Dai-ichi Life Insurance Head Office - Chiyoda City

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Contact Dai-ichi Life Insurance Head Office

住所 :

1 Chome-13-1 Yurakucho, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 100-0006, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 100-0006
Webサイト : http://www.dai-ichi-life.co.jp/company/info/outline/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM

1 Chome-13-1 Yurakucho, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 100-0006, Japan
荻沼恵 on Google

I went to the cafe on the first floor. Nice feeling. Opening hours are not available due to short business hours.
Okiraku on Google

A historic building. There is MacArthur's office
T K on Google

第二次大戦後、第一生命の旧社屋をGHQが接収し、その本部として利用していましたね。ですのでその間は、第一生命の社員はアサヒビールから提供された建物で業務を続けたそうです。そのため、第一生命の社員はビールというとアサヒ!を選ぶそうですよ。 少し前に相互会社から株式会社へと転換し、様々な意思決定を機動的に実行できるような組織へと生まれ変わりました。2010年代にはその機動性を遺憾なく発揮し、米国のプロテクティブという中堅の保険会社を役5000億円で買収しました。この会社は、保険会社の買収とその後の統合作業に強みを持つ会社で、他社を買収しその保険料収入を得ていくという方法で拡大してきました。第一生命が買収したことにより、この会社は第一の資本力を得て、さらに上場廃止になったことで四半期ごとの株式市場からのプレッシャーから解放されたわけで、第一生命のマイクロマネジメントを除けば、いまは比較的伸び伸びと事業に取り組んでいるそうです。
After World War II, GHQ requisitioned the old building of Dai-ichi Life and used it as its headquarters. So, during that time, Dai-ichi Life employees continued to work in the building provided by Asahi Breweries. Therefore, Dai-ichi Life employees are Asahi when it comes to beer! It seems to choose. Not long ago, it was transformed from a mutual company to a joint-stock company, and was reborn as an organization that can flexibly execute various decisions. In the 2010s, it fully demonstrated its mobility and acquired a medium-sized insurance company called Protective in the United States for 500 billion yen. This company has strengths in the acquisition of insurance companies and subsequent integration work, and has expanded by acquiring other companies and earning their premium income. With the acquisition of Dai-ichi Life, the company gained first capital and was delisted, relieving the pressure from the quarterly stock market, and Dai-ichi Life's micromanagement. Except for that, he seems to be working on business relatively slowly now.
大越雄彌 on Google

太平洋戦争中は陸軍により東部軍管区司令部が置かれ、屋上に高射砲陣地が設置された。 終戦後は占領軍に接収され、1952年(昭和27年)7月に返還されるまで連合国最高司令官総司令部として使用されていた。 当初は現在の横浜税関に置かれたが、後に皇居と東京駅に挟まれた丸の内地区一帯のオフィスビルはその多くが駐留する連合国軍によって接収され、このうち総司令部本部は第一生命館に置かれた。マッカーサー用の机は石坂泰三のものをそのまま使用した。 第一生命保険側は占領下では第一生命館の接収が免れ得ない事を承知しており、当時では最新のオフィスビルであった当館を司令部として使う優位性を説明し採用されたものである。これは、司令部として使われるのであれば丁寧に使用され将来の接収解除後は問題なく使用できるであろうことを期待した措置であり、結果としてその目論見は奏功した。
During the Pacific War, the Army established the Eastern Military District HQ and an artillery station on the roof. After the war, it was confiscated by the occupying forces and used as the headquarters of the Allied Supreme Command until it was returned in July 1952. Initially located at the present Yokohama Customs, office buildings in the Marunouchi area, which were later sandwiched between the Imperial Palace and Tokyo Station, were requisitioned by the Allied Forces, many of which are stationed. Was placed in The MacArthur desk used was Taizo Ishizaka. Dai-ichi Life Insurance knows that under the occupation, it cannot be ruled out that Dai-ichi Life Hall will not be seized, and it was adopted to explain the superiority of using this building, which was the latest office building at that time, as its headquarters. It is. This measure was expected to be used carefully if it was used as a command center, and that it could be used without any problems after the release of requisition in the future, and as a result, the prospect was successful.
堂本光一 on Google

Six years ago, I deposited 1 million yen with Dai-ichi Life. I was told that the interest rate was good, and I needed money this year, so I contacted Mr. Suzuki, who is in charge of Tokyo complaints, and said that this person should also earn 40,000 yen, which is awkward interest. Only 10,000 returned. I will sue the person in charge at that time in Nakatsu City, Oita Prefecture, who lied when I got interest.
Mario M. on Google

日比谷第一生命ビル 日本の近代史には、紹介しない訳の行かないビルです。 その時代の建築技術粋を、結集し重厚で素晴らしい建築物として、姿は 現在もとどめています。 噂では、第二次大戦後、GHQの司令部が、有ったとの、ビルだとも聞いているビルです。 それは、本当なのでしょうか❗ ビルの前側の低い部分が、オリジナルで、後ろのビルは、新築のビルの様に感じますよね。 大手の企業の伝統と余裕とプライドの歴史の保存と言う事でしょうか。 その人物は、アメリカ陸軍元帥ダグラス・マッカーサーです。 この方の、偉大さを、感じるのは、「戦後,厚木基地へのコーンパイプ姿での上陸」「マッカーサー道路の建設」「昭和天皇アメリカ大使館訪問」と言う事が、記憶に有りますね。写真、フィルムでしか、見ていませんが、強烈に、印象付けられ方のですね‼️ 先人の方のお話では、日本人は、マッカーサーに、「日本人魂」を 引き抜かれた。とも、お聞きしています。 アメリカ大使館前から新橋に、新しく開通した、「マッカーサー道路」は、この方の名前です。 戦後計画されてから永い年月を、費やし開通しましたが、交通量の緩和としての価値は、目的は、何か他に有ったののでは、如何でしょうか❗ 戦後の計画が、何故、現在になって施工されたのでしょうか不思議ですよね❗ 私の友人も、道路着工前に移転をしました。 その、道路建設で、新しいビルが建設されて、ニュービル街が、誕生しました。✌️ その時代と現代の建設技術の差が、ビルの高さでは、現代だと思いますが、重厚性と美術的には、前建築美は、昔の建物ですね?
Hibiya Dai-ichi Life Building It is a building that cannot be introduced in the modern history of Japan. The appearance of the building as a profound and wonderful building that brings together the best of the building technology of that era I am currently stopping. Rumor has it that after World War II, there was a GHQ headquarters, which is also a building. Is that true? ❗ The lower part on the front side of the building is original, and the building behind it feels like a new building. Is it a preservation of the tradition, margin and history of pride of major companies? That person is US Army General Douglas MacArthur. I remember the greatness of this person, "after the war, landing in a corn pipe at Atsugi base," "construction of MacArthur road," and "visiting the US Embassy in Showa." I've only seen it on photos and films, but it's a way of making a strong impression! ️ According to the story of the ancestors, the Japanese gave MacArthur a "Japanese soul." It was pulled out. I'm listening. The newly opened "MacArthur Road" from the front of the US Embassy to Shimbashi is his name. It has been a long time since it was planned after the war, but it has been opened for a long time, but what is the value of easing traffic volume for some other purpose? ❗ I wonder why the post-war plan was constructed now ❗ My friend also relocated before the road started. With the road construction, a new building was built and a new building town was born. ✌️ I think that the difference between that era and modern construction technology is modern in terms of the height of the building, but in terms of profoundness and art, the pre-architectural beauty is an old building ?
NAM HOÀNG on Google

From VietNamese
Emilia Taylor on Google

I losted my money in this insurance about 154000 Yen.I was policyholders in Dai Ichi Life here in Jakarta Indonesia for about 8 years when I cancelled my policy insurances. They didn't give back my money they said only can give 7700 Yen. Where my money so they couldn't back my money. I want this company here in Japan or The Dai Ichi Life Japan give back my money because I had canceled my policy holder. Or I take this issue to Police Office or Office Law?

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