り難うございます。 困ってるお客様を足蹴にして 通りいっぺんの断り文句言いお断りしか出来ない?…杓子定規のお店へは2度と行くまいと!! と思いますね。
I am always indebted to you. I live in the prefecture, not in the city, but no matter when I come to the docomo shop, if there is no reservation, or even if it is vacant, there will be later customers, so even if there is an emergency response, I will refuse. If you come to this shop at that time, you will be in trouble! I understand! And, you will always be able to respond promptly and resolve any problems. Even though they are the same docomo shop, I don't understand why there is such a difference in correspondence!・ ・ Mobile phones, like refrigerators and electrical appliances, are now indispensable. If it breaks down even for a day, it will be very difficult to contact and work. There is also a store like this that can solve it immediately, so I think that the staff here's wit and agile response are the mirror of the shop, and the customers are really saved. Thank you. Kicking customers in need I can only refuse to complain about the street ? ... I will never go to the scoop ruler shop! !! I think.
2 aco on Google

修理相談に行った母が、ケータイ補償を付けているのに説明すらなくやたらと買い替えを勧められ、dカードGOLDもゴリ押しされた。 以前利用した際にもスタッフの勉強不足、理解不足が目立った印象。
My mother, who went to the repair consultation, was advised to buy a new one without even explaining it even though she had a mobile phone compensation, and the d card GOLD was also pushed. Impression that the staff's lack of study and understanding was conspicuous even when using it before.
みこ(みこ) on Google

An elderly parent was forced to sign a tablet contract. He paid like an idiot every month, even though he didn't know the details of the contract. It is no different from a scam aimed at the elderly. I was told that it would cost more than 10,000 to cancel the contract. I can only think that docomo is doing well for the elderly. The worst customer service and the worst store.
coron ankun on Google

2021.10.7 Visited in the afternoon, explained the procedure the day before. If you consulted the shop in advance, you were asked to ask 151. If you consulted 151 and brought the prepared documents, you cannot complete the procedure with these documents. In the end, it took a total of 2 hours and 40 minutes to check 151 consultation records. If there was no confirmation work, the procedure would have been completed in one hour.
むにゃむにゃ on Google

機種変更しに行きました。 予約して行ったら直ぐに案内していただけました。コロナ対策完璧です。
I went to change the model. As soon as I made a reservation, I was guided. Corona measures are perfect.
淳史 on Google

If you wait 20 to 30 minutes before the opening time, people who came by car with a number tag will be asked to wait in the car, such as those who came by bicycle, bus or on foot, 5 minutes before the opening time He told me to come back and stay at the store, and he gave me great plans and advice on how to operate the smartphone and change the price plan.

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