チーズとワインのお店 Den 日比谷

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact チーズとワインのお店 Den 日比谷

住所 :

Yurakucho, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0006 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://cheese-wine-den.com/
街 : Tokyo

Yurakucho, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0006 Tokyo,Japan
SAYURI JP on Google

どの料理も美味しく、チーズ好きでも満足できるチーズの質とボリューム。 小さなお店で程よくムーディーなので、女子会にもデートにも良いと思いました。
All dishes are delicious, and the quality and volume of cheese will satisfy even cheese lovers. It's a small shop and it's moderately moody, so I thought it would be good for girls-only gatherings and dates.
* aya on Google

It was delicious. I wanted to eat raclette cheese, but the other dishes were delicious ... The seasonal peach caprese was too delicious (T ▽ T) The quattroformage pizza blue cheese was also easy to eat. I want to go next time too
ᑕᗩ RRI on Google

美味しいチーズがたくさんあります。どのメニューを選んでも、すごく美味しかったです。 ワインも一杯500円からあり、私は大好きなドイツワインを飲みながら、チーズ料理を堪能しました。 ラクレットは最高に美味しかったです。 ブルーチーズのガレットが忘れられないお味。また近いうちに行きます。
There are lots of delicious cheese. Whichever menu I chose, it was really tasty. A cup of wine is also 500 yen a day, I enjoyed cheese dishes while drinking my favorite German wine. Raclette was the best delicious. The taste of Blue Cheese Galette unforgettable. I will be back soon.
yukari harada on Google

金曜日の18時30分ごろ、軽飲みで利用しました。店内は綺麗で落ち着いており、女性が好みそうな感じ。カウンターと小さめのテーブルが主なのでカップルや女子会向けですね。 白ワインと揚げニョッキ、ラクレットを頼みましたがどれも美味しかったです。 特にお店の名前にもなっているチーズメニューであればハズレはないのではないでしょうか。目の前でとろりと乗せられるラクレットチーズ は是非試してほしい一品です
We used it at light drink around 18:30 on Friday. The inside of the store is beautiful and calm, it feels like women prefer it. It is mainly for couples and girls' associations, as it is mainly counters and small tables. We ordered white wine and fried gnocchi, raclette but none of them were delicious. Especially if it is a cheese menu which is also the name of a shop, there is no losing. Raclette cheese which can be rolled up in front of you is a dish you want to try by all means
Keiko Nakamura on Google

ラクレットが食べたくて行ってみました。店内混んでいて時間制限があったことをいろんな店員さんに謝られました。店長だけでないところが教育行き届いてるなぁと感心しました。 チーズのお味はとてもいい!ワインはちょっと少なめなので、酒豪より嗜む程度の方におすすめですね。味は美味しかったです。 カウンター席だったからかもですが、ワインの説明も気軽にしていただけてよかったです。お食事も待たされることなくテンポ良く出てきました。今度またゆっくり行きたいです。
I wanted to eat raclette and went there. Many clerks apologized for being crowded and having a time limit. I was impressed that not only the store manager was well-educated. The cheese taste is very good! Since wine is a little small, it is recommended for those who enjoy more than drinkers. The taste was delicious. It may be because it was a counter seat, but it was nice that you could easily explain the wine. The food came out at a good tempo without waiting. I want to go slowly again.
Shuhei Fukuda on Google

土曜日の夕方5時から2名で利用。 お店は地下一階にあり、見つけにくいかもしれない。 JR有楽町駅から徒歩3分位なので立地は良い。 店内は薄暗くデートの利用に良いかもしれない。 お店に入ると店員さんから「ご予約は?」と質問されるので、事前にこのお店を利用する場合は予約して行ったほうが良いかもしれない。 運よく?か店員さんの気配りか一番奥のソファー席を案内していただき隣同士で座ることができた。 店員さんの配慮に感謝?ありがとう。 お酒やおつまみメニューは豊富。 特にチーズをとろーり掛けるラクレットは絶品。 チーズが洪水のように溶けている様子は映える。 チーズとワインの組み合わせも抜群。 ラクレットは時間と共に固まってしまうが、ナイフできれば普通に食べられる。急いで食べる必要はないが熱々トロトロの方が美味しい。 ワイン好きなら来て損はしないお店だと思う。
Used by 2 people from 5 pm on Saturday evening. The shop is on the first basement floor and may be difficult to find. The location is good as it is about a 3-minute walk from JR Yurakucho Station. The inside of the store is dim and may be good for dates. When you enter the store, the clerk asks "What is your reservation?", So if you want to use this store in advance, it may be better to make a reservation. Luckily? I was able to sit next to each other by being guided by the clerk's attention or the sofa seat at the back. Thank you for the consideration of the clerk ? Thank you. There is a wide selection of alcohol and snack menus. Especially the raclette that melts cheese is excellent. It looks like the cheese is melting like a flood. The combination of cheese and wine is also excellent. Raclette hardens over time, but if you can use a knife, you can eat it normally. You don't have to hurry to eat, but the hot toro is better. If you like wine, I think it's a shop that you won't lose.
Ella Dehghani on Google

Cheese plate was small and expensive - coming from Switzerland, the Raclette Plate was average and expensive. The wine was ok. Mediocre place but cosy.
Stesh Stesh on Google

After a week of eating Japanese food I was so happy to find this place just 120m from my hotel. The food is awesome! Racket is amazing, choice of wines is good. They serve proper espresso unlike most places in Tokyo. The staff is super friendly. My both banking cards didn’t work, and I was missing a 100¥ in cash to pay the bill. They made a discount for, leaving me with a bunch of extra coins and not having to go looking for anATM. That was most kind.

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