キーパーラボ 安城店 - Anjo

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact キーパーラボ 安城店

住所 :

Daitocho, Anjo, 〒446-0044 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 446-0044
Webサイト : http://www.keeperlabo.jp/anjo/
街 : Aichi

Daitocho, Anjo, 〒446-0044 Aichi,Japan
k m on Google

I used a mechanical car wash. When I saw it later, I was disappointed that there was a car wash streak on the painted surface.
大石安徳 on Google

I asked for a coating on an old car. The stains that I've been worried about for a long time have become beautiful, and I'm feeling fine.
CHIE on Google

撥水洗車1,200円。 最後の仕上げは純水(拭き取らなくても大丈夫らしい。) 私は、拭き取りますが… 拭きあげ用(ボディ用 足回り用)の、タオルも置いてあるので手ぶらで?
Water-repellent car wash 1,200 yen. The final finish is pure water (it seems that you don't have to wipe it off.) I wipe it off ... There is also a towel for wiping (for body and undercarriage), so it's empty-handed ?
noriaki sasaki on Google

洗車で利用させて頂きました。ネット予約があり其方で申し込みました。当日からも予約可能で混雑状況も分かり便利かと思います。洗車のクオリティはKeePerさんなので安定しており申し分ありません。控室はネット環境があり洗車程度なら時間潰すのは問題ないです。周りにはそこそこインフラも整っておりコーティング作業なら外でも時間潰せるのに困らないかと思います。 自動洗車機もあり其方も雨降りの翌日は人気有ります。
I used it for car washing. I made an online reservation and applied for it. You can make a reservation from the day of the event, and it will be convenient to understand the congestion situation. The quality of the car wash is KeePer, so it is stable and perfect. There is an internet environment in the waiting room, so it's okay to kill time if it's about car washing. There is a decent infrastructure around me, so I think it would be a problem to spend time outside for coating work. There is also an automatic car wash machine, which is also popular the day after it rains.
RB3安城 on Google

I use it about 3 times by hand washing. It seems that there are many reviews that the customer service is bad, but I do not have such an impression. I think it's a store that does a polite job. We will continue to use it.
T I (Tetsu) on Google

7年落ちの中古車にダイアモンドキーパーと樹脂コーティングを依頼しました。 黒い樹脂は白っぽく変色していたものが、綺麗な黒に戻り、かなり改善されました。 ボディは発色、撥水共に素晴らしく、水滴が滑っていくのは見ていて気持ち良いです。 接客対応はとても良いと私は感じています。 洗車機での洗車後に気になっていた黒シミについて伺ったところ、様々な種類のクリーナーを試して頂きました。 その時は落とす事が出来ず帰宅しましたが、 その後電話連絡があり、再度来店して樹液除去材を試させて欲しいとの事でした。 結果的に黒シミの原因は火の粉など高熱による塗装の溶解であり、落とす事は物理的に不可能という事になりました。 終始、丁寧に説明をして頂き、退店しても気に掛けて連絡を下さる、そのプロ意識は素晴らしいものだと思います。 今後もお世話になりたいお店です。
I asked a used car that was 7 years old to have a diamond keeper and resin coating. The black resin, which had been discolored whitish, has returned to a beautiful black color and has improved considerably. The body is excellent in color and water repellency, and it is pleasant to see the water droplets slipping. I feel that the customer service is very good. When I asked about the black spots that I was worried about after washing the car with a car wash machine, I asked them to try various types of cleaners. At that time, I couldn't drop it and went home, After that, I received a phone call and asked me to come back to the store and try the sap remover. As a result, the cause of black spots was the dissolution of paint due to high heat such as sparks, and it became physically impossible to remove them. I think that the professionalism is wonderful, as you explain carefully from beginning to end, and even if you leave the store, you care about it and contact you. It is a shop that I would like to take care of in the future.
ご近所ドットコム on Google

店員さんの対応、仕事が雑ですね。 他店の方が優ってます。 コーティングの施工をしてもらいましたが、部分的に水を弾かない場所がありました。 あと、前の道まで並ぶ洗車機渋滞は何とかなりませんか?
The clerk's response and work are complicated. Other stores are superior. I had the coating applied, but there was a part that did not repel water. Also, isn't there a lot of traffic jams in the car wash machines that line up to the road in front of you?
Riddy M on Google

知立店が予約取れず、初めて安城店を予約、ホィールとボディの手洗い洗車をお願いしました。外側の仕上がりは大変満足していますが、なんと革のステアリングの真ん中、ホーンスイッチの上の部分に5センチ以上の長いひっかき傷をつけられました。!日陰だと見えなくて四日後に発見。 新車のため大切にしており、納車後のコーティングからキーパーさんでお世話になっていますが、こんなことは初めてです。こんな深い傷なら、つけた女性スタッフは絶対にわかっているはずです。とにかく、傷を見るたびにショックで立ち直れません。混んでいるときは無理に予約を入れず、いつもの知立店に行こうと決意しました。 外回りはスタッフ立会いで確認しますが、みなさんステアリング周りもご確認ください。後からではクレーム言えませんから。
I couldn't make a reservation for the Chiryu store, so I made a reservation for the Anjo store for the first time and asked for a hand wash of the wheel and body. I'm very happy with the finish on the outside, but I got a long scratch of 5 cm or more on the upper part of the horn switch in the middle of the leather steering. !! I couldn't see it in the shade and found it four days later. I cherish it because it is a new car, and the keeper has taken care of me from the coating after delivery, but this is the first time. With such a deep wound, the female staff who made it should definitely know. Anyway, every time I see a wound, I can't recover from the shock. When it was crowded, I decided not to make a reservation forcibly and to go to the usual Chiryu store. We will check the outside area in the presence of the staff, but please also check the area around the steering wheel. I can't make a complaint later.

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