Daisen Riding Center - Saihaku District

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Daisen Riding Center

住所 :

2459-130 Akamatsu, Daisen, Saihaku District, Tottori 689-3319, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Postal code : 689-3319
Webサイト : http://www.daisen.net/uma/
Description : Horseback riding facility for riders of all ages & abilities, plus a restaurant & a petting zoo.

2459-130 Akamatsu, Daisen, Saihaku District, Tottori 689-3319, Japan
三谷良輔(ろんぱ) on Google

It's not quite an experience to be able to ride horses, but a staff member was there to help the children, so the children could have a horse riding experience with peace of mind.
Hiroyuki Yoshimura on Google

お馬さんが10頭ぐらい、いてて。 色々な体験を、コロナの感染対策して出来る? ほとんど、お客さんいてない。 ほぼ貸切状態?
There were about 10 horses. Various experiences can be done as a countermeasure against corona infection ? There are almost no customers. Almost reserved ?
ひとみ on Google

2019年7月 乗馬センター内のコテージに宿泊して、翌日の朝に「お散歩コースロング」をしました。終わったあとは、モグモグ券が付いていて、いろいろな馬に「馬のおやつ」をあげれました。子供たちは怖ごわながら、楽しかった〜!と言ってくれていました。動物に触れ合えると心が落ち着きますね。初心者でも大丈夫です。
In July 2019, I stayed at a cottage in the riding center and did a "walking course long" the next morning. After that, I got a mogumogu ticket and gave various horses "horse snacks". The kids were scared and had fun! He said. It's soothing to be in touch with animals. Even beginners are fine.
k t on Google

I asked for a 30-minute trekking course. It teaches you not only to ride but also to control yourself.
洋衣笠 on Google

When I played the YouTube video when I won the Kikuka-sho on the side of Big Week when I was 15 years old, I opened my eyes and suddenly started running in the fence when I thought I was looking up at the sky. I thought that the memory at that time was firmly engraved in my memory, and I almost cried.
憲石 on Google

馬と触れ合える場所!トレッキングコースはいきなり一人、係の方は手綱を持ちません! 初めての乗馬で停止、スタート、左右コントロールなど基本を教えてもらい、係の方が徒歩で先導してくれる中、乗馬し林へ向かいます、途中道路沿いをパカパカするので通行する車からかなり見られます。後部座席の子供さんがビックリした顔で見て行きます。係の方が手綱を握ってないので乗馬した気持ちになれます。 服装はGパンにスニーカーで十分、 ベストと帽子(ヘルメット)は貸してくれます。 馬が20弱いました。馬以外はポニーが4、ひつじ、ヤギが各1エサやりができます。 季節によりお得なコースがあるのでwebで確認、予約がオススメです。 費用はある程度掛かりますが馬の維持費や人件費を考慮すればやむ得ないと思います。それに、従業員の方は皆さんフレンドリーで親切で好印象でした。 コースによるとは思いますが、大人は翌日筋肉痛になるかもしれません。 初めての乗馬としては大満足できました。
A place where you can interact with horses! The trekking course suddenly is one person, the person in charge has no reins! You will be taught the basics such as stopping, starting, left and right control by riding for the first time, and the staff will lead you on foot while walking, leading to the forest, on the way along the road, you can see quite a lot from the passing car The The child in the backseat looks with a surprised face. Because the person in charge does not hold the reins, you can feel like riding. As for clothes, sneakers are enough for G bread, Vests and hats (helmets) will lend you. The horse was 20 weak. Except horses, 4 ponies, 1 sheep, and 1 goat can feed each. Since there are advantageous courses depending on the season, we recommend checking and booking on the web. Although it costs a certain amount of money, I think it is unavoidable if you consider the maintenance costs and labor costs of horses. In addition, the employees were all friendly, helpful and positive. Depending on the course, adults may have muscle pain the next day. I was very happy as my first horseback ride.
Bob Cat on Google

初心者でも大丈夫な、でもしっかりと乗馬を体験できる林間や道路も通るコースを予約して行きました。 乗馬は全くの素人でしたが、以前から一度体験してみたくて、それがようやく叶いました。 乗馬センターのスタッフの方は皆さん明るくて、親切且つ丁寧にアドバイスや手助けをして頂いて、約1時間があっという間に過ぎてしまいました。 道路を通行するときには、車やバスで通行する方から見られて、嬉しいような恥ずかしいような暑さとは違う汗が流れたように思います。 実際には乗せてもらった馬と付いて頂いたスタッフのおかげで、初めての乗馬を堪能させて貰いました。 貴重な体験をありがとうございました。 また機会があれば体験させて欲しいと思います。
Even beginners are okay, but I booked a course that goes through forests and roads where you can experience horseback riding firmly. Horseback riding was a complete amateur, but I wanted to experience it once before, and it finally came true. The staff at the equestrian center were all cheerful, kind and polite, and gave me advice and help, and about an hour passed in no time. When passing through the road, I think that people who pass by car or bus sweated differently from the happy and embarrassing heat. In fact, thanks to the horses I got on board and the staff who accompanied me, I was able to enjoy my first horseback riding. Thank you for your valuable experience. I would like to experience it again if I have the opportunity.
Yuichi on Google

Feeding horses for a horse riding experience. All the staff were very kind and I was able to spend quality time. I am grateful that I was able to make good memories.

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