Gulliver Miyoshi - Miyoshi

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gulliver Miyoshi

住所 :

Aburaden-28-1 Miyoshicho, Miyoshi, Aichi 470-0224, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 470-0224
Webサイト :

Aburaden-28-1 Miyoshicho, Miyoshi, Aichi 470-0224, Japan

Nice to meet you, it was the use of the purchase shop. They responded kindly and politely, and the difference from other stores was obvious. We are grateful to the store manager and staff for their sincere support. I would like to use it again next time. Thank you very much.
稲塚辰美 on Google

I'm glad that both the store manager and the clerk were friendly and bought it.
ネオル on Google

いくらなら売ってくれるの?と初めから聞いてくるので、客が安く金額を言えばおそらく強引にその金額で話を進めようとします。そんなのこっちから言いたくないと言ってもしつこく聞いてくるので、あらかじめ相場を調べておいてかなり高めの金額を行った方がいい。 と言うか絶対に行かない方がいい笑 本当にしつこくて帰してくれなさそうだったから、最後は話をしながら店を出た。 追記 店員は4人いたが、よく見ると全員人相が悪い。「若い頃はやんちゃしてました顔」隠しきれてなくて残念でした。
How much will you sell? From the beginning, if the customer says the amount cheaply, he will probably forcibly try to proceed with that amount. Even if you say that you don't want to say it from here, you will be asked persistently, so it is better to check the market price in advance and pay a considerably higher amount. I mean, you should never go lol I was really persistent and didn't seem to return, so at the end I left the store talking. Postscript There were four clerk, but if you look closely, they all have a bad physiognomy. "I used to be a mess when I was young." I was disappointed that I couldn't hide it.
高嶋秀典 on Google

Thank you for valuing at the highest price than anywhere else! The correspondence was excellent and I was able to sell it comfortably.
マサヒコ on Google

説明も分かりやすく思った以上の価格で引き取ってもらえました。 店員さんも好印象でした。 また利用させていただきます。
The explanation was easy to understand and I received it at a price higher than I expected. The clerk was also impressed. I will be using this again.
m k on Google

I am always indebted to you here. You'll find a car you want to be friendly with, so I'm not thinking of buying a car anywhere else! You can also kindly buy a car! It's the best because you can find the car you want. I think it's a good idea to consult once when you buy when you sell.
啓輔大浦 on Google

価格の満足度は勿論、価格以外の、査定スピード、接客対応と、全面的に満足です。 またスタッフの方から、「次の車が来るまで、良ければ代車をお貸ししましょうか?」とお声掛け頂け、ここまで甘えさせて頂いて良いのかと感じてしまいました。 今後も長いお付き合いをさせて頂きたいです。
Not only the satisfaction of the price, but also the assessment speed and customer service other than the price, I am totally satisfied. In addition, the staff asked me, "Would you like to lend me a substitute car until the next car arrives?" I would like to continue to have a long relationship with you.
磯祐也 on Google

神野さんには、大変いつもお世話になりました。今後ともよろしくお願いします。 すごい親切な社員さんだと思います。
Thank you very much to Mr. Kamino. I look forward to working with you. I think he is a very kind employee.

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