Daienji Temple - Suginami City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Daienji Temple

住所 :

3 Chome-52-18 Izumi, Suginami City, Tokyo 168-0063, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 168-0063

3 Chome-52-18 Izumi, Suginami City, Tokyo 168-0063, Japan
Hisashi Otsuji on Google

この東京にあって、これほど心の落ち着くお寺が他にあるでしょうか? 家康がたてたお寺。保科、五井、島津家とご縁のあるお寺です。
Is there another temple in Tokyo that is so calm? A temple built by Ieyasu. It is a temple that is closely related to Hoshina, Goi, and Shimazu families.
Yoshihisa on Google

薩摩藩主 島津家の、江戸における菩提寺だったそうです。 ゆえに墓地には薩摩藩ゆかりの人物のお墓がたくさん建っています。 戊辰戦争での薩摩藩戦死者75名の名を刻んだ墓や、島津家寄進の宝筐印塔や六地蔵などもあります。 大きなお寺さんではありませんが、非常にきれいで次々に参拝者がやってきます。わりと珍しい、ショケラ持ち青面金剛の庚申塔もありました。
It is said that it was a temple of the Satsuma lord, the Shimazu family, in Edo. Therefore, there are many graves of people related to the Satsuma Domain in the graveyard. There is also a tomb carved with the names of the 75 dead of the Satsuma clan war in the Boshin War, the Takazu Kanto Tower donated by the Shimazu family, and Rokujizo. Although it is not a big temple, it is very beautiful and worshipers come one after another. There was also a rare Kosho tower with a cheerful face, Kongo.
榊原正和 on Google

The precincts are well-maintained, and you can feel the atmosphere of the four seasons in a clean atmosphere. Also, in the appearance behind the main hall, the scenery including the tombstone, which is now an unrelated Buddha, has a weight backed by history and is overwhelming.
Kenichi Sakai on Google

大圓寺は織田信長や豊臣秀吉の家臣であった坂井下総守成利の子・旗本坂井成政の一族の菩提寺でもあります。 坂井氏は尾張国の豪族として栄え、その宗家は尾張守護代の清州織田氏(織田大和守家)の執事として尾張小守護代を務める家系とされ、坂井摂津守、坂井大膳亮、坂井輿右衛門直政(丹羽長秀家老)らは同族と伝わります。 坂井成利の養子には、姉川の戦いで先陣の大将を務めた尾張楽田城主の坂井右近将監政尚、関白豊臣秀次の侍医で「太閤記」「信長記」の著者の小瀬甫庵がいます。 坂井政尚(前名は余語盛種、父は余語盛政)と佐々成政(父は佐々成宗、一時期母方の余語姓を名乗り余語盛政とも称していた)は兄弟とする説があり、佐々成政の孫・鷹司孝子(本理院)は将軍徳川家光(弟の保科正之の養父は信濃高遠藩主保科正光)の正室となるなど徳川家との関係も注目されます。 余談ですが、坂井政尚の子の坂井久蔵尚恒(織田信長の小姓、姉川の合戦で16歳で戦死)の叔父とされる余語正勝は、教科書などに掲載される「紙本著色織田信長像」(国の重要文化財)を長興寺(愛知県豊田市)に寄進しております。 坂井成政の子・成令(なりよし)は、江戸幕府御目付役、日光御目付役、船手頭などを歴任するなど幕府に重用されました。成令の妻は、五井松平家の松平外記忠實(官位は従五位下土佐守)の娘です。 幕末には、儒学者・林述斎(祖父は老中松平乗邑)の子で、将軍徳川家斉の側近・鳥居耀蔵忠輝の実弟の坂井右近将監政輝が坂井家の養子となり、火付盗賊改や先手弓頭、浦賀奉行(従五位下小笠原長常の後任)、御目付役、御鎗奉行、田安殿(田安徳川家)家老などを歴任しました。さらに政輝の養女とう(福田家出身)は、蝦夷地を「北海道」と名付けた探検家の松浦武四郎に嫁いでいます。日本南画協会の設立者の一人となる谷口藹山(あいざん)は、政輝の紹介で谷文晁の写山楼に入門し、松浦武四郎の「夕張日誌」に挿絵を提供しました。その坂井政輝が建立した墓碑が大圓寺に現存しており、大変興味深いです。
Daienji Temple is also a family temple of Hatamoto Sakai Shigemasa, a child of Sakai Shimosa Mamoru Shigetoshi, who was a vassal of Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Mr. Sakai prospered as a powerful family in Owari Province, and his sect was said to be a family member who served as Owari Komoridaikan as a deacon of Owari Shugodai Kiyoshu Oda (Oda Yamato Moriya), Sakai Settsumori, Sakai Daizen Ryo, Sakai Koemon. Naomasa (Niwa Nagahide) and others are said to be of the same family. Adopted children of Shigetoshi Sakai include Hoan Oze, a samurai doctor of Toyotomi Hidetsugu Sekishiro and the author of "Taikoki" and "Nobunagaki", and Masahisa Sakai, the lord of Owari Rakuda Castle who served as the leading general in the Battle of Anegawa. There is a theory that Masahisa Sakai (former name is Hoshina Masayuki, father is Sassa Narimasa) and Sassa Narimasa (father was Sassa Narimasa, and for a while his mother's surname was also called Hoshina Masayuki) are brothers. Takako Takako (Honriin), the grandson of Takatsukasa Takako, became the regular room of Shogun Iemitsu Tokugawa (the adoptive father of his younger brother, Masayuki Hoshina, was Masamitsu Hoshina, the lord of the Shinano Takato feudal clan). As an aside, Masahisa Sakai, the uncle of Sakai Masahisa's child, Sakai Masahisa (Oda Nobunaga's small surname, who died in the Battle of Anegawa at the age of 16), is published in textbooks, etc. (National important cultural property) is donated to Chokoji Temple (Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture). Narimasa Sakai's child, Nariyoshi, was heavily used by the shogunate, having served as the Edo Shogunate Metsuke, Nikko Metsuke, and the head of the ship. The wife of the decree is the daughter of Goi Matsudaira's Matsudaira Gaiki Tadashi (the official position is Jugoi Shimotosamori). At the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, Masateru Sakai, a son of the literary scholar Hayashi Shosai (whose grandfather was Matsudaira Norisato) and the younger brother of Shogun Tokugawa Ienari's aide, Tayasu Torii, was adopted by the Sakai family. He has served as a priest, Yuto, Uraga (successor to Nagatsune Ogasawara, who is in fifth place), Mitsume, Mitsuru, and Tayasu (Tayasu Tokugawa). In addition, Masateru's adopted daughter, Tou (from the Fukuda family), is married to Takeshiro Matsuura, an explorer who named Ezochi "Hokkaido." Aizan Taniguchi, one of the founders of the Japan Nanga Association, introduced Tani Buncho's Shazanro with the introduction of Masateru and provided illustrations for Takeshiro Matsuura's Yubari Diary. The tombstone erected by Masateru Sakai still exists at Daienji Temple, which is very interesting.
clementiaち on Google

薩摩藩にゆかりのあるお寺のようです。 外観を見ただけですが大変立派です。
It looks like a temple related to the Satsuma domain. I just saw the appearance, but it is very good.
金々江戸 on Google

From the beginning of the Edo period until the Meiji Restoration, the temples and temples of the Tokugawa family and Shimazu family have changed.
jaguar y1 on Google

I heard that there are many stone carving Nio statues in Kyushu, but was it a temple related to the Satsuma domain?
K N on Google

徳川家や島津家にゆかりがあり、五井松平家や保科家といった大名家や戊辰戦争の戦死者、西郷家のお墓がありなかなか興味深いお寺です。 地元のお寺だけど注意してみるとなかなか興味深いので近所の人は一度お散歩がてら訪れてみることをおすすめします。
It is a very interesting temple with a connection to the Tokugawa family and the Shimazu family, and the graves of the Daimyo family such as the Goi Matsudaira family and the Hoshina family, the war dead of the Boshin War, and the Saigo family. It's a local temple, but it's quite interesting to pay attention to it, so it is recommended that neighbors visit once after a walk.

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