Daiso - Higashi Ward

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Daiso

住所 :

1 Chome-3-2 Nukushina, Higashi Ward, Hiroshima 732-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 732-0033
Webサイト : https://www.daiso-sangyo.co.jp/shop/detail/8235
Description : Japanese variety-store chain with housewares, toys, stationery, decorations, bento supplies & gifts.

1 Chome-3-2 Nukushina, Higashi Ward, Hiroshima 732-0033, Japan
SYO taka on Google

This Daiso is quite wide and has many items. I only go there about twice a month, but every time I shop for a lot of goods! I don't expect the quality because it's 100% Yahari, but it's quite excellent! I will continue shopping. This is confirmed! PayPay can also be used for payment Arigatai (≧ ∇ ≦) b
祐子 on Google

It was too late to buy next year's schedule book. Only items smaller than the desired size were available.
Did on Google

なかなかの大型店舗で品揃えも豊富です。その分商品を探すのに多少迷うところはあるものの、時間があるなら新しい商品を探したり、見比べたりして楽しめると思います。 店舗外まで陳列してあるほど品揃え多いのですが、駐車場(屋外・屋根なし)と距離が離れがちなので多少の不便はあるかもしれません。そこを覚悟ならありな店舗だと思います。
It is a fairly large store with a wide selection of products. I'm a little confused about finding products, but if I have time, I think I can enjoy looking for new products and comparing them. There is a large selection of items that are displayed outside the store, but there may be some inconvenience because the parking lot (outdoors, without a roof) tends to be far away. If you are prepared for that, I think it's a good store.
西山 昌悟 on Google

コロナ対策も万全です。 夕方なら多少ですが人が少ないですよ! 330円商品の手提げバックがいいですよ。
on Google

I bought a Bluetooth earphone today, but I was surprised at this sound quality for 1,000 yen! How durable is it after that?
Kazuya Tomoyasu on Google

バックヤード近くの品物見てたら、バックヤードから店内まで聞こえてくるくらいの大きな声で罵声が聞こえてきた。罵声を受けてた人が出ていった後残ってた人たちでその人のことをボロクソに言ってて、不愉快な気分になった。 この店舗はお勧めできません。
When I looked at the items near the backyard, I heard a swearing voice as loud as I could hear from the backyard to the inside of the store. It made me uncomfortable to talk about the people who were swearing at me and the people who remained after they left. This store is not recommended.
Nae Kichi on Google

品揃えも店員さんの態度もとても良いと思います。 駐車場もあるのがポイント高いです(笑)
I think the product lineup and the attitude of the clerk are very good. The point is that there is also a parking lot (laughs)
山下順子 on Google

使用済みのレジカゴが、一つ地べたにコピー機の横に直接置いてあり、まさか、そこに重ねるとは思わず、レジの大柄な店員に返す場所を聞いたら、面倒くさそうにそこですと言われた場所が地べたでした。 おかしいと思わない店員にもびっくりした。 もっと清潔に使うべきカゴです。
The used cash register basket was placed directly next to the copier on the ground, and I didn't think it would be piled up there, and when I asked where to return it to the large cash register clerk, I was told that it would be annoying. The place was ground. I was surprised by the clerk who didn't think it was strange. It is a basket that should be used more cleanly.

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