Daihatsu - Miyoshi

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Daihatsu

住所 :

6 Chome-3-5 Miyoshigaoka, Miyoshi, Aichi 470-0202, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 470-0202
Webサイト : https://www.daihatsu-aichi.co.jp/shop-mikawa/m7

6 Chome-3-5 Miyoshigaoka, Miyoshi, Aichi 470-0202, Japan
はいからさん on Google

車から降りたら ピットスタッフから元気な挨拶。店内に入ると スタッフから挨拶 要件伺い。気持ち良く入れます。皆さん丁寧な対応。お近くの方 オススメします。
Once you get out of the car, a cheerful greeting from the pit staff. When you enter the store, the staff greets you and asks for requirements. Put it in comfortably. Everybody is polite. Near you I recommend.
近藤元 on Google

Every person in charge feels good, and if you want to buy a DAIHATSU car, you have decided to go to this store.
まるまる on Google

コペンの試乗に行きました とても気分良く 試乗出来ました。接客してくれた方から後日お礼状を頂き、コペン購入を決めました。
I went to Copen test drive I was able to test drive very comfortably. I received a thank-you note from the person who served me, and decided to purchase Copen.
Taisyou Ao on Google

自動車を、買うことが特別な事と思い出させていただきました。 ありがとうございます。
I remembered that buying a car was a special thing. thank you.
眠狂四郎 on Google

一ヶ月点検にお邪魔しました。 応対も良く、居心地も良かったです。
I went to the inspection for a month. The reception was good and it was comfortable.
にし on Google

初めての来店で、Pに車を止めた途端に営業に女性が駆け寄ってきて、ごあいさつ。 当方は小さな部品(約¥2000)を注文しに来ただけなのに、丁寧な対応で早速エンジニアスタッフに引き継がれ、部品を注文しました。 もともとダイハツのディーラー(他店)にはあまり良い印象を持っていなかったので、感動しました。 乗り換えの際は、是非とも三好ヶ丘店でお願いしようと思います。
It was my first visit to the store, and as soon as I stopped the car at P, a woman rushed to the sales office and gave a greeting. We just came to order a small part (about 2000 yen), but with a polite response, the engineer staff immediately took over and ordered the part. Originally, I didn't have a very good impression of Daihatsu dealers (other stores), so I was impressed. When changing trains, I would definitely like to ask at the Miyoshigaoka store.
美春榊原 on Google

The correspondence of staff was wonderful. To other customers, thank you very much the other day. I was thanking you. I thought that it is a warm warm shop of community.
Misokusikatu Nt on Google

楽しく車選びをさせてもらえました。 小型店ですが、試乗車はとても、充実してました。 茶菓子が、各地の銘菓で、買ったあとにもふらっと立ち寄りメンテナンスしてほしくなります。 土地柄、トヨタ関連の方々クルマ買うのが多いのかもしれません。
I enjoyed choosing a car. Although it is a small shop, the test drive was very fulfilling. Tea confectionery is a famous confectionery from all over the world, and I want you to stop by and maintain it even after you buy it. People related to Toyota may buy a lot of cars.

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