Docomo Shop Aomori Ra Sera Shop

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Docomo Shop Aomori Ra Sera Shop

住所 :

Yaeda, 〒030-0912 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Aomori

Yaeda, 〒030-0912 Aomori,Japan
成田明子 on Google

Female clerk unfriendly, unfriendly to the elderly
鈴木彩日 on Google

無駄な時間を過ごさせて頂きました。 とある店員の応対にすごいイラついてしまって、最後には「もういいです」と言って店を出ました。 自分で調べて対応した方が良かったくらいです。
I wasted a lot of time. I was very frustrated by the reception of a certain clerk, and at the end I said "it's okay" and left the store. I should have investigated and dealt with it myself.
村上司 on Google

くそ態度悪い人いますね。 時間長いまでは耐えれますけど 話聞かないのは流石にやばいと思います。 別にここじゃなくてもドコモはあるので多少遠くても他のドコモいった方いいです。プランの説明不足もあるかと。安く済ませたいなら他のドコモでしっかり話聞いた方いいです。他の方も書いてますが、ここは話さない場合あります。
Some people have a bad attitude. I can tolerate it for a long time I think it's a shame not to talk. There is a docomo even if it is not here, so it is better to go to another docomo even if it is a little far away. Is there a lack of explanation of the plan? If you want to make it cheaper, you should talk to other DoCoMo. Others have written it, but I may not talk about it here.
鷹乃ゆり on Google

スマホカバーとフィルムを買うと本体価格が安くなると言われ勧められたフィルムを購入し、貼ってくれると言うので貼ってもらった しかし、明らかにサイズ違いで画面の真ん中しかフィルムで守られておらず両端はむき出し 指摘してもこれで合ってます、これ以外にウチに在庫はないと言われ呆れました。 また、simカード入れておきますねと入れてくれたのは良いが帰宅後起動してもsimを読み込まず見てみると、なんと逆向きに挿入されていた。 プランも明らかにこっちの要望以上の高いプランを付けようとしてくるので注意。 この店舗はもう2度と利用しません。
I bought the recommended film because it said that the main body price would be cheaper if I bought a smartphone cover and a film, and he said that he would stick it, so I got it stuck However, due to the apparent size difference, only the middle of the screen is protected by the film and both ends are exposed. Even if I pointed it out, it fits, I was amazed that there was no other stock in my house. Also, it's nice that you put in a sim card, but when I started after returning home, the sim wasn't loaded and I found it was inserted in the opposite direction. Please note that the plan will obviously come up with a higher plan than this request. I will never use this store again.
ぎんじろまま on Google

The male staff is always nice and thankful. I think that the number of female staff will increase if they smile more.
日本年金機構 on Google

店舗に訪れる為に予約必須。 WEB予約の場合は当日の訪問は出来ない。 dアカウントがなければならない。 高齢者或いは機械ものを得意としない方には大変だと思われる。 以前より待ち時間が少なくなったが、店員の慇懃無礼な対応に我慢出来る方にはオススメする。
Reservation required to visit the store. In the case of online reservation, you cannot visit on the day. You must have a d account. It seems to be difficult for the elderly or those who are not good at mechanical things. The waiting time is shorter than before, but I recommend it to those who can put up with the rude response of the clerk.
to718おと on Google

接客がとても良い。 スマホのラインナップを確認するだけにふらっと入った時も店員さんがこちらの様子を見て、まとわりつくことなく、気遣ってくれて離れた位置に居てくれたのでゆっくりスマホのラインナップを確認する事ができました。あまり混み合っていないし、オススメです。
The customer service is very good. Even when I just walked in to check the lineup of smartphones, the clerk looked at this situation, and he took care of me and stayed at a distant position without clinging to me, so I can slowly check the lineup of smartphones. I did. It's not very crowded and I recommend it.
わこ on Google

前回訪れた際、予約してからご来店くださいとのことだったので再度来店。 眼鏡をかけたお兄さんに対応していただきましたが、丁寧で分かりやすく、高いプランを進められるということもなく、気持ち良く買い物できました。 他の店員さんも明るく接客されていたので雰囲気も良かったと思います。 待ち時間もほとんどなく、スムーズに用事が終わりました。 ただ、前回の私のように事前に予約することを知らない方が複数来店されていたので、見えやすい所に貼り紙等していただければ更に親切かな?と感じました。
When I visited last time, I was told that I should make a reservation before coming to the store, so I will come to the store again. I received support from my older brother who wore glasses, but it was polite and easy to understand, and I was able to shop comfortably without being able to proceed with a high-priced plan. I think the atmosphere was good because the other clerk was also cheerful and serving customers. There was almost no waiting time, and the work was completed smoothly. However, there were several people who didn't know to make a reservation in advance like I did last time, so would it be even more kind if you could put a sticker on it in an easy-to-see place? I felt that.

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