DEARIUM - Machida

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

ビル ネオマイム町田 1F 4 Chome-12-19 Haramachida, Machida, Tokyo 194-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 194-0013
Webサイト :

ビル ネオマイム町田 1F 4 Chome-12-19 Haramachida, Machida, Tokyo 194-0013, Japan
yuko niconico on Google

数年前から利用しています。 こちらの要望をしっかり聞いてくれるので、 安心して利用しています✨ いつもステキなヘアスタイルにしてもらえるので、とても満足しています♪ オススメです?
I have been using it for several years. I will listen to your request firmly, so I use it with confidence ✨ I'm very happy because you always get a nice hairstyle ♪ Recommended ?
柴田直 on Google

Machida's hair salon always asks for cuts and colors. I am delicate because the skin is rough and the hair is thin. So I don't want to hurt as much as possible, but color is indispensable. That's why I always go to this beauty salon with treatments and sets, but my hair will come back to life. Moreover, since the shampoo is polite, it feels very good. I think that the color and perm will feel good if you use the treatment together here.
千明 on Google

今回初めてお伺いしました。 お店もおしゃれだしスタッフさんの雰囲気も好きな感じです。 カットの仕上がりも大満足です。 再現性が高いので、自分でもなんとかセットできてます。 色々と教えていただきありがとうございました。
This is my first visit. The shop is fashionable and I like the atmosphere of the staff. The finish of the cut is also very satisfactory. Since it is highly reproducible, I can set it myself. Thank you for teaching me so much.
堂島いおり on Google

思い切ってイメチェンしたくていったサロンです。 カウンセリング席が用意されており、しっかり相談して決めることができました。 やりたかった髪型は、髪質のせいで出来ませんでしたが、それ以上にいい仕上がりで満足です。 色々相談に乗ってもらってありがとうございます。
It is a salon that I wanted to make the most of Imechen. The counseling seat was prepared, and I was able to make a decision. The hairstyle I wanted to do was not due to the hair quality, but I am satisfied with a better finish. Thank you for getting in various consultations.
fusetae on Google

くせ毛カットが有名だと聞いて気になってたサロンです。 今までくせ毛のせいでショートカットにできませんでした。 丁寧にカウンセリングしていただいて、良い感じのショートにしてもらえました。 もっと早く行けば良かった… ようやく自分に合うサロンが見つかった気がします。
It is a salon that I was anxious to hear that the hair cut is famous. Until now, I could not make it a shortcut because of my loose hair. I was able to counsel you carefully and make it a good short. I should have gone faster ... I feel like I finally found a salon that suits me.
ik fj on Google

聞き取りをしっかりしてくれます。 流行りもおさえつつ、一人一人に合わせたスタイルやカラー、次回までのお手入れも教えてくれます。 子供も小さく、元々、無精女子なのですが、ここは長持ちスタイルを作ってくれます♪ 半年経ってもゆるゆるパーマが残ってて、髪の痛みも少ないのは、センスと経験値だとおもいます! これからもよろしくお願いします!!
He / she listens well. They will also tell you the style and color tailored to each person, as well as the care until the next time, while suppressing the fashion. Children are also small, originally lazy girls, but here makes a long-lasting style ♪ I think that it is sense and experience that the loose perm remains even after half a year and there is little hair pain! I look forward to working with you! !
ノーネーム on Google

The stylist who was in charge served me very politely.
Yukie Suzuki on Google

I was a little disgusted with the hair salon I used to go to, so I searched for it by word of mouth and changed it to this one. It cuts your hair while listening carefully to your hair, so you can finish it as you wish. What surprised me most was that the left and right sides had different habits, but the cuts were enough. Until now, when it grew even a little, it swelled and bounced, and even though the blow didn't work, now it listens to what the hair says even if it doesn't blow. Most of my worries were solved just by cutting, so I regretted that I should change to this salon sooner.

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