から揚げの天才 加須店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact から揚げの天才 加須店

住所 :

Daimoncho, Kazo, 〒347-0068 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://karaagenotensai.com/detail/%3Fid%3D2057
街 : Saitama

Daimoncho, Kazo, 〒347-0068 Saitama,Japan
メタもんこ on Google

久々に行きましたが、レパートリーが増えてて、思わず色んな味を買ってしまいました?ハニーマスタードは以前期間限定だったはずなのに、その時は食べれなかったので、買ってしまいました!甘みがあるマスタードで、とても合ってました?トマトチーズ味も良かったです? ただ、一昨年まで目の前にあったイトーヨーカドーが失くなって、更地になってて、周りが活気が無くなってる感じがしたので、ちょっと寂しくなりましたね?
I went there after a long time, but the repertoire increased and I bought various flavors ? Honey mustard should have been for a limited time before, but I couldn't eat it at that time, so I bought it! It was mustard and it was very good ? The tomato cheese tasted good ? However, I felt a little lonely because Ito-Yokado, which was in front of me until the year before last, was lost and it became a vacant lot, and the surroundings became less lively ?
KOTARO Ginza-Tokyo-Japan on Google

The receipt with "One free questionnaire from the big one" makes me want to visit again. The deep-fried red was delicious with the spicy sweetness.
三世フランソワーズ on Google

I ate fried chicken and omelet for the first time. The fried chicken was crispy and well seasoned, and the omelet and sweetness were just right. It seems that you can also order at karaoke, so I'm thinking of ordering.
Taichi I on Google

賛否両論あるようですが、星4つ。 からたまおかず税別495円をチョイスしました。 他の方からもレポがある通り、白(塩)、黒(醤油)、赤(旨辛)の三種から2種を選べます。 僕は白と赤をいただきましたが、白は取り留めて何か特徴があるわけでもなくですが、赤は程よい旨辛加減で甘みのあるスパイシーさで、なかなか癖になりそうな味わいです。 鶏肉は総じて柔らかく、ほか弁の唐揚げ弁当の唐揚げ、ローソンのからあげクンなどとは、少し比較が難しい印象です。 玉子焼きは、まぁ、普通に美味しかったです。現在、炭水化物を制限している僕にはちょうど良い味付けですが、白い飯と合うかと聞かれると少し甘いかなとも思います。 唐揚げ4個と出汁玉子焼きで、この値段。 星4つでした。
It seems that there are pros and cons, but it has four stars. Karatama side dish I chose 495 yen excluding tax. As there are reports from other people, you can choose 2 types from 3 types: white (salt), black (soy sauce), and red (spicy). I received white and red, but white does not have any special characteristics, but red is moderately spicy and sweet and spicy, and it seems to be a habit. Chicken is generally tender, and it's a little difficult to compare with other fried chicken lunch boxes and Lawson's Karaage Kun. The omelet was delicious as usual. It's a good seasoning for me, who currently limits carbohydrates, but I think it's a little sweet when asked if it goes well with white rice. This price is for 4 fried chicken and omelet with soup stock. It was 4 stars.
Yuko Kawashima on Google

I ate fried chicken from various chain stores, but it was also delicious. You can choose from red (rich spicy miso), white (salt koji soup stock), and black (secret black soy sauce). I ordered half of the family pack white and half of black and one omelet. The salted jiuqu was delicious, and the special omelet was quite sweet. It contains 10 family packs, but did it contain small fried chicken? There were 12 of them.
小悪魔ショコラ on Google

人から聞いて熊谷から買いに行きました。 店員さんは、掃除中でした。 初めてでよくわからなくて、聞こうとしたら、メニュー見て決めてくださいと怒られました。 初めてで分からないんですけどともう一度聞くと、怒った口調で、またメニュー見て決まったら声かけて下さいと言われました。 迷っていると、店員さんがまだって顔をして見ているので、分からないんですけど、教えてくれませんかと言うとやっと教えてくれました。 もう少し親切に教えて欲しかったです。 店入って店員さんいきなり怒っているとお客様逃げますヨ~。 店員さんの名前(オノさん)でした。 わざわざ買いに行っているのに、嫌な気分にさせないで欲しいです。
I heard from people and went to buy from Kumagaya. The clerk was cleaning. I didn't understand it for the first time, and when I tried to ask, I was angry that I should look at the menu and decide. When I asked again that I didn't understand it for the first time, I was angry and told me to speak to me when I decided to look at the menu again. When I was at a loss, the clerk was still looking at me, so I don't know, but when I asked him to tell me, he finally told me. I wanted you to teach me a little more kindly. If you enter the store and the clerk suddenly gets angry, the customer will run away. It was the name of the clerk (Mr. Ono). I don't want you to feel uncomfortable even though I'm going to buy it.
かねこふじお on Google

1回目のワクチン接種も済み 3日遅れの父の日を無理やり思いだし、からたま弁当を3セットを来店注文、車中で待つ夕暮れ?時の15分ほどの間に、10組ぐらいが競うかのように品を受け取りに来ている。他に4名ほどの学生さんの来店 客のとぎれがありません。電話注文、ネット注文なんですね!これに輪をかけ「加須の皆さんデリー伊藤です」の営業放送が混雑に発車を掛ける。 塩分控えめの診察を受けている老いらには~1番人気の「からたま弁当」の玉子焼きが美味しい??
The first vaccination has been completed Forcibly remembering Father's Day, which is three days late, I ordered 3 sets of Karatama bento, and waited in the car for about 15 minutes at dusk ? to receive the goods as if about 10 pairs were competing. It is coming. About 4 other students come to the store There is no break in the customers. It's a telephone order or an online order! Around this, the business broadcast of "Kazo everyone, I'm Delhi Ito" starts in a crowded manner. For old people who are undergoing a low-salt examination, the most popular "Karatama Bento" omelet is delicious ??
杉本海(カイ) on Google

唐揚げの天才が出来た時から気になっていたけど機会がなく たまたま仕事先が加須店の側一度買ってみることに店舗に着くとテリーさんの呼び声 謎の音楽 笑える からたま4個を注文 味が選べるので白 白 黒 トマトチーズをチョイス ほどよい大きさの唐揚げ ちょうどいい味付け しょっぱくもなく薄くもない いい感じ 鶏肉も美味しい??卵焼きも旨い?ハマるほどまでは…接客も悪くはなかったです。駐車場広め
I've been worried about it since the fried chicken genius was made, but I didn't have the opportunity. When I arrived at the store, I happened to buy it once at the Kazo store. You can choose the taste, so choose white, white, black, tomato cheese, fried chicken of just the right size, not salty or thin, good feeling, chicken is delicious ?? Egg fried is delicious ? Until you get hooked ... The customer service was not bad. .. Wide parking lot

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