弓削禅寺 山呼荘

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Contact 弓削禅寺 山呼荘

住所 :

Dan, Ikeda, Ibi District, 〒503-2408 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
街 : Gifu

Dan, Ikeda, Ibi District, 〒503-2408 Gifu,Japan
おだ天狗 on Google

弓削寺(ゆげじ)は、岐阜県揖斐郡池田町の池田山西麓にある臨済宗妙心寺派の寺院。山号は阿梨耶山で、伝教大師(最澄)が開基と伝わり、開創当初は天台宗の寺院であった。西美濃三十三霊場9番札所である。 弓削寺の開創は平安時代に遡る。弘仁8年(817年)に美濃国安八郡を伝教大師が巡錫の際に池田山に紫雲が漂っているのに気づき、訪れたところ温泉が湧きだしているのを見つけた。その温泉を錫杖でかき回したところ、馬頭観音が顕現したと伝わる。その馬頭観音を祀るために寺が建てられ、奇瑞に因んで阿梨耶山湯華寺と名付けられた。 開創時の寺は現在の位置よりも山頂に近い位置に建っていた。 その後、応徳年間に白河法皇が谷汲山華厳寺を参拝の帰途に俄の病に見舞われたが、この温泉に入り平癒したため弓削寺の寺号を下賜された。その際に大般若経600巻も授かり、その経典を納めるため平安寺が建立されたと伝わる。 その後臨済宗に改宗し、弓削禅寺と称するようになった。 平成17年(2005年)に境内地を掘削したところ温泉が発見され、入湯施設ができ温泉客でにぎわっている。また、多くの紫陽花が植栽されており6月には花見客が訪れる。
Yugeji is a temple of the Rinzai sect Myoshinji sect located at the western foot of Mt. Ikeda in Ikeda Town, Ibi District, Gifu Prefecture. The mountain name is Mt. Ariya, and it is said that the Daikyo Daishi (Saicho) was said to have been the foundation of the temple. It is the 9th bill place of Nishi-Mino Sanso Sacred Ground. The foundation of the Yugyoji temple dates back to the Heian period. In 817, Hirohito 8 (8), a teaching professor in Anaku-gun, Mino, noticed shikumo drifting over Mt. It is said that the horse head Kannon was revealed when the hot spring was stirred with a tin cane. A temple was built to worship the horse head Kannon, and it was named after the chery, Ariyasan Yukaji Temple. The temple at the time of its inception was located closer to the summit than it was today. After that, during the Otoku era, Pope Shirakawa suffered an epidemic on the way back to worship Yakumiyama Kegonji Temple, but he was given the name of Yugeji Temple because he had healed in this hot spring. At that time, it received 600 volumes of the general juvenile sutra, and it is said that Heianji Temple was erected to pay the sutra. After that, it was converted to the Rinzai sect and came to be called Yuge Zenji. A hot spring was found when the grounds of the precincts were excavated in 2005, and a hot spring facility has been established and is crowded with hot spring guests. In addition, many hydrangeas are planted, and in June, cherry blossom visitors come.

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