Daiho Shrine - Ritto

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Daiho Shrine

住所 :

7 Chome-5-5 Heso, Ritto, Shiga 520-3031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Postal code : 520-3031
Webサイト : http://www.daihoujinja.jp/index.htm

7 Chome-5-5 Heso, Ritto, Shiga 520-3031, Japan
射手矢佳史 on Google

立派な神社です 宮司さんも気さくに話をしていただきました 鳥居の前の狛犬は、なぜか真正面を向いています
It is a wonderful shrine Miyaji-san also kindly talked The guardian dog in front of the torii is facing the front for some reason
きいろいとり虎命 on Google

It was a splendid shrine, so the Shiba Inu had a good taste. There was a sumo wrestler.
Toshifumi arai on Google

I parked my car in the parking lot of the Otsu station administration building, finished my business, bought a lottery 6 at the lottery counter in front of Mizuho Bank in Hama Otsu, and came here with my feet. I was told that it was better to go, but I didn't know that there was such a wonderful shrine in front of Kurito Station. When you come, turn right at the flashing signal in front of you and go straight to see the torii gate. ❗ Please pass through the torii gate and stop at the gravel area! I was able to go around each company and calm down. ❗ There was a sumo ring on the bridge here as well. ❗ I'm sure there are people who have been promoted to the famous sumo world.
キムタクしか on Google

I visited for the first time. The first visit after three days. Well, there are many people, but it is large enough to worship without being too crowded. gambling? I wonder if it's the god of the god, there was also the burning of the lost lottery. Let's bring it next year lol
ゆい on Google

コロナ禍で初詣に行けてなかったので、1月中には!とお詣りに行きました。お守りを買おうと思いましたが、ほぼなくなっていて、さすがに遅かったかなあて感じです。 「大宝」という名前から、宝くじ当選祈願のお詣りがあることを初めて知りました。 近くの宝くじ売場でも、絵馬を代理販売しているとか。 商魂たくましいというか、、、何からブレイクするかわかりませんね。
I couldn't go to the shrine because of the corona, so by the end of January! I went to visit. I thought I'd buy an amulet, but it's almost gone, and I think it was too late. For the first time, I learned from the name "Taobao" that there is a prayer for winning the lottery. Ema is also sold on behalf of the nearby lottery counter. It's a strong business spirit, I don't know what to break from.
おだ天狗 on Google

当神社は当郡小平井村信濃堂に降臨のところ、大宝元年疫病流行の時神教に依て当地に鎮座され、大宝天王の神号と神階正一位を勅定された。この儀は神社啓蒙諸社一覧、日本風土記、和漢三才図絵等の書に記され、また大宝元年遷座の時下し賜わった御綸旨今に伝来する。永享五年足利義教より神領三百十一石を寄進され、その朱印状も現存する。永禄年中兵乱により五十郷の氏子も次第に減じて三十二箇村となり、元亀二年信長公が比叡山を燃亡の折三百十一石の社領は上地となり社殿のみ残った。寛永六年徳川家は綣村を渡辺山城守の所領とし、境内社日吉神社灯明田一反歩の寄進があり、その後の社殿建立、修復を子孫に継いで怠らなかった。また享保元年京都宝鏡寺宮より四脚門両築地付の寄進があり、元禄二年曼珠院宮二品良尚親王より大宝天王宮の御染筆の額の寄進、天明八年御室御所より御紋付の提灯御寄附、寛政六年同所より金五十両寄進あり、その御墨付も現存する。 明治に入り時宗仏眼寺と分離し大宝神社と改めた。それ以後も氏子区域は広く、各大字に境外社三十八社を教える。明治九年村社、同十四年郷社に加列。 尚境内社追来神社の創祀年月は古く不詳であるが弘安六年棟上の記があり重文に指定されており、木造狛犬に伊不伎里惣中とあるので、延喜式内社意布伎神社であるとの説もあるが不明である。
When the shrine descended to Shinano-do, Kodaira-mura, the county, it was enshrined here by the Shinto religion during the epidemic of the first year of Taiho, and was appointed as the deity of Taiho Tenno and the first rank of the Shinkai. This ritual is recorded in books such as the list of shrines and enlightenment companies, the Japanese culture, and the Wakan Sansai Zue, and it is handed down to the present day when the Taiho first year was relocated. In the 5th year of Eikyo, Ashikaga Yoshinori donated the Jinryō 3111 stone, and the red seal is still in existence. During the Eiroku era, the number of children in the fifty villages gradually decreased to 32 villages, and when Nobunaga, a former turtle, burned down Mt. rice field. In the 6th year of the Kanei era, the Tokugawa family made Hesomura the territory of Watanabeyama Castle Mamoru, and there was a donation from the precincts of the Hiyoshi Shrine, Ichitanho Akeda. Also, in the first year of Kyoho, there was a donation with a four-legged gate from the Hokyoji shrine in Kyoto. A lantern with a crest was donated, and 50 gold donations were made from the same place in the 6th year of Kansei. In the Meiji era, it was separated from Ji-shu Buddhist temple and changed to Daiho Shrine. Since then, the area of ​​the parishioners has been wide, and each large character is taught the 38 companies outside the border. Joined the village company in the 9th year of the Meiji era and the township company in the 14th year of the same year. It should be noted that the date of creation of the shrine of the precincts shrine is old and unknown, but there is a note on the 6th year of Koan and it is designated as a heavy sentence. There is a theory that it is a shrine, but it is unknown.
梅本将実 on Google

Worship in total darkness from 6 pm. I thought it would be a little brighter because it's a shrine near the station, but it's dark. However, since it is located in a private house near Rittou Station, there are some people who come for a walk to worship, and some people who come to walk a dog in front of the shrine. The next time I visit, I will come when it is bright.
The Smiley Yolk on Google

It is a calm shrine inside a rural city. Not so many tourists visiting the area so it feels more like private area than public place. If you are enjoying the 'actual' Japanese culture you may pay a visit to this shrine. If you are lucky you will be the guard who is keeping the area well maintained.

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