Cycle Monster Ichinomiya Bisai - Ichinomiya

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cycle Monster Ichinomiya Bisai

住所 :

Niinishi-43-1 Konobunakashima, Ichinomiya, Aichi 494-0007, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 494-0007
Webサイト :

Niinishi-43-1 Konobunakashima, Ichinomiya, Aichi 494-0007, Japan
宮島貴子 on Google

ここの店員さんは接客対応が非常に悪いです。 先日ブレーキの調子が悪くて修理に来たんですが店員さん2人共お客さん対応中だったので待ってました。一人終わって次は自分の番かと思ったら後から来たお客さんを先に対応してました。もう一人の店員にその事を指摘すると「もうちょっとお待ちください、すいませ~ん」と言われました。仕方がないので終わるのを待ってました。そしたら一人終わってやっと自分の番がきたと思ったらまた後からきたお客さんを先に対応してたもんで一言、「私は先に来て順番待ってるのにココは買う人が優先なの?」と聞くと「そうですね~、修理は後回しになります」なんていわれました。なんて非常識なと思いました。 この店は来店したお客さんの順番なんか関係ないみたいで修理に来たお客さんよりも 新規購入するお客さんが優先らしいです。 私は2年前にココで自転車を購入した時にモンスターメイト(パンク修理が無料、その他の修理が1~2割引き)というのを店員さんにすすめられて1500円払って6年保証付けました。購入して初めて修理の依頼で来店したのにこんなヒドイ対応されて大変頭にきました。 1500円返してほしいです!!
The store clerk here has a very poor customer service. The other day I went to repair because the brakes were not in good condition, but I waited because the two shop assistants were working with customers. When I was alone and the next time I thought it was my turn, I responded to customers who came later. When I pointed out that to another store clerk, I was told, "Please wait a moment, sorry." I couldn't help waiting for it to end. Then, when I thought I was finally finished after I was alone, I responded to the customer who came later again, saying, `` I'm waiting for the turn first, but the person who buys here is a priority. When asked, “Yes, I will postpone repairing.” I thought it was insane. This store seems to have nothing to do with the order of the customers who came to the store. It seems that customers who make new purchases have priority. When I bought a bicycle here two years ago, I was advised by a store clerk that I was a monster mate (free puncture repair and 1 to 2 discounts on other repairs), and I paid 1500 yen to guarantee it for 6 years. I came to the store for a repair request for the first time after purchasing it, but I was very amazed to cope with such hides. I want you to return 1500 yen! !
narihiku mouri on Google

整備は、しっかりやってくれる。 しかし、増税前に子供の自転車を購入したが、購入した次の週に自転車を引取に行ったら、増税前セールを行っていた。 悪意を感じるサービス精神でした。
Maintenance is done well. However, he bought a child's bicycle before the tax increase, but if he went to pick up the bicycle the next week after the purchase, he had a pre-tax sale. It was a service spirit that felt malicious.
安藤勝久 on Google

I went to buy a non-electric assisted bicycle. This is probably the only place in Aichi Prefecture. The clerk is very kind.
花柳まさる on Google

The tension of the shop changes depending on the purchase price w
M A O on Google

There is a battery-free assisted bicycle "Free Power" that is hard to find in Aichi Prefecture! My current bicycle is a full cover type and I can't add free power to it. It took about 10 minutes to check and pay for a new bicycle, so I felt it very quickly! Recommended for looking for a bicycle for high school life!
高橋大介 on Google

【店員】 気のいい60代と思しき男性が接客。 端的に的確に説明してくれて満足。 ただ、商品知識に不足を感じた。 自分のところで扱いのない商品も知識として持って欲しい。 【品揃え】 よほど趣味に寄った自転車以外は凡そ揃っている雰囲気。店舗規模による強み。
【Clerk】 A man who seems to be in his 60s is serving customers. Satisfied with the simple and accurate explanation. However, I felt a lack of product knowledge. I want you to have knowledge about products that you do not handle. [Assortment] The atmosphere is almost complete except for bicycles, which are very hobbyists. Strengths due to store size.
ESQUIRE on Google

I went to the store because I didn't need training wheels for my child's bicycle and needed a stand instead. We asked them to make appropriate suggestions, and to install something that was suitable for their child's usability and bicycle. Working time is about 3 minutes. I got a quick response.
中村由美子 on Google

ここで自転車を3台購入して、今まではパンクの修理などは店舗に持っていっていました。 待たされはしましたがきちんと直してはくれました。 今回初めてパンクの出張修理を頼みました。その日は忙しいらしく期日は明日以降となりました。「?」とは思いましたが、使う娘が大丈夫と言ったので頼みました。 来て早々に「タイヤがツルツル、チューブを見てダメなら交換します」と言われました。私たちが修理の時にいないのでやったもん勝ちですよね。 高額をとられると嫌なので「タイヤ交換お願いします」と頼みました。 メイト会員なのでそんなにかからないと思っていたらレシートに修理・配達代金¥1200パーツ¥1980修理・配達代金¥2000となっていました。 最悪往復の配達代金は納得できますが、金額が違うのは意味が分かりません。 説明もなかったし。 なんかお店選びめっちゃ失敗しました。 今度はパンクしてもお金かかっても近くの他店で修理してもらいます。 二度と購入も修理もいきません。
I bought three bicycles here and used to bring puncture repairs to the store. I had to wait, but he fixed it properly. For the first time, I asked for a flat tire on-site repair. The day seems to be busy and the deadline is after tomorrow. I thought "?", But I asked because my daughter said it was okay. As soon as I came, I was told, "If the tires are slippery and you can't see the tube, I'll replace it." It's a win because we weren't there at the time of repair. I don't want to get a high price, so I asked, "Please change the tires." Since I am a mate member, I thought it wouldn't cost so much, but the repair / delivery price was ¥ 1200 for parts ¥ 1980 and the repair / delivery price was ¥ 2000. I am satisfied with the worst round-trip delivery price, but it does not make sense that the amount is different. There was no explanation. I failed to choose a store. This time, even if you get a flat tire or it costs money, have it repaired at another store nearby. I will never buy or repair it again.

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