車検サービス奈良 - Daianji

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 車検サービス奈良

住所 :

Daianji, 〒630-8133 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 630-8133
Webサイト : https://syakenservicenara.com/
街 : Nara

Daianji, 〒630-8133 Nara,Japan
Masa S. on Google

今回、初めて車検で利用させて頂きました。親切丁寧な社長さんで安心して預けることができました。 料金もいままでになく安くして頂きました。 また、次回も利用させて頂きたいと思います。
This time, I used it for the first time in a car inspection. The kind and polite president was able to leave it with confidence. The price is also cheaper than ever. Also, I would like to use it again next time.
BLUE HERB on Google

急な車検依頼にも親切に対応して頂きました。 クチコミを見て初めてお願いしましたが、他の方のクチコミ通りで、安心してお任せ出来ると思います。
We kindly responded to sudden vehicle inspection requests. I asked for it for the first time after seeing the word-of-mouth communication, but I think that I can leave it to you with confidence as the word-of-mouth communication of other people.
S I on Google

I asked for a car inspection after seeing the word of mouth. I was saved because he immediately came to my house for a free quote. The explanation was polite, clear, and I was able to request it with confidence. They also provide services such as oil change and wiper change, and the price is as estimated and I am very satisfied. It is said that maintenance other than vehicle inspection is also done, so I will use it again.
甘酒 on Google

クチコミと知り合いの紹介で車検をお願いしました。 噂通りの良いおっちゃんでした笑 車検当日にこちらのゴタゴタで社長さんにご迷惑おかけした時も、自分の事のように謝っていただき社長さんの性格の良さが滲み出ていました。 料金の説明もわかりやすく、曖昧な説明じゃない所に好感が持てました。車検以外にも板金・一般修理の方も丁寧に話を聞いてくれます。その上でお客さんが安い所を求めるのなら違う店を紹介してくれます。あくまで自分の店を推してきません。 「車検サービス奈良」は次もまた利用したい数少ないお店です。次もまた…。
I asked for a car inspection with the introduction of word-of-mouth communication and acquaintances. It was a good old man as rumored lol Even when I caused trouble to the president on the day of the vehicle inspection, I was asked to apologize as if I were myself, and the goodness of the president's personality was exuding. The explanation of the price was easy to understand, and I liked the fact that it was not an ambiguous explanation. In addition to vehicle inspections, sheet metal and general repairers will also listen carefully. On top of that, if the customer wants a cheap place, they will introduce you to a different store. I will not recommend my store to the last. "Car inspection service Nara" is one of the few shops that I would like to use again next time. Next time ...
松葉幸三 on Google

Every time I had a car inspection, I took it in various places in Nara city-I tell my acquaintances. Thanks to the gorillas! ️
池田祥子 on Google

Thank you for your help during the vehicle inspection. The service was such as oil change, wiper rubber change, and key battery change, and even the tire rotation was done, and the price was surprisingly low. I am impressed by the sincere response of the president. I would like to ask you again next time. Thank you very much.
鬼典 on Google

新車の購入でお世話になりました。 ディーラーで貰った見積りより更に安く購入させて頂きました。ディーラー見積りの半値以下でカーナビ等付けて頂きありがとうございました。通勤にドライブに大満足しております。周りに新車の購入を考えてる人がいればゴリさんを勧めたいと思います。 また、車検、カスタムの際は宜しくお願いします!
Thank you for purchasing a new car. I bought it even cheaper than the quote I got from the dealer. Thank you for attaching a car navigation system, etc. at less than half the price quoted by the dealer. I am very happy with the drive for commuting. If anyone around me is thinking about buying a new car, I would recommend Gori-san. Also, thank you for your car inspection and customizing!
Chui John on Google

たまたまgoogle mapでオススメ奈良車検で検索すると車検サービス奈良を発見しました。クチコミを見て、とりあえず見積もりを依頼しました。そして、金額がビックリするくらい安かったです。 ちなみに自分の車は7人のワゴン車で、バッテリー交換、ブレーキオイル交換、オイルとフィルター交換、ワイパーゴム3本交換、タイヤローテーションとリモコンの電池交換、それでも10万もしないで車検できました。また、他のクチコミも言った通り社長さんがホンマにいい人です。部品を無駄交換しないですし、いろんなサービスをしていただきました。 私が一番感心した事は見積もり書と整備診断書を社長が全部手書きしてくれた事です。今の時代、基本どこでもパソコンで見積もりや書類作成をするので、真摯で丁寧に対応してもらっていると感じました。 2年後の車検またお願いすると思います。この度お世話になりました。
I happened to find a car inspection service Nara when I searched for recommended Nara car inspection on google map. After seeing the word-of-mouth, I requested a quote for the time being. And the amount was surprisingly cheap. By the way, my car was a 7-person wagon car, and I was able to inspect the car without battery replacement, brake oil replacement, oil and filter replacement, 3 wiper rubber replacements, tire rotation and remote control battery replacements, but still less than 100,000. Also, as I said in other reviews, the president is a good person for Honma. We did not wastefully replace parts and provided various services. What impressed me most was that the president handwritten all the quotes and maintenance medical certificates. In this era, I basically use a personal computer to make quotations and documents everywhere, so I felt that they were sincere and polite. I would like to ask for a car inspection two years later. Thank you for your support.

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