Dining 旬 shun

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Dining 旬 shun

住所 :

Kamiasao, Asao Ward, Kawasaki, 〒215-0021 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://dining-shun.studio.site/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kamiasao, Asao Ward, Kawasaki, 〒215-0021 Kanagawa,Japan
Sheila S on Google

クリエイティブなフレンチレストランです! 新しいフランス料理を食べたい人におすすめです!! ワインも美味しくておすすめです!
A creative French restaurant! Recommended for those who want to eat new French cuisine! !! The wine is also delicious and recommended!
山口健志 on Google

チェリーブロッサムのカレーをたべようとしたところ、「最近出来たお店で、それよりもっと美味しいカレーがある」という情報を入手し、早速潜入。 前菜、冷製スープ全てがハイレベルなお味でした。さらにキーマカレーはキーマっぽくない所がGood。ライムが効いていて食が進みます。店主はコロナ禍で開業したとのこと。元々カレーが好きで、カレーに力を入れていて、テイクアウト販売も数百食を売り上げる順調な滑り出しだったものの、店内飲食は低迷中らしい。。でも美味しいから応援したい。接客も気さくで気持ち良いお店です。 #ダイニング旬 #新百合ヶ丘カレー
When I tried to eat the curry of cherry blossoms, I got the information that "There is a curry that's recently opened and there is more delicious curry", and I immediately infiltrated. Appetizers and cold soup were all high-level tastes. Furthermore, Keema curry is good where it does not look like keema. The lime is working and the food progresses. The owner said that it opened in Corona. Originally I like curry, I put a lot of effort into curry, and although the take-out sale was a good start, selling hundreds of meals, it seems that eating and drinking in the store is sluggish. .. But I want to support you because it is delicious. It is also a comfortable and friendly store. #Dining season #Shinyurigaoka curry
イッチャン on Google

5/28にオープンした南仏料理もお店です。 ランチで利用しました。 ランチは、カレーが4種類でした。 シェフオススメはキーマカレーでしたが、その気分でないので野菜スパイシーカレーにしました。 野菜がゴロゴロで肉(チキン)も大振りて好きです。 適度なスパイシー感もいいですね。 野菜スパイシーカレーがこの旨さだと、他のカレーも期待できそうです。 夜の料理も美味そうです。 カレーの前に出てくるミニサラダ、かぼちゃ、冷製スープもいいです。 店内は明るく、開放感があり居心地は悪くないです。 ただ、一人だと夜は辛いかも? ムードがいいので・・ 追記 2回目にカレー以外として、ポークステーキを食べてみました。 とてもヘルシーでよかったですね。 フランス家庭りょう・・いいですね。
Southern French cuisine, which opened on May 28, is also a shop. I used it for lunch. There were 4 types of curry for lunch. The chef recommended the keema curry, but I didn't feel like it, so I chose the vegetable spicy curry. I like the vegetables and the meat (chicken). Moderate spicy feeling is also good. If the vegetable spicy curry has this taste, you can expect other curries. The evening food looks delicious. Mini salad, pumpkin and cold soup that come out in front of the curry are also good. The inside of the store is bright, open and not uncomfortable. However, it may be hard at night if you are alone. Because the mood is good ... Postscript The second time I tried pork steak as a non-curry. I'm glad it was very healthy. French family ... I like it.
La_ 57 on Google

ご飯が全部美味しかった 前菜からしてめちゃめちゃ美味しかった。 あと、舞茸が美味しかった フランス料理だけど、おかたい感じではなく、アットホームな雰囲気。居酒屋ではないけど、カジュアルなお店。デートとかいいと思う 値段も、3人で酒飲んでかなりお腹いっぱいになるまで食べて一人5000円ピッタリくらいだった 店自体は清潔感があってとっても綺麗。 シェフも店員さんもすごく気さくで親切!何より仲良く楽しそうなのも居心地がいい カマンベールチーズ頼んだら、超可愛いお皿で出してくた! 絶対また行く
All the rice was delicious It was really delicious from the appetizer. Also, Maitake mushrooms were delicious It's French food, but it's not funny and it has a homely atmosphere. It's not an izakaya, but a casual shop. I think it's good to have a date The price was about 5,000 yen per person after drinking alcohol with three people and eating until they were quite full. The store itself is very clean and clean. The chef and the clerk are very friendly and kind! Above all, it ’s comfortable to get along and have fun. When I ordered Camembert cheese, I served it on a super cute plate! I will definitely go again
Tobias Fausten on Google

All the dishes were very delicious. I especially loved bamboo shoots! The chef and other staff were friendly and had a nice atmosphere. I don't live in Kanto so I can't go there often, but I definitely want to use it if I go nearby again.
井水大輔 on Google

ちょっと贅沢ランチ。 シェフが愛想良く、スタッフの方の対応もとても丁寧で良いリラックスになりました。 前菜にあったサワラのマリネが美味でした。
A little extravagant lunch. The chef was friendly and the staff were very polite and relaxed. The marinated Spanish mackerel that was in the appetizer was delicious.
nao on Google

初めてお店の存在に気付き、試しに主人と入りました。ランチで¥1500は少しハードルが高いと思ったのに、、、前菜の¥500が更に掛かると言われてビックリ。 いざ出て来たお料理はどれも価格に見合ったものでした。素晴らしかったです? ワインを飲んで優雅に食後のコーヒーを飲みたい場合は¥3000は用意しておくと良いと思います
I noticed the existence of the shop for the first time and entered with my husband as a trial. I thought that ¥ 1500 would be a little hurdle for lunch, but I was surprised to hear that the appetizer ¥ 500 would cost more. All the dishes that came out were worth the price. It was great ? If you want to drink wine and gracefully drink coffee after meals, I think it's a good idea to have ¥ 3000 ready.
逓信省. on Google

都内某高級店でシェフを務め独立。時は疫病の頃。なんとかテイクアウトで生きながらえようとカレー?を売り出した所大ヒットし、生真面目な性格から仕込みに手間暇をかけたカレーなので本業のフレンチに手が回らなくなり、どうしたものかとタモリ倶楽部に相談。 そんな、風変わりなフレンチレストランですが本業に手抜かりなく、スープやメインの肉料理、魚料理は旬の素材の持ち味を活かして料理され、何度いただいても素晴らしい逸品を出してくれる、隠れた名店です。
Became an independent chef at a high-class store in Tokyo. Time is the time of plague. It was a big hit when I sold curry ? so that I could survive by taking out, and since it was a curry that took time and effort to prepare because of my serious personality, I could not handle French in my main business, so I consulted with the Tamori Club. It's such an eccentric French restaurant, but it's a hidden restaurant that doesn't cut corners in its main business, and the soup, main meat dishes, and fish dishes are cooked by making the best use of the characteristics of seasonal ingredients, and they serve wonderful gems no matter how many times they are served. ..

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