Docomo Shop Kawanishi Shop - Kawanishi

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Docomo Shop Kawanishi Shop

住所 :

パルティK2ビル 1階 11-1-7 Sakaemachi, Kawanishi, Hyogo 666-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 666-0033
Webサイト :

パルティK2ビル 1階 11-1-7 Sakaemachi, Kawanishi, Hyogo 666-0033, Japan
きちきち on Google

When I came to the store thinking about changing the plan, I said, "If you stop this plan, you can't return it even if you want to return it." ... When I visited the store for another matter a month later, I asked another staff member. "Eh? You can return this plan." ... I want you to study about your own products. It was expensive for a month. It's also annoying to ask if the questionnaire was light every time during the waiting time. One female staff member has a bad mouth ... I'm sorry that there are other good staff members.
TAKUYA N on Google

I had it coated with glass, but it took quite a while.
佐々木由唯 on Google

対応は丁寧ですが受付しておいて予約が一杯なので対応できません。しかも結構待たされた。 予約の事が書いてるパンフレットはあるか聞いたら無いとの返事。そんなはずはないだろうと不信感満載で見ていたらパンフレット出してきた。 受付した段階で対応出来ないのは分かるだろう。パンフレットあるのに無いと言ったのはなんなのか。 自社の事を情報共有していないし把握もしていない。
Correspondence is polite, but we can not accept because it is accepted and the reservation is full. And it was quite a long wait. Reply that they do not ask if there is a pamphlet that describes the reservation. I was broke out when I was watching with a lot of distrust that it would not be so. As you can see, we cannot respond at the stage of acceptance. What did you say there was no pamphlet? They do not share or understand their company.
Bo haru on Google

予約時間に遅れたに、きちんと丁寧な対応していただき、営業時間も過ぎているのにさらに丁寧に説明していただきました。営業時間30分以上過ぎてたのに、帰るときも丁寧でした。 バイクは125?は前に2時間無料やしとてもオススメです。 機種変更とかは結構待つので、かならず予約した方がいいです。前日までに予約しないとって感じです。
When I was late for the reservation time, I was asked to respond properly and carefully explained even though the business hours were over. Although it was over 30 minutes in business hours, it was also polite when I returned home. It is highly recommended that you have a bike for 2 hours free of charge for 125 hours. It is a good idea to make a reservation as it will wait quite a while for model changes. It is feeling that we do not make a reservation by the day before.
Cheri Spread on Google

モザイクボックスでdocomoのキャンペーン?のティッシュ を配っていたので、料金プランの相談をすることにしました。 何をお使いですか?と聞かれたので機種名の事かと思ってスマホを見せたら、私がスマホを持っていることに驚いている様子。ガラケーかと思ってたとか言っていたような・・・私がスマホ持っていたらそんなに不思議なのでしょうか? 私はまだ高齢者の年齢では無いのですが、なんだか子供かおばあちゃんに話しかけるような馬鹿にしたような口調で何かお困りですか?と聞かれました。質問しましたが、dカードゴールドを一回解約しろとか意味不明な事を言われました。 その人マスクから鼻出てるし、私の事を「お母さん」と連発するし、感じ悪いのでもういいですって帰りました。 客をお母さんと呼ぶのは失礼だと思います。普通お客さんでしょ。
Docomo campaign with mosaic box? Tissue I was handing out, so I decided to consult with the rate plan. What are you using? I was asked, so I thought it was a model name and showed my smartphone, but it seemed that I was surprised to have a smartphone. I was saying that I thought it was a feature phone ... Is it so strange if I had a smartphone? I'm not old enough, but are you having trouble with a silly tone like talking to a child or grandma? I was asked. I asked a question, but I was told something unclear, such as canceling d Card Gold once. The person's nose is sticking out of his mask, he repeats me with "mother", and I feel uncomfortable, so I went home. I think it's rude to call a customer a mom. You're an ordinary customer.
まるるたるる on Google

カタログを貰おうと思い来店した。店員の「いらっしゃいませ」の一言も無し。仕方ないので窓口の人に聞くと面倒くさそうに、「あちらです」と指をさすだけ。ようやくやってきた男の店員に「店員は何人もいるのに誰も対応に来ないのは何故か?」と尋ねると「申し訳ございません」と無表情で頭も下げず形だけの謝罪。さすがに頭にきたので文句を言うと今度は「他の店員は皆予約のお客様の対応でいっぱいなんです」とまるで、予約無しで来たお前が悪いみたいに言われ、ますます頭にきた。カタログ貰うぐらい突然行ったらあかんのか?この店には二度と行かない! この店を利用しようとお考えの皆様へ ほんの些細な用事でも来店予約をして行かれたほうが良いですよ。
I came to the store to get a catalog. There is no word of "Welcome" from the clerk. It can't be helped, so when I ask the person at the counter, it seems to be troublesome, so I just point my finger at it. When I asked the man's clerk who finally came, "Why are there many clerk, but no one comes to respond?", He said "I'm sorry" and apologized with no expression and no bow. As I was really confused, when I complained, "All the other clerk are full of support from customers who have made reservations." Wouldn't it be great if I went so suddenly that I got a catalog? I will never go to this store again! To everyone who wants to use this store It is better to make a reservation for a visit even for a trivial matter.
noos noos on Google

I'm sure I'm relieved because I work at docomo. The clerk's response is arrogant and arrogant.
たぬぽん(たぬきち) on Google

I visited for a breakdown consultation and eventually the model I wanted to buy was out of stock, but although it is not profitable for my company, the docomo online shop is one year old, but you can buy the same specs 30,000 yen cheaper! Kindly told me, and I would like to use this shop when I need to take care of something.

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