Great Leaf - Hitachinaka

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Great Leaf

住所 :

1 Chome-13-1 Odaira, Hitachinaka, Ibaraki 312-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Postal code : 312-0023
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday 9AM–7PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–7PM

1 Chome-13-1 Odaira, Hitachinaka, Ibaraki 312-0023, Japan
Nagi H on Google

The pie was crispy and delicious! It was the first time that I had eaten a cake that was so crispy with Eclair's shoe dough. Banana cakes and walnut cakes were both delicious and delicious.
AKiKO TOYBOX on Google

A popular shop where customers are always on the go. Birthday plates are available on the spot, although they are charged separately.
ああ on Google

いつ行ってもいっぱいで大人気のお店です。 旬のフルーツがふんだんに使われていて何度行っても飽きない。 生クリームがとても美味しくて、材料にこだわっているのがすごく分かります!!! 焼き菓子の種類も豊富で目移りしてしまいます! 値段もとてもお手頃でここら辺ではダントツで1番美味しいケーキ屋さん。 店員さんもとても感じがよくてお気に入りのお店です♪♪♪
It's a very popular shop that is always full. Seasonal fruits are used abundantly and you will never get tired of it no matter how many times you go. You can see that the cream is very delicious and we are particular about the ingredients! !! !! There are a wide variety of baked goods, and you will be disappointed! The price is very reasonable and it is by far the most delicious cake shop around here. The clerk also feels very good and is my favorite shop ♪♪♪
金沢里佳 on Google

Since I went there on Saturday afternoon, the number of items was low, so I was disappointed that I couldn't find the cakes I was looking for. I bought a fruit roll with lots of fruits, fresh cream and the dough that this shop is proud of, and it was very delicious ???
捺希 on Google

フルーツのタルトとロールケーキが美味しい。 いちごのシーズンはいちごのケーキがずらりと並んで見ごたえがある。 旬のフルーツが大ぶりで使われていてクリームとか生地の甘さと合っていて良い。 季節ごとに違う味を楽しめて定期的に行きたくなる。
Fruit tarts and roll cakes are delicious. Strawberry cakes are lined up in a row during the strawberry season. Seasonal fruits are used in large quantities and may match the sweetness of cream or dough. You can enjoy different flavors depending on the season and want to go there regularly.
しらたま on Google

新しいケーキ店を開拓したくて、Googleで調べて口コミが良かったので昨年行ってみた所、ショーケースのケーキがどれも美味しそうでテンション上がりました? その時は、ケーキを数個とエクレアを買いましたが、ケーキも美味しかったけれど、エクレア! エクレアの下に他のエクレアでは見ない、パイ生地が付いているが、このパイがバリバリ固過ぎず、かと言って柔らか過ぎず、絶妙なサクサク感で、美味しさ倍増(*´▽`*) ケーキは生クリームが甘過ぎず美味しかったので、その年のクリスマスケーキはこちらで注文しました。 エクレアの美味しさにやられて、行ってあった時は必ず買っています。 金額が140円とリーズナブルなのも嬉しいです。
I wanted to open up a new cake shop, so I searched on Google and the reviews were good, so when I went last year, all the cakes in the showcase looked delicious and I got excited ? At that time, I bought a few cakes and eclairs, and the cakes were delicious, but eclairs! There is a pie crust under the eclair that you can't see in other eclairs, but this pie is not too crunchy, but not too soft, and has an exquisite crispy texture that doubles the deliciousness (* ´ ▽ ` *) The cake was delicious because the cream wasn't too sweet, so I ordered the Christmas cake for that year here. I always buy it when I go because of the deliciousness of eclairs. I am happy that the amount is reasonable at 140 yen.
on Google

焼き菓子、半熟チーズと半熟ショコラ、ショコラを購入 金曜日の15時半過ぎにお邪魔したのですが、あれ?ケーキが少ない。。。 時間が悪かったのかな? ということでケーキではなく、焼き菓子に目的を変更しました。 ついでに、(他のお店より大きいよね?これは買っておこう!と思って)半熟チーズと半熟ショコラを購入。 家に帰ってさっそく半熟ショコラを食べましたが、ビターですね!しかも濃厚!これはいい! 今度はケーキ購入しにお邪魔します〜
Buy baked goods, half-boiled cheese and half-boiled chocolate, chocolate I visited you after 15:30 on Friday, is that? There are few cakes. .. .. Was the time bad? So I changed the purpose to baked confectionery instead of cake. By the way, I bought half-boiled cheese and half-boiled chocolate (I think it's bigger than other shops, right? I'll buy this!). I went home and ate a half-boiled chocolate, but it's a bitter! Moreover, it is rich! This is good! This time I will bother you to buy a cake ~
M I on Google

休日のお昼前くらいに伺いました。人は入れ替わり立ち替わりきている感じで、混雑していました。 ※以下個人的見解・経験です。 【よかったところ】 ・昔よりクリームが美味しくなった気がする ・栗のロールケーキは美味しかった ・値段の割にボリュームがある ・いちじくは美味しかった ・タルトは普通。硬めだがフォークで割れる程度 【気になったところ】 ・タルトのフルーツのブドウが全然甘くないし若干変な味がした。味見して作っているのか疑問である。 ・フルーツロールは大味というか、普通。わざわざ買う味ではないかも。 ・いまいち惹かれるケーキがない。ショートケーキは350円くらいで安いが、間にイチゴが入っていないように見えたので、購入をやめた。
I visited around noon on a holiday. People were crowded with the feeling that they were changing. * The following are my personal views and experiences. [Good place] ・ I feel that the cream is more delicious than before ・ The chestnut roll cake was delicious ・ There is volume for the price ・ The fig was delicious ・ Tart is normal. Hard but crackable with a fork [Where I was interested] ・ The tart fruit grapes were not sweet at all and had a slightly strange taste. I wonder if it is made by tasting. ・ Fruit rolls are very tasty or normal. It may not be the taste you bother to buy. ・ There is no cake that attracts me. Shortcake is cheap at around 350 yen, but I stopped buying it because it seemed that there were no strawberries in between.

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