Delcesta - Hitachinaka

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Delcesta

住所 :

1942-2 Tsuda, Hitachinaka, Ibaraki 312-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997
Postal code : 312-0032
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–4PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 10AM–6PM

1942-2 Tsuda, Hitachinaka, Ibaraki 312-0032, Japan
saki2 saki on Google

朝早くに行きましたが、ケーキ並んでいました✨ まだ二回目ですが、美味しいですね。 店員さん達も優しいですし、箱を2つ持って出ようとしたらドアを開けてくれました。 イートインもできるようなので、今度利用できたらと思っています。
I went early in the morning, but the cakes were lined up ✨ It's still the second time, but it's delicious. The clerk was kind and opened the door when I tried to bring two boxes out. It seems that you can eat in, so I hope you can use it next time.
Dai K on Google

おしゃれなスイーツやさん。しかもイートインスペースがあるのはとてもうれしい。特に内外装もおしゃれで清潔でトイレもきれい。モンダミンまでおいてくれるところは素晴らしい。 明るいイートインスペースから緑の芝生を眺めながらコーヒーとケーキをいただくのは最高です。しかも東京ほど高くないのでコスパよし!種類はすごいあるわけではないですが、ポイントを抑えたケーキ達が多くてどれにするか迷ってしまう!ももをまるごと使ったタルトを選んだがとても美味しかった。種をくり出してカスタードが入っていて手間がかかってる。タルトとの相性もよく甘くて美味しい桃とのコラボを楽しみました。
Fashionable sweets. And I'm very happy to have eat-in space. The interior and exterior are particularly stylish and clean, and the toilet is clean. The place that keeps up to Mondamine is wonderful. It's best to have a coffee and cake overlooking the green grass from the bright eat-in space. And it's not as expensive as Tokyo, so it's good! There aren't many varieties, but there are so many cakes that hold down the points and you're wondering what to do! I chose a tart with whole peach but it was very delicious. The seeds are pulled out and the custard is in it. I enjoyed the collaboration with sweet and delicious peaches with good compatibility with tart.
keseraseya 13 on Google

Since I go home from work, it is often sold out, but if I told you in advance, I was able to save the cake I wanted. It looks elegant and is a cake for adults. I bought it on my mother's birthday, and I'm planning to ask for this year's Christmas cake, which my mother loves very much. We also sell baked goods. I'm a full-year dieter, so I haven't bought it yet, but it looks delicious. I saw it in Novori, but it seems that there are days when bread is sold.
Māra & Alice on Google

生クリームが重くなく、各種素材を活かす味。 ケーキ類全般が彩りも可愛らしく、美味しい!! ただ、パンの日(毎週水曜日)のパンは、惣菜パン(クロワッサンにいろいろ挟まっているもの)は、クロワッサン自体がシナシナになってしまっており、香ばしさや歯ごたえが全く無いのが残念。
The fresh cream is not heavy and has a taste that makes the best use of various ingredients. The cakes in general are cute and delicious! !! However, it is a pity that the bread on Bread Day (every Wednesday) has no fragrance or chewy texture because the croissant itself has become cinnamon on the side dish bread (which is sandwiched between croissants).
hito fuyuno on Google

夕方に行ったら、ケーキがほとんど売り切れでした。人気なんだなぁ、と思いつつグレープフルーツのゼリーを購入しました。ピンクのきれいなゼリーと、輪切りのレモンと、白いムース的な層がオシャレ。爽やかな酸味が美味しかったです。 内装もオシャレ。店内をいろいろ見させてもらいましたが、贈答用のコーヒーセットとか、かわいい缶に入った詰め合わせとか、ちょっとしたプレゼントに良さそうな品もたくさんありました。 イートインスペースもあったみたいですが、照明が落とされていたので、今のご時世でやってるかは分からなかったです。 次の機会は早めに行って、ケーキ食べてみたいです。
When I went in the evening, the cake was almost sold out. I bought a grapefruit jelly thinking that it was popular. Beautiful pink jelly, sliced ​​lemon, and white mousse-like layer are fashionable. The refreshing acidity was delicious. The interior is also fashionable. I took a look inside the store, but there were many items such as coffee sets for gifts, assortments in cute cans, and other items that seemed to be good for small gifts. It seems that there was an eat-in space, but the lights were turned off, so I didn't know if I was doing it in the present age. Next time I would like to go early and eat a cake.
on Google

何度もお邪魔しているお店。 甘いものがあまり得意ではない主人もこちらのケーキは気に入っており、 ケーキ食べたいから買いに行ってくる。 どこのケーキ屋? ドルチェスタ。 じゃあ俺にも買ってきて。 というやり取りを何度もしてます。 こちらは焼き菓子も美味しく、私の好みの味。 ギフトもシンプルで可愛く、人にプレゼントする時には利用させていただいてます。 おすすめはモンブラン
A shop that has been bothering me many times. My husband, who is not very good at sweets, also likes this cake, I want to eat cake, so I'm going to buy it. Where is the cake shop? Dolchester. Then buy it for me too. I have exchanged many times. The baked goods are also delicious here, which is my favorite taste. Gifts are also simple and cute, and I use them when giving gifts to people. Recommended is Montblanc
H pigu on Google

自転車で持ち帰りましたが型崩れせず、大丈夫でした。良かった! モンブランは甘さ控えめで栗の風味があって美味しかったです。 ピスタチオのみどりのケーキはベリーの層が効いていて美味しく頂きました。 以前来たときは売れてしまって買えなかったのですが、今日はやっと買えました!良かったです。
I took it home by bicycle, but it didn't lose its shape and was okay. it was good! Mont Blanc was delicious with a modest sweetness and a chestnut flavor. The pistachio green cake had a layer of berries and was delicious. When I came here, it sold and I couldn't buy it, but today I finally bought it! It was good.
alpha kugamix on Google

The chocolate cake was very delicious last time, so I visited for the second time. I bought a shortcake. Both were impressed by the refined taste. Above all, I was surprised at the fineness of the sponge. A shortcake that melts in your mouth. I was happy to receive a high quality cake at this price. This is the shop I want to visit in the future. There is no point card, and payment can be made by card. Can the parking lot be used for gravel? The inside of the store is not so large, so I think it is better not to go in large numbers in time. There seems to be an eat-in space, but it doesn't seem to be usable now.

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