
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 気分屋うめ吉

住所 :

Daimachi, Nagaoka, 〒940-0048 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Opening hours :
Saturday 6–11PM
Sunday 6–11PM
Monday 6–11PM
Tuesday 6–11PM
Wednesday 6–11PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 6–11PM
街 : Niigata

Daimachi, Nagaoka, 〒940-0048 Niigata,Japan
1091 Datecchi on Google

An elegant izakaya.
Manbou UMINO on Google

A few minutes walk from JR Nagaoka Station, you can enjoy the shopkeeper recommended sake and chopsticks.
誠ぐるなび on Google

A shop full of cleanliness and rich in sake
馬耳東風 on Google

このお店が近くにあったら通っちゃうな~…という隣の常連らしいお客さんが羨ましくなるようなお店です。 仕草から「寿司職人かな?」という印象。 美味しい酒肴とお酒を「気楽かつゆったり」と楽しみたい方にオススメ♪
If you are close to this store, you will not be able to go to it. The impression from the gesture is "Is it a sushi chef?" Recommended for those who want to enjoy delicious sake and sake "easy and relaxing" ♪
Masa K on Google

気さくで腕の良い大将が、料理、日本酒共にその時によいものを提供してくれる。 店内も清潔感があり、安心して伺える。
A friendly and skillful general will provide you with good food and sake at that time. The inside of the store is also clean and you can visit with confidence.
高梨帆南海 on Google

・味 近隣の居酒屋よりも同じか少し美味しい程度に感じました。 ・品揃え 料理もお酒も選択肢が少なかったです。 料理についてはその日に仕入れたものを出しているようですので理解はできますが、お酒の選択肢が少ないのは怠慢としか思えません。 ・料金設定 近隣の居酒屋よりも少し美味しい程度の味と書きましたが、味のわりにお会計はとても高かったです。近隣の居酒屋の倍ほど請求されました。料亭ほど料金が高いわけではありありませんが、料亭ほどの味も出せておらずコスパという点では最悪です。またメニューに料金が書かれていないのがとても不親切でした。 ・接客 最悪でした。 客同士の会話に店主が割って入ってくる。 食べている目の前で皿を洗う。 接客中なのにカウンター向こうの厨房内でタバコを吸う。 等々、個人的に不快にさせられる行動が目立ちました。特に接客中に厨房内でタバコを吸う行為はありえません。 ・店内の雰囲気 内装はきれいでしたが、店内奥の座敷が閉鎖されており、否が応でも店主の目の前のカウンターに座らなければならないのが不満でした。客の数がまばらで店主にこちらの会話が筒抜けの状態でしたので、会話もしづらかったです。 ・今後利用したいかどうか もう利用しません。長岡市内には接客も味も料金も良いお店がたくさんあるので、イライラした気分で帰ることになるこのお店は選択肢に入りません。全てにおいて高級店でも大衆居酒屋でもない中途半端なお店だったと感じます。
·taste I felt it was the same or a little tastier than the neighboring izakaya. ・ Assortment There were few choices for food and sake. As for the food, it seems that the food purchased on that day is served, so I can understand it, but I think it is negligent to have few choices of alcohol. ・ Price setting I wrote that the taste was a little tastier than the neighboring izakaya, but the bill was very expensive for the taste. I was charged twice as much as the neighboring izakaya. It is not as expensive as the restaurant, but the restaurant It didn't taste as good as it was and it was the worst in terms of cost performance. Also, it was very unfriendly that the price was not written on the menu. ・ Customer service It was the worst. The shopkeeper breaks into the conversation between customers. Wash the dishes in front of you while you are eating. I smoke in the kitchen over the counter even though I am serving customers. The behavior that made me uncomfortable personally was conspicuous. Especially, I can't smoke in the kitchen while serving customers. ・ Atmosphere in the store The interior was beautiful, but the tatami room in the back of the store was closed, and I was dissatisfied with having to sit at the counter in front of the store owner. It was difficult to talk because I was out of the cylinder. ・ Whether you want to use it in the future I don't use it anymore. There are many shops in Nagaoka city that have good customer service, taste, and price, so this shop that makes you feel frustrated is not an option. I feel that it was a half-baked shop.
Trip Navigator on Google

A shop centered on counter seats, just a short walk from the east exit of Nagaoka Station. You can enjoy sake from inside and outside the prefecture with seasonal ingredients as a side dish. In the fully open kitchen, you can enjoy the hands of your husband and drink while waiting for what kind of food will come out. There seems to be a tatami room, but if you are new to this, we recommend counter seats. The dishes change daily, and there are some dishes that you can't understand without asking your husband, but I had a great time talking about the once-in-a-lifetime dish and the sake that goes with it.
K SO on Google

酒と料理が美味い! 1人でも入りやすいお店!
Sake and food are delicious! A shop that is easy for one person to enter!

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